Applications are invited for residents to purchase Leeds Festival weekend tickets for 2013.
Please read the information below and follow the process to avoid any disappointment that may occur if you application is rejected.
The cost of a ticket is £42.00,which includes the use of a residents mini bus service. (Full information about this will be delivered with your tickets)
All residents of Bramham are eligible to apply for a ticket at £42 (this will be confirmed by the electoral role, if you are not on the electoral role please enclose further proof of residency which may be considered). This year residents will be able to nominate one additional residents ticket per household at the same price of £42.00 for a family member or friend who is not a resident of Bramham. These tickets will be distributed on a first come basis after the main residents tickets are all sold.
Additional resident tickets are also available (that allow access to the VIP area) at standard festival ticket price of £201.50.
Children under the age of 13 at the time of the festival do NOT require tickets.
Cheques will be made payable to “Bramham Community Fund” with the name and address of main applicant on the reverse. IMPORTANT: Please make out separate cheques for residents tickets, nominated ticket and standard price tickets. The cheques will be banked within 14 days of receipt.
Please enclose a stamped address envelope to receive your letter of confirmation, applications without stamped addressed envelopes will still be counted but you will not receive a confirmation letter.
Closing date will be Friday 10st May and applicants will be informed within 21 days.
All tickets will be named and will not be transferable; applicants will require Photo ID when collecting wrist bands at the festival. Tickets will be hand delivered the week of the festival (Monday or Tuesday).
Please post or hand deliver application forms to
F Henderson, 19A Folly Lane, Bramham, LS23 6RZ
If there are any questions please feel free to contact Councillor Henderson who will either answer them or will make enquiries to festival republic to have them answered.
APPLICATION FORM for residents weekend tickets for 2013
Applications for Residents of BramhamForename / Surname / Address + Postcode / Telephone number / D.O.B if under 18
Continue on a separate sheet if you require more resident tickets (ie if you have more than 5 people in your household all on the electoral register)
Application for a family member or friend who are not a Bramham resident
Nominated ticket @ £42
(only one per household) / Forename / Surname / Address / Telephone no
Application for tickets (with access to the VIP area) at standard festival price for family/friends
Additional full price ticket
@ £201.50 / Forename / Surname / Address / Telephone no
Continue on a separate sheet if you require more full price tickets
I enclose a cheque for £______made payable to Bramham Community Fund.
(separate cheques are required if you are applying for a nominated ticket and a full price ticket)
BRAMHAM RESIDENT TICKET DISCLAIMER: As the recipient of this ticket, I acknowledge that there is no pedestrian access to Leeds Festival and that Leeds Festival and Bramham Parish Council advise against walking along Bramham / Thorner Road to attend or leave the festival site as there is no verge, no lighting and the bends and layout of the road make it difficult for drivers to see pedestrians. I understand that Bramham Parish Council will make all reasonable efforts to organise a residents’ shuttle bus which will travel to and from the site to the village. I understand that I am fully responsible for my own safety should I chose to ignore this advice and walk along the public highway. I understand that Leeds Festival will take all reasonable efforts to make available some fluorescent armbands available at the gates to increase my visibility if I chose to walk but that this supply of armbands does not meant that Leeds Festival or Bramham Parish Council are in any way accepting liability if I chose to walk, or are encouraging me to do so.
I ______understand that these tickets are subject to the regulations set down by the council and festival republic and confirm that the information given is correct.
Signed ______date______
You may be contacted by telephone if we have any questions regarding you application