IPMS: Industrial Building Consultation Document – Response Form




In preparing your response please note the following

Some of the definitions in the Standard may not seem relevant in IPMS Industrial Buildings. We are working towarda single set of definitions to cover all asset classes.

Some of the Definitions have been fine-tuned from those contained IPMS Office Buildings.After we have completed the Residential, Industrial and Retail Asset classes we will correct any anomalies in issued Standards. As an example of the fine tuning, we have adopted a clearer approach to defining Internal Dominant Face. We have not however changed the concept of Internal Dominant Face merely improved the approach to defining the concept having regard to the feedback we have received.

All consultation responses will be published on the IPMSC website ( in a document titled ‘IPMS: Industrial Buildings Consultation Feedback.’ Please enter your name as anonymous, if you do not wish for your name to be entered in the consultation feedback document.

Q1. Please state whether, in your opinion, IPMS: Industrial Buildings is clear and unambiguous. In particular are there any matters that need clarification or more detail? Please ensure you consider the diagrams in forming your response.

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Q2. Which of the standards IPMS 1, IPMS 2 Industrial and IPMS 3A Industrial and 3B Industrial would be relevant to your markets?

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Q3. Within your industrial market is there other measurement issues that the IPMS Industrial Standard has not mentioned or clarified that you believe should be part of the IPMS Industrial Standard?

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Q4. Are the reasons for the Service Provider stating the tolerance clear?

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Q5. Are all other diagrams clear in demonstrating the concepts to which they apply?

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Q6. Are the Component Areas sufficient for industrial buildings?

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Q7. IPMS Industrial Buildings differentiates between Component Area B2 – Internal Structural Elements and Component Area B3 Internal Non-Structural Elements. Is this differentiation helpful?

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Q8. Is there sufficient information to allow you, when dual reporting, to explain a reconciliation between IPMS and another standard? If not, please state what, if any, supplementary guidance would assist your organisation or membership in adopting IPMS: Industrial Buildings?

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Q9. Any Other Comments?

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Please add further comments to the appropriate section below

Page 5. Introduction

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Page 9. 1.1 Definitions

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Page11. 1.2 Aim of the Standards

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Page 12. 1.3 Use of the Standards

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Page 12. 1.4Floor Level Designation

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Page13. 2.1 General Principles of Measurement and Calculation

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Page13. 2.2.1 General

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Page13. 2.2.2Unit of Measurement

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Page13. 2.2.3 Tolerance

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Page14. 2.2.4 Measurement Reporting

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Page14. 2.3Limited Use Areas

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Page15. 2.4 Adjustment between IPMS and other standards

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Page16. Part 3.1 IPMS 1 (External)

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Page16. 3.1.1 – IPMS 1 Use

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Page 16. 3.1.2 – IPMS 1 Definition

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Page17. 3.2.1 – IPMS 2 – Industrial (External), Use

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Page 17. 3.2.2 – IPMS 2 – Industrial (External), Definition

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Page18. 3.3.1 – IPMS 3 – Industrial (Occupier), Use

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Page18. 3.3.2– IPMS 3 – Industrial (Occupier), Definition

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Page 18. 3.3.3– IPMS 3A - Industrial

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Page 18. 3.3.4– IPMS 3B - Industrial

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Page 20. 4.1 – IPMS Industrial Component Areas

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Page 21. Diagram 1:IPMS – Industrial Buildings – Cross Section

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Page 22. Diagram 2:IPMS – Industrial Buildings Ground Floor (Level 0) – Component Areas

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Page 23. Diagram 3:IPMS – Industrial Buildings Ground Floor (Level 1) – Component Areas

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Page 24. Sample Spreadsheet for Component Areas

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Page 26. 4.3 Internal Dominant Face

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Page 27. Diagram 4:Internal Dominant Face

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Page 28. 5.1 – IPMS 1 (External)

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Page 28. Diagram 5: IPMS 1 –Industrial – Cross Section

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Page 29. Diagram 6: IPMS 1 - Industrial Ground Floor (Level 0)

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Page 30. Diagram 7: IPMS 1 - Industrial First Floor (Level 1)

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Page 31. 5.2 – IPMS 2 (Internal)

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Page 31. Diagram 8: IPMS 2 –Industrial – Cross Section

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Page 32. Diagram 9: IPMS 2 - Industrial Ground Floor (Level 0)

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Page 33. Diagram 10: IPMS 2 - Industrial Upper Floor (Level 1)

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Page 34. 5.3.1: IPMS 3A - industrial

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Page 34. Diagram 11: IPMS 3A –Industrial Ground Floor (Level 0)

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Page 35. Diagram 12: IPMS 3A – Industrial First Floor (Level 1)

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Page 36. IPMS 3B - Industrial

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Page 36. Diagram 13: IPMS 3B - Industrial Ground Floor (Level 0)

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Page 37. Diagram 14: IPMS 3B - Industrial First Floor (Level 1)

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