Marko Ljoljic

The person that was chosen for me, for this particular project, was Amy Batson. Amy and I met right after class to exchange information about ourselves and what we value the most and why.

Amy was born on August 19, 1987 in Lagrange, Illinois. She lived there until she was 12 years and after that she moved to Grayslake, Illinois. In high school Amy was vice president of Student Council, captain of her softball team, she also played varsity softball for all 4 years in high school and always kept a high honors GPA and in 2005 she graduated with a 3.9 GPA. She came to Purdue majoring in Management but during sophomore year ended up changing it to Retail Management with a minor in Organizational Leadership and Supervision. She worked in retailing jobs since she was 16 and that is was she was attracted to this field after she decided that Management just wasn’t for her. This past summer she had an internship with Sears and they offered her a job after she graduates Purdue University of course, so that is what she has set up for her when she finishes school. But her goals are to work there for a few years just to gain experience and enhance her skills in retailing and then go somewhere else like Target or to Sears’ corporate headquarters, she wants to move up quickly.

The things Amy values are friendships, working hard to get what you want, education and success. During her years here at Purdue University, she has met plenty of people some good some not so good. She wants to keep those good people that she has met over the years here at Purdue close no matter where life takes her so that’s why she values friendship that most. Working hard, education and success speak for themselves, she is about to finish college and she has a job waiting for her, what else can I say why she values those three other things.