
In order to maintain current knowledge in a field of study, professional scientist and laypersons alike read appropriate magazines or journal articles. For this assignment, you will be required to familiarize yourself with such magazines or journals.


1. You will enhance the information gained during classroom lecture and activities through reading magazine or journal articles pertaining to general topics covered.

2. You will become familiar with publications for the general public and professional scientists that contain important scientific information.


You are required to write a total of three Magazine Article Reviews each semester. Each Magazine Article Review should be 2½ to 3 pages in written length (double-spaced), and should have the content and format that follows below. It is suggested that you choose a long article with a generous amount of information. Similarly, bound sources that can be found in a school or local library are preferable over internet articles that may or may not contain credible information. Internet articles must be okayed in advance.

1. Identification

Your Name and the Date turned in (will lose points if missing)

2. Bibliographic Information

Author(s) Name(s)

Name of Article & Magazine or Journal

Date of Publication

Number of Full Written Pages

3. Article Summary & Reaction

Detailed Summary

Personal Reaction

The personal reaction should include both your thoughts regarding the content of the article as well as how this article relates to information that has been previously covered in class regarding the topic. You should be able to produce an original or photocopy of the article reviewed if requested.

Points Possible & Due Dates

Each Magazine Article Review is worth a total of 25 points. Each Review Article is due on the Tuesday before the last week of the associated unit.

Prairie Article Review September 8th

Water Article Review October 20th

Forest Article Review November 17th