/ Stow-on-the-Wold Town Council
Stow Youth Centre, Fosseway, Stow-on-the-Wold, GL54 1DW
Email: Tel: 01451 832 585
Clerk & RFO - Heather Sipthorp

You are hereby summoned to a Meeting of the COUNCIL

to be held at the above address on THURSDAY 30TH MARCH 2017 at 7.15 pm for the purposes

of transacting the following business

Heather Sipthorp

Clerk & RFO of the Council Dated: 24th March 2017


Public participation*

  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations of interests on items on the Agenda
  3. Minutes – to sign as a correct record the minutes of council meeting held on 23rd February 2017
  4. Clerk’s report & matters arising from minutes of above meeting
  5. Chairman’s announcements
  6. Police reportdiscuss joint crime awareness event in Square on Saturday 8th April 2017 at 10.00 am
  7. Report from Ward District Cllr Dilys Neill (or substitute if available)
  8. Report from Ward County Cllr Nigel Moor
  9. To receive reports from the Chairman of the following Committees:

a)Burial Board

i)To adopt and approve revised burial fees effective 1st April 2017

ii)To discuss draft of new Cemetery Rules & Regulations booklet

b)Finance & General Purpose Committee

i)To approve expenditure and bank reconciliation to 28th February 2017 & approve expenditure for March 2017 up to

ii)To discuss and approve annual incremental increases for Clerk/Deputy Clerk effective 1st April 2017 (In private session)

iii)To approve membership renewal for Fields in Trust at a cost of £50

iv)To approve membership renewal for GPFA at a cost of £50

v)To approve grant application for Centre 67 – Stow Youth Club for £5K (next year’s budget)

vi)To approve grant application for St Edward’s Church Christmas Tree Festival for £500 (next year’s budget)

vii)To approve grant application for Cotswold Festival for £2K (next year’s budget)

viii)To discuss committee’s recommendation that council should stop advertising in Stow Times and give 6 months’ notice of intent and proposal that council should use the money to produce a quarterly newsletter

c)Parks & Square Committee

d)Neighbourhood Development Plan Group

e)Planning, Traffic & Parking Committee

  1. Report by any members who have had a meeting or attended any event on behalf of council
  2. Unstable wall outside council office entrance update
  1. To set a date and venue for Annual Parish Meeting
  2. To discuss the following correspondence received by council

i)Toffs & Totties charity bike ride on 1st July 2017

ii)CDC’s “The great get together” on 17th/18th June 2017 do council wish to get involved?

iii)Email from owner of business in the Square reference Fun Fair in June 2017

  1. Any other business (items to be discussed at the next meeting)
  2. Meeting Closed
  3. Date of Next Meeting – Thursday27th April 2017 at 7.15 pm

*Public participation (up to 15 minutes) – If you wish to speak about any concerns you wish to draw to the Council’s attention, you may speak for up to 3 minutes, when directed to do so by the Chairman.

Rules dictate that members of the public may not take part in the Town Council Meeting unless invited to do so by the Chairman and that Councillors can only make decisions on items included on the Agenda.