The Royal Museum for Central Africa – Belgium

Department of Biology, Invertebrates Unit

Participation at the 9th International Congress of Dipterology (ICD9)

Windhoek, Namibia 25-30 November 2018

Closing Date applications: 20/04/2018


Every four years the International Congress of Dipterology is organized. This is the most important international meeting for dipterists worldwide. In 2018, the 9th edition will take place, and for the first time, the meeting is organized in Africa. It will take place in Windhoek, Namibia from 25th till 30th November 2018. Additional information can be found on the web page:

This will provide an unique opportunity for African researchers to partake at this international gathering, present their results and expand their networks. The Royal Museum for Central Africa, with financial support of the Belgian Development Cooperation, is providing financial support for 12 African participants to attend the Congress.

Participation at sessions.

The grants provided by the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) are specifically targeted to two sessions that are (co-)organized by researchers of the RMCA and that are related to training programmes of the RMCA.

Kurt Jordaens is organizing a session entitled “The importance of Diptera in plant-pollinator networks” (see Participants of the training course in taxonomy and systematics of African pollinating flies, which was organized in 2017 in Nairobi (Kenya) at the National Museums of Kenya and the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology, can apply for travel grants to partake in this session at the ICD9 and present their research results.

Marc De Meyer is co-organizing a session entitled “Tephritoidea – applied research and taxonomy” (see Participants of one of the previous editions of the individual and group training programmes in taxonomy and ecology of African fruit flies (organized at the RMCA or the Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro Tanzania), can apply for travel grants to partake in this session at the ICD9 and present their research results.

Target Audience

The target audience is thus former trainees of the above mentioned training programmes.

Only applications from people with residence in Sub-Saharan African and working for an institution, ministry, research institute or university can be taken into consideration. Applications from consultants or individuals cannot be accepted.

Participants are expected to present their research results at one of the above mentioned sessions, either as oral presentation or as poster. In addition they are expected to actively participate at the full duration of the congress.


Interested researchers should apply not later than April 20th, 2018 with a full dossier. This includes:

  • Duly filled in application form (copy attached)
  • A letter of motivation
  • Copy of the abstract that will be submitted to the ICD9
  • Copy of your passport (first page, and subsequent pages with personal details and information on issue and expiry of passport)
  • Letter of your superior or supervisor indicating that you are allowed to take part at the ICD9
  • List of your publications
  • For students: copy of certificate that indicates that you are currently registered as either MSc or PhD student

Complete applications have to be sentin one PDF file saved under the candidate’s name to call l complete applications received by April 20th, will be evaluated and a selection will be made by the RMCA researchers. Six grants will be awarded to each of the sessions (unless less than six eligible applications are received for a particular session). After selection and approval by the Belgian Development Cooperation, all applicants will be informed on the outcome.

The travel grant will provide funding for:

  • International travel from your residence to Windhoek, Namibia (return ticket)
  • Local travel from/to the international airport to/from the congress venue
  • Local accommodation and meals in Windhoek
  • Registration fee for the ICD9
  • Fixed re-imbursement (150 Euro) for costs related to obtaining a visa to travel to Namibia ( including transport to the embassy) and local travel from/to your residence to/from the nearest airport

Additional information can be obtained from:

Marc De Meyer

Kurt Jordaens