Dear Right-J Mobile Customer:
We have expanded the capabilities of Right-J Mobile (RJM) considerably. In addition to adding the ability to set window sizes and shading individually, we’ve expanded the range of building surface materials, increased the selection of reports, and added a number of other Manual J Eight features.
It’s important to note that these added abilities really just expose the defaulted Manual J Eight values that were used in the original calculation. Now you will be able to edit those defaults and to set them to fit different situations.
This new version of RJM will become operational Tuesday, February 10, 2010. The only changes you’ll notice are some minor changes in each of the four screens:
- In the Footprint screen you’ll see a new icon at the bottom of the screen and some important additions on the rear of the Footprint screen. On the front, you can toggle between editing the footprint and editing the glazing. In the edit glazing mode, you’ll be able to click or touch a window and a slide in screen will give you lots of detail you can change.
- The principal change in the Detail screen is that several input items now have a ‘>’ (arrow) on the far right of an input. If you click or touch the arrow, it will cause a slide-in screen to appear and you can enter more detail about the item. These arrows have been added to the rear as well as the front.
- The front of the Loads screen now has an indicator at the top middle. The indicator is either green, yellow, or red. If you click or touch the indicator, a slide in screen will explain any status. The rear of the Loads screen now displays the Manual J Eight AED graph.
All of your existing projects are upward compatible. This means that, if you open a file you previously saved with the original RJM, it will still give the same answer (except duct loads[*]), and now you can modify that file to change any of the newly exposed defaults. Of course, if you change the newly exposed defaults, you should expect the answer to change.
Following are screen shots to help explain the changes, and to show you what the new capabilities are. Note that the latent gains don't match in these example screens. This is due to default duct latent gains in version 1. In version 2, the actual latent duct gain is calculated from the inputs in the duct load detail screen.
Version 1 / Version 2Footprint Front
Footprint back
Details front
Details back
Loads front
Loads back
Here is a summary of the changes that we have made:
- All Manual J Eighth Edition constructions are available including basements
- Windows can either be automatic or each window on each wall can have separate characteristics - construction, orientation, area, shading, etc. - or even removed from the wall
- All Manual J Eighth Edition Simplified Infiltration Method options are available
- Indoor design conditions can be overridden
- Blower heat, winter humidification, and atmospheric combustion are available
- Outdoor air, heat recovery ventilator, and ventilating dehumidifier ventilation are available
- Ventilation CFM can be overridden
- All Manual J Eighth Edition duct load specifications are available
- All Manual J Eighth Edition internal loads are available
- Manual J Eighth Edition AED assessment graph is available
- More reports are available: Footprint drawing, Building analysis, Loads worksheet, Component constructions, AED assessment
- NFRC rated windows are available
- Status 'green light' indicator and notifications are available
We’re very pleased to provide you with these changes as part of your annual subscription, and at no additional cost. We appreciate your feedback, and look forward to hearing from you.
[*] RJM V1 has duct loss/gain percentages as inputs. In RJM V2 these fields are outputs - they are calculated by RJM based on several parameters in the duct loss details screen.