District 6270

Global Grant Review Procedure

Getting Started

a. Preliminary Project Info sheet can be found on District 6270 website, in the “Site Pages” section, listed under “Grants - Rotary”.

b. Global Grant Preliminary Project Info Sheet: should beelectronically submitted by the sponsoring club to the Global Grant Subcommittee chair (GGSC) for distribution to the Global Grant Subcommittee for review.

  • The Info sheet is forwarded by e-mail to the GGSC members for review. Comments and questions are returned to the GGSC chair within a set deadline (10 days)
  • Comments, suggestions or questions are forwarded to the sponsoring club by the GGSC.

c. District Designated Funds (DDF) allocations are reviewed and amount approved by the District Executive committee at the first committee meeting of the new Rotary year or by e-mail.

d. The Rotary FoundationGlobal Grant application iscompleted by applicant (sponsoring club) on-line and saved, a grant number will be assigned by RI (the grant application can be completed earlier but will not be approved by the District Foundation Chair (DRFC) or the District Governor (DG) until the GGS has reviewed and authorized the on-line preparation of the application .)

e.The Rotary Foundation will request approval of the amount of DDF by the DRFC and DG.

f. The Rotary Foundation will also request approval of the application by the DRFC and DG.

Global Grants Funding

a. Global Grants are funded by Rotary Foundation (TRF) from the World Fund, sponsoring Clubs and District Designated Funds. Awards range from a minimum of $ 15,000.00 to $ 200,000.00. Minimum budget per project is $ 30,000.00

b. The Rotary Foundation matches District Designated Fund (DDF) contributions at 100%.

c. The Rotary Foundation matches cash at 50% (contributions from the sponsoring club (international sponsors) including money from international partner (s) and/or cooperating organizations

d. International sponsors are required to provide at least 30% of the total sponsor funding

e. DDF will be awarded up to 1/3 of the total budget with a maximum of $ 15.000.00 per project, which is determined prior to the start of each Rotary year.


Project with $ 40,000 budget

International Sponsor contribution – $ 6,667

DDF (if requested) – 1/3 0f budget$ 13,333

RI match of cash (50%) –$ 6,667

RI match of DDF (100%) –$ 13,333

RI service fee on cash contributions (5%)$ 2,000International sponsor (club)


Total $ 40.800

May 27th 2017