Overview of School and Head of School’s Role

StatesvilleChristianSchool is a mid-size private K-12 Christian school located in Statesville, North Carolina. The school is an inter-denominationalcollege preparatory Christian school. SCS was founded in 1994 and is a board governed 501(c)(3) educational institution incorporating the Policy Governance© model of governance. Statesville Christian has been a covenant or believer’s school from its inception. The school champions a partnership between the home, the school, and the church to form the foundation and future of our unique school culture. Parents make intentional investments in the education of their children to provide them with both the North Star (our Lord) and a compass (His Word) for the education of the whole person – for training in the proper government of mind, heart, body, and soul. Statesville Christian aspires to raise up Christian leaders who will engage the culture, the nation, and the world with the mind and heart of our Savior.

Statesville Christian is currently seeking a new Head of School – one who is an innovative, experienced, Christian educatorwho is passionate about true excellence in Christian education. The candidate must be able to provide Godly leadership in all aspects of the life of the school, someone acquainted with building a Gospel-oriented school culture. The Head of School will combine Christian orthodoxy with orthopraxy in living out the Christian life through leading a community of educators. The Head of School will encourage God-honoring communication and relationships in the community. This person will be able to implement innovative educational programs and activities across all our school segments – Elementary, Middle, and High School.

StatesvilleChristianSchool seeks candidates with the following qualifications:

  • Masters degree in educational administration with a minimum of 5 years of teaching experience
  • Clear statement of Christian belief with references
  • Be in active fellowship and good standing in a Bible-believing church
  • Demonstrated ability to lead in a God-honoring fashion
  • Possess a deep understanding of Christian education and be able to apply that knowledge to the SCS mission statement

The Mission of Statesville Christian School

The mission of StatesvilleChristianSchool is to train students, in partnership with families, to think, live, love, and lead as Christians through programs of academic excellence based upon a biblical worldview.

Statement of Faith

We believe the Bible to be the inspired, the only infallible, authoritative, inerrant Word of God (II Timothy 3:16, II Peter 1:21).

We believe there is one God, eternally existent in three persons – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:1, Matthew 28:19, John10:30).

We believe in the Deity of Christ (John 10:33), His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14, Matthew 1:23, Luke 1:35), His sinless life (Hebrews 4:15, Hebrews 7:26), His miracles (John 2:11), His vicarious and atoning death (I Corinthians 15:3, Ephesians 1:7, Hebrews 2:9), His resurrection (John 11:25, I Corinthians 15:4), His ascension to the right hand of the Father (Mark 16:19), and His personal return in power and glory (Acts 1:11, Revelation 19:11).

We believe in the absolute necessity of regeneration by the Holy Spirit for salvation because of the exceeding sinfulness of human nature; and that men are justified on the single ground of faith in the shed blood of Christ and that only by God’s grace and through faith alone are we saved (John 3:16-19, John 5:24, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:8-9, Ephesians 2:8-10, Titus 3:5).

We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, and they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation (John 5: 28-29).

We believe in the spiritual unity of the believers in our Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 8:9, I Corinthians 12:12-13, Galatians 3:26-28).

We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a Godly life (Romans 8:13-14, I Corinthians 3:16, I Corinthians 6:19-20, Ephesians 4:30, Ephesians 5:18).

All employees of StatesvilleChristianSchool must subscribe to this Statement of Faith.

Educational Philosophy

StatesvilleChristianSchool is dedicated to educating the whole person (spiritual, intellectual, emotional, and physical) in the whole counsel of God as revealed in both nature and the Sacred Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments.
Because man was created a spiritual being whose chief purpose in life is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever, StatesvilleChristianSchool is committed to lead each student into a vital personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and to train the student to serve Christ in every area of life. Such service will encompass family, church, nation, and world.
Because man was created a rational being, StatesvilleChristianSchool is committed to teach and train the student "to think God's thoughts after Him," and to "bring every thought captive to the obedience of Christ." This will be accomplished by comprehensive Biblical integration in every academic discipline, and a focus on understanding the Scriptures and being able to apply them to every facet of life.
Moreover, the student will be prepared through a rigorous and comprehensive academic program and extracurricular activities to fulfill their calling to take their place in home, church, state and their vocation. Each teacher will seek to develop within the student an inquiring mind and a mastery of the necessary skills to apply their knowledge in service to both God and man. Learning is a life-long process; therefore the educational program at StatesvilleChristianSchool seeks to foster in the student a love of learning and a desire to know God more fully as He has revealed Himself in both nature and the Scriptures.
Because man was created an emotional being, StatesvilleChristianSchool is committed to develop within the student emotional and psychological wholeness as reflected by appropriate self-assessment. This means that students are taught to recognize the unique capabilities and limitations with which they have been endowed by their Creator. They are also taught to respond Biblically in their actions and interactions with others in the diverse circumstances of life. The student is taught to be obedient to the two greatest commandments as set forth by Christ, namely:

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your
soul, and with all your mind… you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:37, 39 (NASV)

Because God created man a physical being, his body forms a part of his essence and is a gift from God. Therefore, the body is not to be rejected nor is it to be worshipped.

Rather, the Christian's duty is to understand, care for, and develop it in discipline. The body of the Christian is the dwelling place of God's Holy Spirit. As such, it is offered up to God for His use.
The educational program at StatesvilleChristianSchool is dedicated to doing all things for the glory of God.

Therefore, there will be no place for mediocrity in any part of the school program or in student performance. All members of the staff and student body will be expected to perform their responsibilities to the best of their God given abilities. The aim of StatesvilleChristianSchool is to achieve excellence throughout the educational program.
In light of this Educational Philosophy, we believe:

  • Christian, faith-based education is essential to the achievement of our mission.
  • Christian schools exist to support parents and the church in fulfilling the parents' biblical responsibility to educate children.
  • Teaching God's Word, and teaching how to apply God's Word, is essential to education
  • All truth is God's truth.
  • It is important to have knowledge of and appreciation for the attributes of God.
  • The work of the Holy Spirit is essential.
  • Prayer is vital.
  • Every individual is of value; all are uniquely created in the image of God.
  • A personal relationship with Christ is essential.
  • Every aspect of curriculum should be integrated with God's Word, including teaching on:
  • the natural world.
  • human history and God's activity in it.
  • humanity, its cultures, and how we are to live in the world.
  • A biblically consistent education must be modeled as well as taught. Therefore, all faculty, staff, administration, and board members
  • are born-again Christians who model Christ.
  • strive for excellence.
  • demonstrate a servant's heart.
  • serve in harmony.

Brief History

The establishment of our school began in May, 1994 as a group of concerned parents from various denominations began to meet informally and consider essential questions about education:
o What is “education?”
o What are the primary purposes of education?

o What would God have education to be about?
o What should be the primary goals and distinctive characteristics of a quality Christian education in educating our own children and in educating the children of our community?
StatesvilleChristianSchool was established as an independent, interdenominational Christian school. Our school essentially arose from the prayerful and passionate desire of parents who joined together to present our community with a distinctively and authenticChristian, college preparatory school that offers an excellent academic program within the framework of a Biblical worldview.

The school was initially housed on a rent-free basis at the WesternAvenueBaptistChurch campus, one of the largest churches in the county. The elementary program is still housed on a rent-free basis at WABC, while the middle and high school are located on 7 acres immediately adjacent to the west of the church. This property was previously home to NorthviewChurch and it was purchased in 2002. The Kester Academic and Athletic facility was built on the site of this property contiguous to existing facilities and completed in 2003. In 2004 the school also bought 12 acres immediately adjacent to the east of the church for purposes of further developing the school’s campus and programs. This property has a home that has been a site for school meetings and activities and a Head of School residence as well.

SCS graduates have received high academic achievement awards and honors over the life of the school and college acceptances to excellent Christian schools (including Bryan College, Cedarville, Covenant College, Liberty University, Moody, Wheaton, and many others) as well as many prominent private and public colleges and universities (Auburn, Baylor, Clemson, Davidson, Duke, Furman, Georgia Tech, The Citadel, UNC-Chapel Hill, Virginia Tech, Wake Forest, William and Mary, and many others) with numerous and varied scholarships being awarded. Athletics and the fine arts are also important parts of the Statesville Christian experience as students are trained in what it means to compete for the glory of God and what the highest form of artistic expression – as unto our Lord – looks like. In athletics numerous state titles have been won in a variety of the many and varied sports offerings for both boys and girls teams with many athletes having earned scholarships for their efforts in the sports arena. Statesville Christian’s excellent theatrical productions are well-known in the community and beyond with their annual musical being an eagerly awaited highlight of the year.

Statesville Christian’s aim is to offer a full K-12 experience that will fully train a child for college, but more importantly for a life that seeks to honor God in all its facets.

Head of School

Spiritual Qualifications

The Head of School must be a follower of Jesus Christ, professing Him as Lord and Savior. His/her lifestyle must reflect that intimacy with God and spiritual maturity, which will be evident in his/her reputation in the community as well as the body of Christ. The Head must be in active fellowship and in good standing in a Bible-believing church. Additionally, the Head must demonstrate a Christian walk based on biblical parameters (such as Galatians 5:22-23). The Head of School must be in alignment with the Statement of Faith, previously recorded above. It is expected that the Head of School will be a role model of a consistent, daily walk with Jesus in spirit and truth. As a result, he/she will rely on the Bible as the standard for decision-making and dealing with conflict situations. He/she must be a person of prayer and study of Scripture.

Personal Qualifications

The Head of School must possess a Masters Degree in Education, Business or related academic field with preference given to a Doctorate. The Head of School should possess a deep understanding of Christian education, be able to articulate such in the spoken and written word, and be able to apply that knowledge to the mission and Ends of SCS. The Head of School will present a strength in all forms of communication, collaboration, vision, innovation and passion towards Christian education. The successful Head of School will be able to form, inspire and lead teams with the character needed to head up such an organization. The Head of School will be able to lead Statesville Christian into the future, continuing the focus of partnering with families to cultivate tomorrow’s leaders through spiritual growth, academic excellence and co-curricular activities. The Head of School will be able to be the chief executive, educational leader and visionary leader for the school. He/she is responsible to the Board for the academic, spiritual and co-curricular programs at the school, including curriculum and instruction, faculty and staff, students, facilities, advancement, development, and finances. The Head of School will be able to represent the school externally in building relationships within the community.

Position Requirements

The Head of School will lead and manage the leadership team to accomplish the school’s mission and Ends. He/she will oversee all aspects of spiritual growth, academic development, co-curricular activities and student life. The Head of School will build relationships actively within and beyond the community to ensure mission awareness and brand distinction are both maintained and improved moving forward. The Head will lead and collaborate with the Board and other key stakeholders to set and achieve strategic direction for the school with at least a 5-year view. He/she will provide strategy and guidance for the financial management and business direction to achieve growth. The Head will be accountable for maintaining appropriate academic accreditations. He/she will provide support for Board direction, communication, and initiatives. The Head of School will operate within a Policy Governance © model as the Board’s sole employee of the school. He/she will serve as the lead in fundraising for the school for capital campaigns, annual funds or other events.

Information For Consideration of Role

All necessary documents are available on the school’s website:

To submit a resume for consideration, please review the job description and submit to

You may also mail to or contact:

Brandon Laws – Search Committee Chairperson

149 Doe Run Lane

Statesville, NC28625
