Below you’ll find a “justification letter” template – a letter to your supervisor/manager explaining all of the benefits you’ll get from attending the 2018 Nuclear Deterrence Summit.

This general template will get you started while allowing you to customize it to you and your organization’s particular needs.

Letter to Manager/Supervisor


Dear [Supervisor’s name],

With daily updates to the international nuclear climate, it is more important than ever to connect with policy experts, industry officials and stakeholders throughout the U.S. nuclear enterprise. That’s why the 2018 Nuclear Deterrence Summit is an important opportunity for me to join leaders for the most timely discussions on the United States’ role in arms control and nonproliferation, potential changes to U.S. nuclear posture under a new president, and the dynamic nature of this country’s relationship with international allies and adversaries.

The 2018 Nuclear Deterrence Summit, which takes place February 20-22, in Arlington, VA, is the premier event for nuclear deterrence decision-makers to network, get high-level strategic updates from high-profile and expert speakers and connect with one another to create business for 2018 and beyond. Leading industry experts will present on topics such as deterrence outlook, modernization strategy, updates from the National Nuclear Security Agency labs, Congressional initiatives and more.

Topics to be covered include:

·  Nuclear Posture Review and Policy Update

·  National Laboratories

·  MOX

·  NNSA Weapons Activities

·  Infrastructure Modernization

·  Arms Control/International Security Diplomacy

·  Nuclear Triad Modernization

·  Countering Nuclear Smuggling

·  Proliferation Challenges: North Korea, China and Iran

·  Extended Deterrence Challenges: Russia and NATO

·  And more

I’ve provided a couple of documents for your review. There is a breakdown of costs to attend the conference and a benefits worksheet that specifically targets industry pain points and how attending this event will help provide solutions.

I would welcome the opportunity to interact with presenters and colleagues, plus learn about the latest industry updates at the 2018 Nuclear Deterrence Summit. This would seem to be a wise investment in business opportunities, and I look forward to discussing this with you.


[Your name here]