Kaiserslautern American High School

“The Early Years” Reunion – April 14-17, 2013, Savannah, Georgia

Registration Form

Last Name High School Yrs at K-town

First Name and Current at KAHS Graduation (ex: 55-57)

any “Nickname” Last Name (if different) Year or “G” if guest



(Please enter the above information as you would like to have it appear on name tags)

If you have additional guests, please list them on reverse and check here

Street Address: ______

City, State, Zip ______

Phone: ______Cell: ______Other: ______

E-mail ______

(Note: If you would rather NOT have any of the above information

on our password protected contact list, please specify)


Many Cost Totals

Registration ______X $15.00 = ______

$15.00 per person includes hospitality room including

snacks and drinks, as well as publicity and other logistical costs

City Tour – Monday morning ______X $20.00 = ______

Includes 90-minute narrated tour of the Historic District as

well as unlimited on-off rides on trolleys until 5:30pm

Banquet – Tuesday Evening ______X $35.00 = ______

Includes meal, soft beverage, tax and service

Beer and/or Wine extra


____ Check made out to “K-Town Reunion c/o Kent Price” is enclosed, or

____ Please charge my VISA___, MC ___, DISC ___, AMEX ____ (Note: $5.00 surcharge for using credit card)

Card Number ______Exp. ______Security Code (3 or 4 digits) ______


Name and/or address on card if different from above

We have usually been able to provide beer and wine in the hospitality room at no extra cost. For planning

purposes, please tell us how many total glasses those on this form might want over the 4 days: beer ______, wine ______

(J Privacy notice: Your responses will be used for statistical purposes only and will not be disclosed to the public. J)

Please indicate whether you will be staying at the Inn at Ellis Square _____, or elsewhere ______

Please add any other comments, suggestions or ideas on reverse.

Thanks, and see y’all in Savannah !!

Please send this form with check or credit card information to:

Kent Price, 2344 Valley Drive, Eagle Mountain, UT 84005