Presbytery of Philadelphia C-4
January 26, 2010
We take a moment to welcome new members into the Presbytery and to say good-bye to valued colleagues who are moving on.
Motion: To approve the revised Sexual Ethics Training program (See 2nd reading, amended text, pages C-7 and C-8).
Actions reported from the December 3, 2009 meeting:
1. Interviewed the Rev. Dr. Curtis A. Jones and approved his reception into the membership of the presbytery upon transfer from the Presbytery of Newark that he might serve as Temporary Supply Pastor of the Calvin Church with the following contract terms: 20 hours/week for a period of six months, beginning December 1, 2009, $11,277.25 salary; $1,474.15 SECA; $8,182.44 pension; $1,000 study leave; $330.60 dental; total $14,502. Dr. Jones will serve as Moderator of Session.
2. Approved the ordination plans for Candidate Margaret Anne Clarke, at the Ardmore church on Sunday, January 3, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. with the Administrative Commission as follows: The Rev. Stuart Spencer, Convener; Ministers of this Presbytery: Rev. James M. Hodsden (Ardmore); Rev. Dr. Suzan Hawkinson (Wallingford); Elders of this Presbytery: Elder Rebecca Greenhow (Wayne); Elder Priscilla King, CLP (Lombard Central); Elder Jody Brumback (Ardmore).
3. Approved the request of the Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill to close the Associate Pastor for Youth and Families position effective August 9, 2009.
4. Approved the renewal of the Interim Pastor contract between the session of the Llanerch church and the Rev. Ms. Jeanne Thomas. This agreement is for a period of twelve months, effective December 1, 2009; The Interim Pastor is employed on a full time basis, serving approximately 55 hours per week with the following terms: $40,000 salary; $15,200 housing ($55,200 effective salary); $4,223 SECA; $17,388 full pension and medical; $2,500 professional expenses; study leave of $1,000 and two weeks; vacation of one month including six Sundays per year. Rev. Thomas will serve as moderator of the session and participate in the
Presbytery’s Interim Minister Collegium (or another supervised group approved by COM) and will submit written quarterly reports using the Guidelines for Interim Pastor’s update.
5. Approved renewal of the Stated Supply contract between the session of the Wissahickon Church and the Rev. Mr. Robert J. Crawford, Jr., effective December 15, 2009 for a 12 month period with the following terms: $23,920 housing allowance, professional expenses to be vouchered for payment; total package $23,920. This is a 10 hour/week position.
6. Approved the renewal of the Temporary Supply contract between the Administrative Commission of the Arch Street church and the Rev. Mr. William Golderer. This is a combined 24 hours/week position, for a period of twelve months, effective December 1, 2009 with the following terms: $43,374 salary; $3,318 SECA; $13,663 full pension; $2,500 professional expenses; $1,000 study leave; total $63,855; one month vacation including four Sundays per year; two weeks study leave per year; Rev. Golderer will not serve as Moderator of the Administrative Commission.
7. Approved the request of the Abington Presbyterian Church to hire the Rev. Mr. Jack Norrie as a Parish Associate effective November 2, 2009, with compensation of $25,000 annually as housing allowance plus an additional 6% offset for social security self-employment tax, one month vacation, and two weeks study leave.
8. Approved the request of the Abington Presbyterian Church to designate the Rev. Ms. Christine Bruce as a Parish Associate, in an unpaid position.
9. Approved installation plans for the Rev. Mr. Michael Evans as Pastor of the Berean Church at 3:00 p.m. on December 13, 2009 with the following administrative commission: Convener: The Rev. Mr. Stuart H. Spencer, presbytery moderator; Ministers of this Presbytery: Rev. Mr. Christopher Edwards, Rev. James M. Hodsden, Rev. Ms. Linda Jaymes and Rev. Ms. Valeria Harvell; Elders of this Presbytery: Donna Malkowski (First Kensington); Tom Patterson (Ardmore); Anita Moss (Temple); Edith Rodebaugh (Olivet).
10. Approved dismissal of the Rev. Mr. Charles Edward (Ted) Wright to the Presbytery of National Capital effective immediately that he may take up his call as Pastor of the Gaithersburg Presbyterian Church.
Actions reported from the January 7, 2010 meeting:
1. Approved the request of the pastor and congregation to dissolve the pastoral relationship between the Rev. Dr. Hope Italiano Lee and the Valley Forge Presbyterian Church effective January 24, 2010. Dr. Lee was granted permission to labor outside the bounds of this presbytery in the Peace River Presbytery temporarily until the way becomes clear for her transfer to Peace River.
2. Approved renewal of the Stated Supply Pastor contract between the session of the Crossroads Church and the Rev. Mr. Charles R. Holt for a period of six months beginning January 1, 2010 with the following terms for a 34 hour work week: Effective salary $17,000 (all housing); SECA Supplement $1,300; medical and pension $5,355; study leave $375; professional expenses $700; Vacation of ten business days including two Sundays. Approval was with the condition that he continue meeting with the mentoring group appointed by COM.
3. Approved the installation plans for the Rev. Ms. Anne Clark Duncan as Associate Pastor of the Wayne Presbyterian Church on January 24, 2010 at 11 AM with the following administrative commission: Convener: moderator Catherine Adams; Ministers of this Presbytery: Rev. Dr. Ronald B. Fritts (Wayne) and Rev. Ms. Erika Funk (Broad Street Ministry); Elders: Paul Asteris (Beverly Hills), Ellen Sloan (Overbrook) and Richard M. Eisenstaedt (Wayne). Other persons invited to participate are Elder Wendy Clark Eaverson (Presbytery of Atlanta) and Rev. Katie Miller Sundermeier (Presbytery of Lehigh).
4. Approved the ordination plans of Candidate Abigail Visco Rusert at Forest Grove at 3 PM on February 14, 2010 with the following administrative commission: Convener: Rev. Mr. George Blakesley. Presbytery vice-moderator; Ministers of the presbytery: Rev. Mr. Nancy Lindell Sautter, Rev. Mr. James Thornton and Rev. Ms. Aisha Brooks-Lytle; Elders Maggie Rash (Forest Grove), Doug Warburton (Carmel) and Judy Jones (Woodside). She will be installed as Associate Pastor of the Carmel Church at a later service at Carmel.
[After the meeting, it was discovered that this date is in conflict with another presbytery event. The ordination is being rescheduled.]
5. Appointed the Rev. Dr. Lydia Rappaport as moderator of the session of the Valley Forge Church, effective January 25, 2010.
6. Approved the termination of the Stated Supply Pastor contract between the Rev. Dr. Nicole Wilkinson Duran and the session of the Trinity United Presbyterian
Church of Clifton Heights, effective February 2, 2010.
7. Appointed the Rev. Mr. John Berges as moderator of the session of Trinity, Clifton Heights, effective February 3, 2010.
8. Approved a six month extension of the Interim Associate Pastor contract between the session of the Bryn Mawr Church and the Rev. Mr. Christopher (Kit) Schooley, effective January 1, 2010.
9. Approved the revised Stated Supply Pastor contract between the session of the Beverly Hills Church and the Rev. Mr. Robert E. Larson, Jr. This one year
contract is effective December 1, 2009. It is a part-time, 19.5 hours per week
position with the following terms: $24,000 designated as housing allowance payable twice a month and $2,000 expenses payable by voucher.
10. Approved the renewal of the Commissioned Lay Pastor contract between the Westminster-Mayfair Church and CLP Thomas Buck. This is a 20 hour per week position for one year, four months effective August 15, 2009 – December 31, 2010 with the following terms: $17,500 housing allowance; $750 study leave (by reimbursement).; $1,338.75 SECA; $1,250 professional expenses for a total of $20,838.75; two weeks vacation including four Sundays and two weeks study leave per year pro-rated over the life of this contract. Appointed the Rev. Dr. Kari Turner McClellan as Mr. Buck’s mentor.
11. Approved the renewal of the Interim Pastor contract between the session of the Forest Grove Church and the Rev. Ms. Marie Cone for a period of one year effective January 1, 2010. This is a full-time (approx. 40-50 hours/week) position with the following terms: salary $17,000; housing $36,000 for an effective salary of $53,000; SECA $4,054; pension and medical $16,695; travel expenses $2,500; study leave $1,000 and two weeks; Vacation one month including four Sundays pro-rated over the life of the contract, for a total package of $77,249.
12. Approved the installation plans for the Rev. Mr. Randy Barge at the First Presbyterian Church of Olney at 4 PM on January 17, 2010 with the following administrative commission: Convener: Presbytery moderator, The Rev. Mr. Stuart H. Spencer; Ministers of this Presbytery: Rev. Ms. Schaunel Steinnagel and Rev. Dr. Edward B. Jones, H.R.; Elders of this Presbytery: James Taggart (Good Shepherd); Marcia Singleton (First African), Barbara Adams Smelter (Calvin) and Joel Laramee (Penn Wynne).
13. Approved the request of Rev. Mr. Gerard Davis to extend the validation of his non-parish ministry at the Kairos Counseling Services to Circle Counseling, 918 S. 49th Street, Philadelphia.
14. Approved the transfer of the Rev. Mr. Murv L. Gardiner to the Presbytery of Elizabeth effective immediately where he is serving as Stated Supply of the Bethel Presbyterian Church, Plainfield, New Jersey.
15. Appointed the Rev. George (Skip) Brecht as temporary moderator at Bristol.
For further information:
1. The following churches have been re-assigned to COM regional teams as follows:
Hope Church to the Southeast
John Chambers to the Southeast