
Regular Meeting Minutes, June 28, 2012




Present: President Mountain, Trustees Blundo, Gregory, Hanlon, Koch, Schaadt, Superintendent Geoffrey W. Zoeller, and Board Secretary Keith A. Rosado.

Absent: Vice President Liddy, Mandeville, and Swietkowski.

The public hearing was called to order at 7:00 P.M. in the Hurley Theatre, Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School, by Business Administrator Keith Rosado to discuss the proposed contract of the Superintendent of Schools.

PUBLIC FORUM: Started: 7:01 P.M.

Ended: 7:02 P.M.

No one chose to speak.

The Board then went back into Executive Session in the Board Conference Room.

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. in the Hurley Theatre, Westwood Regional Jr./Sr. High School, by President Mountain who led the salute to the flag and read the New Jersey Open Public Meeting Law statement.

Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Zoeller:

·  Dr. Zoeller reported on the various HIB trainings that took place throughout the school year for staff, students, and parents.

President’s Report

Mrs. Mountain:

·  None.

Business Administrator’s Report

Mr. Rosado:

·  The business office is working on closing out the current year and opening up the new school year.

·  We have two construction projects underway -- the lower gym locker room renovation and the Berkeley School egress stairs. The floors in the lower gym have just been refinished.


·  None


Mrs. Schaadt, seconded by Mrs. Gregory, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:

WHEREAS the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Laura Scheideler, seventh grade student, for being selected as the Westwood Regional Middle School student of the month for June 2012.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Laura Scheideler for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.


Mr. Blundo, seconded by Mrs. Hanlon, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:

WHEREAS the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Samantha Myers, sixth grade student, for being selected as the Westwood Regional Middle School student of the month for June 2012.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Samantha Myers for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.


Mrs. Hanlon, seconded by Mrs. Schaadt, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the following resolution be adopted:

WHEREAS the Westwood Regional School District would like to recognize Christopher Russo for his achievement of the Eagle Scout rank.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Westwood Regional Board of Education hereby congratulates Christopher Russo for this accomplishment, directs the Secretary to include this Resolution in the official minutes of the Board of Education, and directs the Superintendent of Schools to present the student with a suitable certificate of recognition.



Started: 7:45 P.M.

Ended: 7:56 P.M.

·  Charles Seipp, Middle School Principal, thanked the Board for their support this school year. Mr. Seipp also congratulated Dr. Zoeller in advance of his contract renewal.

·  Gus Molina, Washington Avenue, Westwood, spoke regarding an incident in the cafeteria and the disciplinary actions taken by administration.


Mrs. Mountain, seconded by Mrs. Gregory, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, the Board of Education approve the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Westwood Regional Board of Education (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”) and Geoffrey W. Zoeller, Jr., Ed.D., desire to enter into an employment contract for the term commencing July 1, 2013 and expiring June 30, 2018; and

WHEREAS, the Executive County Superintendent of Schools has given approval to the employment agreement submitted by the Board of Education attorney; and

WHEREAS, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 18A:11-11, 30-day advance notice of said action and 10 day advance notice of a public hearing were provided to the public; and

BE IT RESOLVED that the Board hereby appoints Geoffrey W. Zoeller, Jr., Ed.D. as the Superintendent of Schools for the Westwood Regional School District for the period beginning on July 1, 2013 and expiring on June 30, 2018; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board approves the Employment Agreement with Geoffrey W. Zoeller, Jr., Ed.D., to the position of Superintendent of Schools for the foregoing period of appointment, which Employment Agreement is attached to this Resolution and made a part hereof.


·  Mr. Blundo stated the Superintendent’s contract was developed and submitted for County approval without the approval and knowledge of all Board members and suggested that the entire Board be engaged in this process in the future. He questioned whether there was a cap on attendance of state and national conferences and questioned whether approved coursework would only be related to the position of superintendent.

·  Dr. Zoeller stated conferences were governed by state travel regulations. Dr. Zoeller stated a new law exits which allows reimbursement for coursework which would enhance one’s performance as a school administrator or a tangential field. Any other coursework would not be permitted for reimbursement.

·  Mrs. Mountain stated the board attorney developed the contract based on boiler plate contracts with very minor changes. The contract had to be submitted to the Executive County Superintendent for approval and she was advised by the attorney not to distribute the contract until it came back from the County. Board members have had the opportunity to go over the contract since last Thursday and were asked to get back with any concerns and questions by Tuesday before distribution of the Board packet.


Mrs. Mountain, seconded by Mrs. Hanlon, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Keith A. Rosado, Business Administrator/Board Secretary, per the contract dated July 1, 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.


·  Dr. Zoeller stated Mr. Rosado has performed admirable service to the school district with his outstanding financial management and highly recommended the Board approve his contract.


Mrs. Mountain, seconded by Mrs. Gregory, that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the following motions:

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the resignation of Rebecca Johnson Giese, Grade 1, Brookside School, effective June 30, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Eileen O’Sullivan, Secretary, Jr./Sr. High School, for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Charlotte Suman, Special Education/Self Contained Autistic, George School, for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Kristin Iozzia, Grade 1, Brookside School, for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Amanda Reber, School Psychologist, Special Services, for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Charles Collis, Head Girls’ Basketball Coach, for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Jason Atkins, Teacher of Technology, Jr./Sr. High School, for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given a child rearing leave of absence for Christine McGovern, Grade 6, Middle School, for use of sick leave from October 1, 2012 through November 9, 2012, which will include the Family Medical Leave Act and a leave of absence without pay from November 10, 2012 through February 1, 2013, which will include the remainder of the Family Medical Leave Act and Family Leave Act.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given a child rearing leave of absence for Catherine Hayden, Occupational Therapist, Special Services, for use of sick leave from September 4, 2012 through September 12, 2012, which will include the Family Medical Leave Act and a leave of absence without pay from September 13, 2012 through November 19, 2012, which will include the remainder of the Family Medical Leave Act.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given a revised athletic contract for Thomas Jarusiewicz for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given field placements and practicums for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of substitute teachers for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of substitute aides and secretaries for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given additional days for guidance counselors per the WEA agreement for Summer 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of staff for the Summer Arts Academy, 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Jillian Tuosto as club advisor of Heroes and Cools Kids for the 2011-12 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given appointment of secretarial staff, Special Services, Summer 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of staff to participate in Child Study Team meetings on an as-needed basis for Summer 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of staff to proctor make-up exams on June 22, 25, 26, 27, and 28, for Summer 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given additional days for child study teams members as an on-needed basis for Summer 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given staff for assistive technology training for Summer 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given an ABA aide for summer work outside for Summer 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  the Superintendent of Schools, after consultation with his administrative staff, recommends the following staff and salary for the technology support staff for summer 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to custodial and Jr./Sr. High School office summer help, per the list dated June 28, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of staff for the Department of Special Services for the Extended School Year from July 9, 2012 through August 3, 3012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of staff from the Department of Special Services for Summer 2012, on an as- needed basis for summer work, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of staff and salary for the Summer Adventure Program from July 9, 2012 through August 3, 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of volunteer staff from Ramapo College for the Summer Adventure Program from July 9, 2012 through August 3, 2012, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of staff and salary for writing curriculum for Summer 2012 for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given to the waiver of language to the contract between the Westwood Administrators Association and the Westwood Regional Board of Education for the period between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2014, per the attached list.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of painters for the 2012-23 school year, per the list dated June 26, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be give a medical leave of absence with use of sick days with full medical benefits for Roseanne DiPasquale, Secretary, Jr./Sr. High School, for the period of June 22, 2012 through September 21, 2012 which will include the Family Medical Leave Act and Family Leave Act.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Ana Garcia, Bus Driver, for the 2012-13 school year, per the list dated June 28, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Megan O’Hagan, Teacher of Biology, Jr./Sr. High School, effective September 1, 2012, per the list dated June 28, 2012.

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given the appointment of Corrie Kemple, Teacher of Chemistry, Jr./Sr. High School, effective September 1, 2012, per the list dated June 28, 2012 .

·  that upon the recommendation of the Superintendent, approval be given a field experience, Special Services, Fall 2012, per the list dated June 28, 2012.