American Data Group
Human Resources System
File Maintenance
1. Employee Master
Payment History, Leave Time History, Time Card History, and Leave Time Request inquiries are all located within one tab.
Dependents, Emergency Contacts, and Beneficiaries combined to one record within Personnel.
Not limited to 10 dependents, contacts of
Leave Time Benefits no longer limited to 10 options
On Add Employee, may use position control number or applicant tracking id to default employee information.
Track Group/Grade/Step for wage budgeting
Full-Time/Part-Time status and FTE.
EEOC information
User Defined Information – create as many fields of data you would like to track about your employees. A field of data may allow free form input (ex. College attended), or be required to select from a list of valid options (ex. BS, Masters, PHD). The value entered may be characters, dates, or numerical. These fields are reportable in the Payroll Report Writer.
New Pay Position Master. Tracks the employee values as a change is made to department, position#, annual wage, employee status, hire date, benefit date, termination date, group, grade or step.Payment History, Leave Time History, Time Card History, and Leave Time Request inquiries are all located within one tab.
Training – setup training classes and identify who is required and by when, who has attended and their hours, certification and expiration dates, and notes regarding attendance.
Vaccine/Tests/Review – allows you to track employees exposed to diseases, vaccines and tests administered, and follow-up review notes.
Accident Tracking. Maintain accident information including witnesses, medical treatment, work and supervisor information, workers comp claim#, and unlimited notes with follow-up review dates and costs. Witnesses and Supervisor notes are a notes classification.
Personnel Action Requests – allows departments to create requests and have them approved. The request form is defined by each customer as to which fields within the employee database are allowed to be updated in the PAR system. When the request is completed, the information may be automatically updated to the employee's record. A web interface is available for Personnel Action Requests. A PAR type may have an overriding approval group used to skip the normal approvals for the employee's department.
Applicant Tracking – Create applicant information including references and background check information. Assign job skills to applicants. Track the applicants through the schedule of tasks based on positions applied for. Print letters to applicants. Create unlimited notes regarding the applicant. Position Report to list status of applicants and their overall rating. Search the applicant database to match skills needed for a job posting.
Position Control - Create job codes which include a title, pay group and grade, workers comp code, and EEOC information. Create positions, where you can assign a job code to an employee. The position master also tracks the supervisor's position number, department, location, FTE, effective date, and position status. Position status may be active, requested, or terminated. Multiple reports are available to review staffing status and future requirements. A report also validates position control information with the assigned employee's information.
Open Enrollment – Design employee benefit plans. A benefit plan allows for a maximum employer contribution amount and selection of benefits available to plan participants. Benefits may included health, dental, vision, insurances, deferred comp or other employee deductions. Beenfits may have both an employee and employer contribution amounts. The plan options selected by the employee may be printed and then signed. All completed/signed enrollments can automatically update emploee recuring information. Reports include Enrollment Status, Insurability Status, and Vendor Enrollment Listings. ASCII files may also be created for vendors reflecting enrollment information. A web interface is available for this feature.
Employee Earnings History – For an employee and a payment date range, a report is generated for each payment received and then totaled by transaction type code for hours and amounts.
Salary/Benefits Statement – allows you to select wages, employer-paid-benefits, and leave benefits accrued to be printed in a letter to each employee noting their value to your organization and a summary of the benefits received for their service.
90 Day Review – tests against any selected date field to notify if the date is past due or due within the next 30, 60, or 90 days. Used for tracking receipt of annual reviews or certifications/licenses that may be expiring.
Termination Status – analyzes terminations from the last 5 years and summarizes the reasons.
Multiple Leave Benefits history/status reports.
FMLA Status Reportable
Age Banding Report for insurance quotes
Years of Service Report
Rate Change Report – searches history for a date range to report changes in a rate or amount. (ex. Hourly rate changes, salary, deduction or benefit amounts).
Other misc. reports.
American Data Group Inc.1Software Above the Rest