8:30 AM – 9:30 AM  Friday,October 24, 2014  SM-222


Present:Randy Morgan, Rickelle Syrdahl, Jay Navarrette, Elizabeth Buchanan, Sarah Phinney, Rosemary Viotto, Jennifer Sims, Lorie???

Absent:Erin Cruz

  1. Call to Order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Informational ItemsSmall Links- Sarah stated that students are having trouble getting into their email from Inside PC, it is trying to open up the default email instead. There is a concern this would discourage students from emailing their instructor when needed because of the hassle.
  1. Discussion/Action Items
  1. Access to PC Adjunct listserve update- Still unable to send emails to Adjunct stuff, will need to find out who the decision maker is in regards to restricted use.
  1. XP MachinesJay- the XP machines on campus need to have software updates, it is important not to run them on the network until updated.
  1. Student/Instructor Computer ImagesJay informed us that the guys are going to get started on building the new images for the spring semester. It is important that instructors look at current programs to see if they are still in use, if not we need to get rid of them. We also need to know of any upgrades needed as well as new programs needed. It was mentioned that it may be a good idea to send a list of software to division chairs and have them highlight programs they are using.
  1. Bandwidth Issues Academic Senate Recommendation Rickelle discussed how the academic senate recommends asking people how the bandwidth is affecting them; possibly create a survey that is specific and directed to bandwidth questions.

Jay informed the group about how the open Wi-Fi usage is filling up 50% of our connections out to the district and how people (staff and students) are fighting for the bandwidth. Jay is currently working with Buzz on what is called PC Shaping, a specific instructor pc that would have priority for bandwidth as needed (ex: YouTube).

We currently have 60MB and hope to have 300MB by the spring semester.

  1. IT Plan Jay went over the IT plan which is 26 pages long. There has been an update with budget numbers starting with consulting service: was $3500, now $2500. Employee travel was $4000, now $2000. Computer Hardware Maintenance Agreements were $30,000, now $40,000. Repairs are the same and computer technology equipment is at $58,000.

Standard IT annual replacement is to replace machines that are 3 years old or older in student work rooms and the library with equipment that is either brand new or certified refurbished (3 year warranty).

Minimum computer standards have changed; there will be an upgrade in gigs, be able to support dual monitors, with a larger hard drive.

Wireless policies and procedures has been revised.

  1. Graphics (not on agenda) Graphics- Jay will be looking for new copiers, the maintenance contract charges $3-4,000 every few months.
