March 27, 2013

PRESENT:Hansen, Mansmith,Sullivan

ABSENT: Simpkins

OTHERS:City Administrator Rich, Sam Tobias of Fond du Lac County, Laurie Renaud of Green Lake Greenways, Mayor Gary Will, Steve Riemer of Historic Preservation Commission, Resident David Sakrison

Hansen called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.

Approve meeting minutes – February 27th

Mansmith moved andSullivanseconded a motion to approve the February 27thminutes as presented. Motion carried 3-0.

Update from Fond du Lac County

Sam Tobias brought a case of new Fond du Lac County maps to share. The maps are not available online, but he indicated there are some other nice maps on the County’s website. Hansen shared the City’s bike trail map and a sample of trail signage. The map was prepared with input from Ripon College, Safe Routes to School, and several other organizations. Discussion followed regarding marking a route between Ripon and Rosendale, which would need probably six signs, and also a route to Riggs County Park.

Tobias reported that the Mascoutin Trail is back in the schedule for this year. A resolution and application is in to the DNR for resurfacing approximately 2 miles. The grant is for $31,000 and the County budgeted the other half of the project for this year. The county is confident it will get the grant this year, although it could be fall before they know. Tobias also reported that $7,700 is left to do something with the house in Riggs County Park. Commonwealth in Fond du Lac may have some historical brick available this fall, and an architect from Wautoma has some flo glass as well. The southwest corner of the basement wall of the house needs to be rebuilt with the door framed back in. Funds should be enough to cover materials and paint. This could be a volunteer project. The only other thing outstanding at Riggs County Park is the swim pond. Funding of maintenance was a concern.

Hansen inquired about the highway project from the west to Koro Road, which is about ½ mile east of Cty PP. Koro Road would become a cul-de-sac. Sidewalks into the city are 10 ft wide, so those using the trail would have the option to take the sidewalk or the Northwestern Trail. Tobias stated he doesn’t know how that will happen. Bids are scheduled for June, with construction starting in the spring. The project is too far along, and it is too late by about a year. Green Lake elected officials wouldn’t sign the project agreement to take responsibility for the local part, and without that commitment the trail won’t happen.

Resident David Sakrison inquired about the County’s reluctance to mark trails due to liability concerns and asked what we can do. Tobias suggested contacting County Board Supervisors. Sakrison suggested the Ripon Rotary Club may be looking for service projects. Tobias had two suggestions. First, landscaping at Riggs County Park on the west end of Douglas needs care; plantings, weeding, and re-mulch. The County would provide materials if the service club would provide the volunteer labor. Second, trash pickup twice per year at Riggs County Park is needed. Debris blows up to the edge of the prairie and the first ten feet catches it all. Tobias shared his contact information to work on coordinating efforts.

Hansen thanked Tobias for the updates and invited him back again in the fall.

Friends of the Park

Hansen reported thatthe City Councilapproved theinsert for the water/sewer bills. Colored paper was donated, and the flyer will be included with the utility bills going out at the end of March, and for the next two billing cycles in April and May.

Fitness/walking trail project

The only change to the fitness/walking trail project was to eliminate cutting through the southeast corner of the trail. The trail will be the project for 2013 if funds are received. The total length of the sod cut will be about ½ mile. If the City does not need the sod, then an ad will be run to sell or give the sod away. The ½ mile loop will be done first, and then the second loop.

Project updates and staff reports

  • Hansen reported that the skating rinks were still used as recently as Monday. The ice is still six inches thick and not melting.
  • City crews cleared off the softball fields at Murray Park and the baseball fields at Barlow Park, which was appreciated.
  • Weekend open gym went well and wrapped up this month.

Review status of budget to date (through February 28th)

Members reviewed the 2013 budget through February, and there were no concerns.

Suggestion for agenda items for next meeting

  • Discuss committee member vacancy.
  • Report on donations.

Announce date and time for next committee meeting

Hansen announced that the next meeting would be held on Wednesday, April 25th, 2013 at 5:00 p.m. at City Hall.

With no other business before the Committee, Sullivanmoved and Mansmithseconded a motion to adjourn. Motion carried 3-0. Hansen declared the meeting adjourned at 5:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lori Rich, City Administrator