January 15, 2014 PVCC Institutional Research, Planning, and Institutional Effectiveness Page 2


Fall 2013 End-of-Term Student Enrollment Profile

The table below provides the official end-of-term enrollment and demographic data for students enrolled at PVCC in Fall 2013, compared with official term data for the previous four Fall terms.

Fall 2013 / Fall 2012 / Fall 2011 / Fall 2010 / Fall 2009
Number / Percent / Number / Percent / Number / Percent / Number / Percent / Number / Percent
Headcount / 5,630 / - / 5,693 / - / 5,684 / - / 5,551 / - / 5,401 / -
FTES / 2,762 / - / 2,812 / - / 2,785 / - /  / 2,793 / - /  / 2,659 / -
Student Credit Hours / 41,436 / 42,187 / - / 41,775 / - /  / 41,898 / - /  / 39,885 / -
Full-Time Credit Hours / 16,317 / 39% / 15,915 / 38% / 16,230 / 39% / 17,205 / 41% / 16,815 / 42%
Part-Time Credit Hours / 25,119 / 61% / 26,265 / 62% / 25,545 / 61% / 24,690 / 59% / 23,070 / 58%
Avg. Student Load / 7.4 / - / 7.4 / - / 7.3 / - /  / 7.5 / - /  / 7.4 / -
Avg. Full-Time Load / 13.5 / - / 13.4 / - / 13.6 / - / 13.7 / - / 13.6 / -
Avg. Part-Time Load / 5.7 / - / 5.8 / - / 5.7 / - /  / 5.7 / - /  / 5.5 / -
Full-Time / 1,208 / 21% / 1,179 / 21% / 1,191 / 21% / 1,256 / 23% / 1,232 / 23%
Part-Time / 4,422 / 79% / 4,514 / 79% / 4,493 / 79% / 4,295 / 77% / 4,169 / 77%
First-Time / 1,443 / 26% / 1,364 / 24% / 1,369 / 24% /  / 1,340 / 24% /  / 1,329 / 25%
Transfer / 515 / 9% / 529 / 9% / 560 / 10% / 567 / 10% / 582 / 11%
Returning / 3,672 / 65% / 3,800 / 67% / 3,755 / 66% / 3,644 / 66% / 3,490 / 65%
Occupational/Technical / 1,570 / 28% / 1,637 / 29% / 1,643 / 29% / 1,030 / 19% / 808 / 15%
College Transfer / 2,243 / 40% / 2,280 / 40% / 2,257 / 40% /  / 2,728 / 49% /  / 2,734 / 51%
Unclassified** / 1,817 / 32% / 1,776 / 31% / 1,784 / 31% /  / 1,793 / 32% /  / 1,859 / 34%
Male / 2,323 / 41% / 2,327 / 41% / 2,260 / 40% / 2,259 / 41% / 2,136 / 40%
Female / 3,307 / 59% / 3,366 / 59% / 3,424 / 60% / 3,292 / 59% / 3,265 / 60%
White / 4,385 / 78% / 4,400 / 77% / 4,395 / 77% / 4,184 / 75% / 4,078 / 76%
African-American / 756 / 13% / 807 / 14% / 791 / 14% / 759 / 14% / 686 / 13%
Other / 489 / 9% / 486 / 9% / 498 / 9% / 608 / 11% / 637 / 12%
On-Campus / 3,739 / 66% / 3,917 / 69% / 3,986 / 70% /  / 3,986 / 72% /  / 3,814 / 71%
Off-Campus / 1,891 / 34% / 1,776 / 31% / 1,698 / 30% /  / 1,565 / 28% /  / 1,587 / 29%
Fall 2013 / Fall 2012 / Fall 2011 / Fall 2010 / Fall 2009
Number / Percent / Number / Percent / Number / Percent / Number / Percent / Number / Percent
Day / 4,713 / 84% / 4,655 / 82% / 4,667 / 82% /  / 4,583 / 83% /  / 4,832 / 89%
Evening / 443 / 8% / 526 / 9% / 549 / 10% /  / 623 / 11% /  / 569 / 11%
Anytime / 474 / 8% / 512 / 9% / 468 / 8% /  / 345 / 6% / 
In-State / 4,803 / 85% / 5,519 / 97% / 5,532 / 97% / 5,402 / 97% / 5,268 / 98%
Out-of-State / 178 / 15% / 174 / 3% / 152 / 3% / 149 / 3% / 133 / 2%
<=17 / 1,428 / 25%
18-19 / 1,074 / 19%
20-21 / 664 / 12%
22-24 / 589 / 10%
25-29 / 625 / 11%
30-34 / 430 / 8%
35-39 / 221 / 4%
40-49 / 357 / 6%
50-64 / 228 / 4%
>=65 / 14 / 0%
Albemarle / 2,020 / 36%
Charlottesville / 915 / 16%
Fluvanna / 615 / 11%
Greene / 497 / 9%
Nelson / 228 / 4%
Buckingham / 125 / 2%
Louisa / 403 / 7%
Other / 827 / 15%

*In Fall 2011, students in "General Studies for ___" academic plan codes were moved to plans underneath the parent program.

This included more than 500 pre-nursing students, moved from plan 699-02 to plan 156-01. When these students were in

699-xx plan codes, the VCCS counted them as transfer program students. Now they are counted as career/technical students.

**Includes Dual Enrollment

Source: VCCS Student Enrollment Booklets. One FTES (full-time equivalent student) is calculated by dividing the total number of credit hours by 15. Average student load refers to the hours of course work taken by students. Full-time students are those taking 12 or more credit hours of course work. First-time students have never attended college before; transfer students have attended college elsewhere and are new to PVCC; returning students have attended PVCC previously. Occupational/technical students are those enrolled in programs leading toward Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degrees or certificates; college transfer students are those enrolled in programs leading toward Associate of Arts (AA) or Associate of Science (AS) degrees; unclassified students, including dual enrolled students, are not enrolled in any curricular programs. Other-race students include American Indians and Alaskan natives, Asians and Pacific islanders, Hispanics, and students who classify themselves as other. Off-campus students are those who take all classes at a location other than the main PVCC campus. Evening students are those who take only evening classes.