Emergency Watershed Program

Checklist for Environmental Section of Damage Survey Report

Damage Survey Report Sample for Streambank Protection Protection

  1. Create Access– Setting of construction site access (staging area)
  2. VegetationPlant loss of vegetative cover and  diversity.
  3. Soil compactionSoil (heavy equipment compacting soil)
  4. InfiltrationSoil ( due to compaction)
  5. Soil erosionSoil (loss of cover)
  6. Streambank stability Soil (loss of cover)
  7. TurbiditySTWater (soil in suspension of the water column)
  8. Habitat qualityAnimal (loss of habitat structure and water quality).
  9. Dewater
  10. Aquatic lifeAnimal (no water and loss of habitat)
  11. spawning habitat
  12. invertebrate attachment surfaces
  13. plunge pool/habitats
  14. fish recruitment, mortality, species composition, Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species, if present
  15. Wetland qualityPlant (loss of water); Water (Loss of water); and Animal (loss of habitat).
  16. TurbidityWater (water loss  concentration of suspended solids)
  17. Use Heavy Equipment for Grading and Shaping
  18. Vegetative coverPlant vegetative cover and  diversity.
  19. Soil compactionSoil (heavy equipment compacting soil)
  20. RunoffSoil (loss of vegetation), Water ( sedimentation)
  21. Flow velocityWater ( dissolved oxygen) Soil ( erosion) Animal (ST  habitat)
  22. InfiltrationSoil ( due to compaction)
  23. Soil erosionSoil (loss of cover)
  24. Bank erosionSoil (loss of cover)
  25. Turbidity STWater (soil in suspension of the water column)
  26. Input of nutrientsWater (ST decaying vegetative material  dissolved oxygen)
  27. Alter channel morphology by  compactionSoil ( due to compaction)
  28. formation of wetlands (onsite and downstream)Plant ST decrease functioning of seasonal wetlands
  29. resident biotaPlant (siltation of aquatics); Animal (loss of aquatic structure).
  30. Temperature STWater ( temperature due to loss of tree over story); Animal (no effect unless a trout (cool water species) stream
  31. Dissolved oxygen ST/ dissolved oxygen LTWater ST( due to decaying materials); Water LT ( flow velocity and  turbidity)
  32. Aquatic biota such as vegetation, and immotile or slow moving speciesPlant (siltation of aquatics); Animal (loss of aquatic structure).
  33. Pollutants (petroleum, oil, lubricants (POLs)Water ST ( Dissolved oxygen); Animal ( chance for fish kills in hot temperature with lower dissolved oxygen)
  34. Fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicalsWater ST ( Dissolved oxygen); Animal ( chance for fish kills in hot temperature with lower dissolved oxygen)
  35. Borrow of Material– Using spoil to recreate original bank and flow regime
  36. Effectiveness of floodplains (More water in channel due to repairs) Soil (
  37. Weakened streambanks (
  38. Installation of Structural Practices
  39. Vegetative coverPlant (LT for armor and ST for vegetation; loss of vegetative cover and  diversity.
  40. Flow velocityWater ( dissolved oxygen) Soil ( erosion) Animal (ST  habitat)
  41. InfiltrationSoil ( due to compaction)
  42. Soil erosion ST/soil erosion LTSoil (ST loss of cover) and (LT )
  43. Turbidity ST/ turbidity LTWater (ST soil in suspension of the water column) and LT 
  44. Alter channel morphology by compaction Soil ( due to compaction)
  45. TemperatureWater (LT  for armor due to loss of overstory) and Water (ST  for vegetative plantings from loss of overstory).
  46. Dissolved oxygenPlants (Armoring LT – loss of some aquatic vegetation) and Plants (Vegetative planting LT-No impact)
  47. Aquatic biota such as vegetation, and immotile or slow moving speciesPlant (siltation of aquatics); Animal (loss of aquatic structure).
  48.  Pollutants (petroleum, oil, lubricants (POLs) Water ST ( Dissolved oxygen); Animal ( chance for fish kills in hot temperature with lower dissolved oxygen)
  49. Fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicalsWater ST ( Dissolved oxygen); Animal ( chance for fish kills in hot temperature with lower dissolved oxygen)
  50. Riparian and aquatic vegetationPlant (LT loss of overstory).
  51. Revegetation
  52. Soil erosionSoil (LT-replacement of vegetation for erosion reduction)
  53. TurbidityWater (LT-replacement of vegetation)
  54. SedimentationWater (LT-replacement of vegetation)
  55. Stream temperatureWater (LT replacement of overstory)

 - indicate increase in the identified elementST=short-term effect

 - indicates decrease in the identified elementLT=long-term effect

Additional effects information can be found in Appendix B flow charts,
EWP final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.Page 1 of 6

Emergency Watershed Program

Checklist for Environmental Section of Damage Survey Report

Damage Survey Report Sample for Debris Removal – Must use code and for debris in order proper Removal

  1. Create Access
  2. VegetationPlant loss of vegetative cover and  diversity.
  3. Soil compactionSoil (heavy equipment compacting soil)
  4. InfiltrationSoil ( due to compaction)
  5. Soil erosionSoil (loss of cover)
  6. Streambank stability Soil (loss of cover)
  7. Turbidity Water (soil in suspension of the water column)
  8. Dewater
  1.  Aquatic lifeAnimal (no water and loss of habitat)
  2.  spawning habitat
  3.  invertebrate attachment surfaces
  4.  plunge pool/habitats
  5.  fish recruitment, mortality, species composition, Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species, if present
  6. Wetland qualityPlant (loss of water); Water (Loss of water); and Animal (loss of habitat).
  7. TurbidityWater (water loss  concentration of suspended solids)
  1. Use Heavy Equipment for Grading and Shaping
  1. Vegetative coverPlant loss of vegetative cover and  diversity.
  2. Flow velocityWater ( dissolved oxygen) Soil ( erosion) Animal (ST  habitat)
  3. InfiltrationSoil ( due to compaction)
  4. Soil erosionSoil (loss of cover)
  5. TurbidityWater (soil in suspension of the water column)
  6. Alter channel morphology by compactionSoil ( due to compaction)
  7.  Temperature Water ( temperature due to loss of tree over story); Animal (no effect unless a trout (cool water species) stream
  8. Dissolved oxygenWater ST( due to decaying materials); Water LT ( flow velocity and  turbidity)
  9. Aquatic biota such as vegetation, and immotile or slow moving speciesPlant (siltation of aquatics); Animal (loss of aquatic structure)
  10. Pollutants (petroleum, oil, lubricants (POLs)Water ST ( Dissolved oxygen); Animal ( chance for fish kills in hot temperature with lower dissolved oxygen)
  11. Fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicalsWater ST ( Dissolved oxygen); Animal ( chance for fish kills in hot temperature with lower dissolved oxygen)
  1. Revegetation
  1. Soil erosionSoil (LT-replacement of vegetation for erosion reduction)
  2. TurbidityWater (LT-replacement of vegetation)
  3. Stream temperatureWater (LT replacement of overstory)
  1. Disposal of debris (
  2. Haul off-siteSoil (heavy equipment compacting soil)
  3. CompactionSoil (loss of cover)
  4. Erosion Soil (loss of cover)
  5. Effects on stream habitatAnimal ( instream cover).
  6. Wetland infillingOther ( bank overflow and  channel carrying capacity).
  7. Burn on-site
  8. Air pollutionAir (ST smoke and particulate)
  9. pHSoil ( pH from ash)
  10. Stream temperatureWater ( temperature embers and particulate)
  11. Wetland infillingOther ( due to burned residue on-site and residual debris)
  12. Habitat qualityAnimal (loss of habitat structure)
  13. Fish and invertebratesAnimal (degradation or loss of habitat)
  14. Burn off-site
  15. Air pollutionAir (ST smoke and particulate)
  16. Site disturbancePlant (ST Loss of vegetation) and Soil (compaction of burned materials)
  17. Chemical and biological effectsReduces affects for debris removal site only.
  18. Wetland infillingOther ( due to burned residue on-site and residual debris)
  19. Bury on-site
  20. Short term site disturbanceSoil ( Erosion)
  21. Short term erosionSoil ( Erosion)
  22. Wetland infillingPlant and Animal ( wetland area)
  23. Habitat qualityPlant and Animal (ST Loss of vegetation)
  24. Bury off-site
  25. Site disturbanceSoil (Equipment gathering and burying debris)
  26. Effects on habitat and benthic habitatAnimal (Hauling off-site)
  27. Wetland infillingPlant and Animal (Hauling debris off-site)

 - indicate increase in the identified elementST=short-term effect

 - indicates decrease in the identified elementLT=long-term effect

Additional effects information can be found in Appendix B flow charts,
EWP final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.Page 1 of 6

Emergency Watershed Program

Checklist for Environmental Section of Damage Survey Report

Damage Survey Report Sample for Dam, Dike, and Levee Repair or Removal, Dike, and Levee Repair or Removal

  1. Create Access
  2.  Vegetation Plant loss of cover
  3.  Soil compactionSoil heavy equip
  4.  InfiltrationSoilcompaction
  5.  Soil erosionSoil  loss of cover
  6.  Streambank stabilitySoil  loss of cover
  7.  Turbidity Water from erosion
  8. Dewater

a. Aquatic lifeAnimal loss of habitat

i. spawning habitatAnimal loss of habitat

ii. invertebrate attachment surfacesAnimal loss of habitat

iii. plunge pool/habitatsAnimal loss of habitat

iv. fish recruitment, mortality, species composition, Threatened and Endangered (T&E) Species, if present Animal loss of habitat

b. Wetland qualityPlant loss of vegetationAnimal loss of habitat

c. TurbidityWaterloss of volume, erosion

  1. Install armor
  1.  Vegetative coverPlant loss of vegetation
  2.  Flow velocityWater
  3.  InfiltrationSoil from compaction
  4.  Soil erosion ST/ soil erosion LTSoilerosion during construction

Soil less erosion after construction

  1.  Turbidity ST/ turbidity LTWater  erosion during construction

Water less erosion after construction

  1. Alter channel morphology by  compactionWater  due to construction
  2.  TemperatureWater  loss of overstory vegetation
  3.  Dissolved oxygenWater loss of vegetation
  4.  Aquatic biota such as vegetation, and immotile or slow moving species

Plant  loss of vegetationAnimal  loss of habitat

  1.  Pollutants (petroleum, oil, lubricants (POLs) Water  from construction equipment
  2.  Fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicalsWater  from construction activities
  3.  Riparian and aquatic vegetationPlant loss of vegetation
  1. Grade, Shape, and Re-vegetate affected Streambanks by Seeding and Planting
  2.  Vegetative coverPlantshort-term disturbance of vegetation
  3. Flow velocityWater  dissolved oxygenSoil erosion
  4. InfiltrationSoil due to compaction
  5. Ponding of waterWater  short-term during construction
  6. Soil productivitySoil fill material quality
  7.  Soil erosionSoil  short-term due to loss of vegetation
  8. TurbidityWater  due to erosion
  1. Alter channel morphology by  compaction
  2. Temperature STWater  loss of vegetation
  3. Dissolved oxygenWater  loss of vegetation
  4. Aquatic biota such as vegetation, and immotile or slow moving species

Plant  loss of vegetation

  1. Pollutants (petroleum, oil, lubricants (POLs)Water from construction equipment
  2. Fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemicalsWater  short-term until vegetation established
  1. Fill/Excavation
  2.  Run-offSoil loss of cover
  3.  Aquatic habitat and biotaPlant  loss of vegetationAnimal  loss of habitat
  4.  Sediment in rifflesWater erosionAnimal  loss of habitat
  5.  TurbidityWater erosion
  6.  Migration patterns of salmonidsN/A


 - indicate increase in the identified elementST=short-term effect

 - indicates decrease in the identified elementLT=long-term effect

Additional effects information can be found in Appendix B flow charts,
EWP final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement.Page 1 of 6