An assessment of receptive and expressive language skills was conducted. The following is a summary of the test results.
The Language Processing Test- Revised measures a student’s ability to attach meaning to auditory stimuli. It begins with a simple task and progressively increases the demand placed upon the student’s language processing system. This hierarchical approach insures prerequisite skills for increased processing demand.
Associations / Percentile: / Standard Score:This subtest requires the student to generate a related word for a stimulus item. Students who struggle with associative linkage may perform poorly on reading readiness activities, sound-symbol associations, and supplying correct answers in a classroom.
Categorization / Percentile: / Standard Score:This subtest requires the student to listen to a stimulus item, recognize shared characteristics, and retrieve three nouns within a specific group. This is a critical skill for cognitive tasks. As language expands, the student must be able to identify common characteristics to facilitate efficient storage and retrieval. Students with problems in categorization may demonstrate limited vocabulary, faulty word retrieval, and seemingly poor memory. Deficits may impact the ability to organize language information and develop conceptual knowledge.
Similarities / Percentile: / Standard Score:This subtest requires the student to compare two items and determine common traits. Difficulties in this area may result in expressive language being disorganized, inefficient, redundant, and imprecise.
Differences / Percentile: / Standard Score:This subtest requires the student to contrast two items and determine unique traits. Difficulties in this area may become apparent when a student is attempting to distinguish between features of specific items. The impact of deficits in the areas of SIMILARITIES and/or DIFFERENCES may be apparent when the student is using language to define terms, draw conclusions, compare and contrast in discussion, problem solve, and make verbal explanations. Competency in these areas is critical to academic success.
Multiple Meanings / Percentile: / Standard Score:This subtest looks at the ability of a student to explain multiple meanings of a word in different contexts. This ability depends on the student’s use of synonyms and definitions. The appropriate meaning is determined from the context in which the word is used. Difficulty with this area may result in misinterpretations of the student’s language because the student does not use precise or appropriate definitions.
Attributes / Percentile: / Standard Score:This subtest incorporates the abilities already discussed. The student must be able to spontaneously generate verbal descriptions incorporating prior levels of language organization. Verbal language that is very limited in scope is indicative of problems in this area. Students who are unable to embellish or freely describe items without multiple stimulus questions may not be successful at this level of processing.
Receptive Language / Percentile: / Standard Score:Expressive Language / Percentile: / Standard Score:
Total Score: / Percentile: / Standard Score: / Age Equivalent:
SLP11 (1/08)