“£11,408 in the five months… Cleared credit balances, built an ISA reserve… iMac, and general financial freedom that I've never had before”

-Andrew Napier

“Who else would like to make £1000 zero risk profit this month and every month after?

Discover how you could be next to join Andrew and all the other people like these….

  • “I broke through the £6000 barrier on Saturday” - M Taylor
  • “I have made £5200, £1300 of which is from this month alone” – Chris A
  • “£4053 since the beginning of November” – A Price
  • “I’ve made over £1000 with this service and not once was my money at risk” – Paul Clar

Read on and I’ll show you the exact strategy these people used to make this money….

Dear Friend,

There’s a lot you can buy when you start making an extra risk free £1,000 extra each month…

The people you’re about to meet have bought weddings, pedigree dogs, overseas holidays, cleared £11,308 worth of debt and even put deposits of £8,800 on a new house. (You’ll see proof in genuine testimonials which I’ll show you in a moment!)

If this sort of money could change your life then please read on.

I want to show you, right up-front, EVERYTHING you need to know about the strategy they use to make this money.

What you’ll read here is enough to start puttingthis strategy into action right away – today if you like!

I’ll even give you the system to trial risk free to see how profitable it can be, including my support and even the chance to talk to – and learn from –other people making tax free profits from this!

Since I launched this service, called The Profit Maximiser, I’ve had rave reviews. You may have come across it in forums, or blog posts, perhaps you’ve seen a few of these reviews and been a little sceptical.

Well, as you probably know, the internet is pretty transparent these days…. if something doesn’t live up to it’s claims, you’ll certainly know about it. It’s very difficult now for dodgy gurus to cover up their continual losses and widespread disappointment at their misleading claims!

Sure, there are always a few people with negative things to say about ANYTHING, but with Profit Maximiser, you’ll see large swatches of people really out there making money –they’re happy to tell everyone about it, and many of them DO!

There’s Andrew Napier, who used the £11,408 profit he made to clear his debts and build up an ISA. Now he’s about to put his income in a new business venture!

…there’sMike McBirnie, who spent hisfirst £4,000 profit on his wedding. “I might even throw in a honeymoon too, if she’s good”, he writes.

… there’sR Watson, who used his £3k profit to pay for a couple of holidays and keep some left over. He writes: “I was very sceptical about the profit potential of PM before I joined but the bonuses and profit keep coming week on week”

….or there’sA Coleman whose £4K profit paid for Christmas plus a trip to New York for his wife's 30th Birthday. He says: “Knowing that it's sustainable as well means a lot too!!”

Of course, it’s completely down to you what you spend your money on. But if you’d like to go on the trip of a lifetime, clear your debts, buy a new car or put money down for a house, then I can help you.

And these will just be the beginning of what will become a regular income.

How to make a living from legal “free bet” loopholes

My name is Mike Cruickshank. I was in the Royal Navy for 6 years. But after long stretches in the gulf, away from my fiancé, I needed a way to make money from home and carve my own path in life.

I’ve always been good with numbers and, thanks to the introduction of Betting Exchanges (like Betfair) I began to exploit a loophole that helped me profit from those “free bet” bonuses which bookies use to lure in new customers. Now before I go on I want to state categorically that you don’t need to have any experience in gambling or betting. You don’t have to ever have placed a bet in your life! But I digress. Let me explain what happened next…

Instead of gambling these free bet offers I found a way to bank the money (tax free) each time. I started helping family members and close friends do the same. They couldn’t believe how profitable it was – they all made money without fail!

Encouraged by this, I set up a membership group to share my methods with others (after all it didn’t matter if ten people or ten thousand people took advantage of this loophole – it has no impact on anyone’s profits!).

And that’s how it all began!

If you’ve spent any time in the review forums, you might know of my growing reputation as an authority in risk-free betting. Look at any forum or review website that talks about my first system Bonus Bagging or this one, The Profit Maximiser, and you’ll see that people are genuinely making money with my help.

Today I’d like to share this method with you, and prove that it works by helping you to your first £1000 ZERO-RISK profit without you committing any money to me.

Let me show you the money first…

I’ve taken time and care to lay out my system in easy steps, so you can copy exactly what I – and 3,000 other successful members – do every week. This works even if you’re a complete newbie who’s never placed a bet in their life. It’s that easy to follow.

Now, if you’re thinking “That sounds too good to be true”, I don’t blame you – there are a lot of scams, dodgy tipsters and flaky systems in the betting world. I don’t blame you for being sceptical.

This is why I’d like to show you my strategy first in this report, so you can see how it works right now! Simply by reading this you could start banking profits by this evening!

As member Nikki Roberts writes: “The offers don’t take more than 15 minutes each. And I won £80 in 5 minutes RISK FREE!"

Then if you’d like my help to generate a regular LONG-TERM tax-free income to help with bills and debts – or pay for holidays, weddings and lavish gifts for the family, then I’d like make it a reality for you, without you risking your own money.

You can give my system a whirl for 30 days to see how easy and profitable it can be. I’ll show you exactly what to do and when to do it, in order to get you to your first £1000 ZERO RISK profit.

During your trial you can ask questions, get support and even talk to a community of fellow bettors who are using this right now. It’s totally transparent. You’ll know exactly what you’re getting into and can even talk to other people doing it. You simply don’t get that with other betting systems.

That’s because this really works. As you’ll discover, thousands are making genuine money from this…

“This has made me over £1,200 so far”

People like these…

“I joined up just over a month ago and he's done it again, it has made me over £1,200 so far, £400 being from just one offer" - Catherine Ellis

“I have made £5,200, £1,300 of which is from this month alone and that has allowed me to get myself a lovely carbon fibre road bike and a few odds and ends to keep the missus happy. I've still got £3000 saved from that so I think this year’s target will be to build up enough to get a deposit on a house.”

- Chris A

“My overall betting profit since my first full month of PM [Profit Maximiser] in July is £9872, and the vast majority of that is from PM. I should easily reach £10,000 before the end of the month.” -C Browing.

With profit maximiser it has given me hope to make regular long term income. I love it."Mukhtar Ahmed

So how does this all work?

Well, unlike those who try to hide their systems until you hand over your money, let me show you….

The Profit Maximiser System explained…

Have you ever seen those adverts by bookies offering free bets as an incentive to get punters through those doors?

Most likely you have. There are a ton of them on the Internet, as bookies fight each other for the booming online market. These free bets can be anything from £25 and £50 to £250 and usually require you to bet some of your own money to ‘unlock’ the free cash.

In a nutshell, you claim these ‘free bets’ in a certain way (I’ll show you step by step)….

…and then use them to make a guaranteed profit, whatever the outcome.

And it works like this…

Step 1

First you claim that free bet from your bookie by backing a certain outcome in a sporting event. This free bet could be £25-£250. For instance, Murray to win Wimbledon or perhaps his next tennis match.

Of course, to do this, you’ll need to bet some of your own money. Which is a risk… for most people, but not you, because…

Step Two

Instead of risking your money, you will place a special kind of bet with your bookie and then bet on the OPPOSITE outcome on Betfair, an online betting exchange. (Don’t worry, I will help you get set up – it’s very quick and easy). Betting on something NOT to happen is called ‘laying’.

For instance, you bet on Murray to win at the bookies, but to lose on Betfair. Now you have two bets covering a win and a loss, which means you’ve no risk.

Following my methods, you’ll be in a situation where you can walk away with a small profit either way. Admittedly, it is possible to lose a couple of pence here and there in a worst case scenario. But it won’t matter. Because remember, you’ve STILL got that free bet money!

Which brings us to the final step…

Step Three

The final stage of my system is all about what you do with your free bet money. You simply repeat what you did with your own money – for instance, lay it on Murray to lose on Betfair, and to win with the bookie.

Again, it doesn’t matter what the outcome. The key is that you’ll walk away with a large chunk of that stake – which was entirely free money, and with zero risk.

In other words, with my system you’re simply finding a way to BANK the free bonus bet money instead of blowing it on a risky bet.

Now imagine you do this on a regular basis….

You will start to build up a bank of those free bet bonuses, never risking your money, never with the danger of losing it all, never betting your winnings on future events…

Themoney builds… and builds… almost without you really noticing it or putting in any effort. Just like what happened to Peter, who writes….

“If I'm honest I've absolutely no idea right now how much I've made since joining PM as (rightly or wrongly) I don't keep records, and the last time I totalled up all of my accounts was Dec 2nd... having said that it must be comfortably over £10K.

I was in a mountain of debt post credit crunch which would have taken me years to get out of without PM. Now the debts are more than covered and I'm looking at moving to sunnier climes later this year…”

Imagine what you could do with £10,000 extra… you could buy yourself a trip abroad, put down a deposit on a home or a buy to let flat, invest in a business, or just let it soak up all those niggly debts and bills that cause so much stress.

Can you see now why so many people rave about it? I’d like to say I had some kind of betting genius, insider knowledge or crystal ball. But this is nothing do with magic or talent… it’s simply about banking the free money given away by bookies. And you do it by betting on BOTH outcomes, so that there’s no risk.

Simple as that. What’s more, it’s legal and it works.

Now, as I promised, I’ve shown you the system. And if you’re exciting about the possibilities I’m sure you’re keen to give it a go.

But while you can try and work this out with some practice, and make a small profit, I’d like to offer you the chance to do a lot more, and turn this into something that could make £1,000 a month or even more.

Discover the awesome earning power of
the Profit Maximiser…

Today you’re invited to become a member of my Profit Maximiser service. It’s the ultimate way to make an income from win-win bets, leaving no chance for mistakes or dead ends!

Through a series of videos and instruction guides I will take you, step by step, through my strategy, with all the support and advice you could possibly need to make it work. I’ll be there at your shoulder to help whenever you get stuck or need my expertise.

Plus, you’ll have all this brilliant tool that takes away all the effort…

And as well as coaching and support I’ll send you a special tool that makesthe process so easy you’ll barely need to spend any time on it.

It’s a piece of “odds matching” software which you can load up on your computer. It goes out and finds all the most closely-matched odds for your risk-free bets and brings them right to you.

It literally takes seconds!

This means you don’t have to do any of the legwork or research… or even any thinking! As part of your membership I’ll include a profit calculator that tells you exactly how much money to to stake. So even if you’re the world’s worst mathematician, this will be a no-brainer.

Once my software has found the moneymaking opportunity for you, it’ll take you directly through to the page where you place your bet!

It couldn’t be easier!

What’s more, my Profit Maximiser looks at not one but FOUR ways to make money from win-win bets.

  1. My free bet strategy for banking bookie offers – I’ll show how to exploit free bets and bonuses by bookies, then turn them into GUARANTEED profits no matter what the outcome.
  2. Casino free bet offers – I’ll show you how to turn these into as much as £1,080 from just ONE offer. Again, you don’t risk any of your money to do this
  3. Financial bets that cannot lose – I’ll show you a method of drawing down money from the Forex (Foreign exchange markets) that doesn’t require any risk on your part.
  4. BINGO! – it might sound strange, but there’s way to manipulate the odds at bingo, meaning you can harvest a large amount of small wins (£5, £10, £15) very quickly.

Combined, these strategies will help you build a growing income, month after month. We’re talking £12,000 a year or, quite easily MORE…. for XX minutes a day’s low-effort work!

Where else could you make that kind of income?

But don’t take my word for it. Let me prove it to you by sending you everything today on a risk free basis.

You’ll get full instant membership to my Profit Maximiser service for 30 days. This includes 24-hour access to my free bet system, plus the sport, casino, and financial betting programs. You’ll get simple, step-by-step instructions to help you get set up and making money immediately.

As soon as you get started, you’ll find bets which I’ve pre-screened and set up, ready to go…

You could easily make back your membership fee within your first few hours online!

You’ll also have full access to the private membership forumwhere I and other members hang out, sharing secrets that will maximise your winnings and profits.

You don’t have to pay me any money up front for your membership. I’d like you to try it for 30 days first and see how much you make (you’ll easily see enough profit in that time to make an informed choice. Some of the strategies could net you £1,080 of more from just one offer).

Once you’re making money with the Profit Maximiser, I’m sure you’ll be MORE than happy to pay me for my service. In fact, I hope you’ll soon send me an email like this.

But if you’ve not made the sort of money you’re looking for, you can walk away, let me know and NO money will have left your account.

There’s nothing to send back. Nothing to prove. No conditions attached. My moneyback guarantee is underwritten by Canonbury Publishing, a well-respected publisher of betting, business and trading information for the past decade, so you’re in totally safe hands.

When you join the risk-free trial you’ll see all the proof you need – not only from your own profits but those of the other people in the Profit Maximiser Community.

Just to show you what’s possible, here’s a letter from Jane Porter…

I am a single mother with 3 children, 2 of whom are on the autistic spectrum and I have really struggled to manage to earn enough to support them….