Strategic Plan - 2009-2012
Table of Contents
Providence Connections was established in 1994 as a parent corporation for the ministries of the Sisters of Divine Providence serving women and children, particularly single mothers and their children.The ministries under the corporate umbrella were St. Anne Day Care, DivineProvidenceChildCareCenter and Amelia House.
St. Anne Day Care, a.k.a. Providence Child Care Center South was established in 1984, became a part of Providence Connections in 1994, and closed in 2008. DivineProvidenceChildCareCenter, a.k.a. Providence Child Care Center North was started in 1992 and became a part of ProvidenceFamilySupportCenter in 2003. Amelia House, founded in ClarionCounty as a SAFE house shelter for women and their children who are homeless and/or victims of domestic violence, became a part of Providence Connections in 1995.
Today, Providence Connections, Inc. is the parent corporation for ProvidenceFamilySupportCenter and Amelia House. While these ministries stem from the mission of the Sisters of Divine Providence, Providence Connections, Inc. and its programs are non-denominational and serve families in need regardless of race, creed or national origin.
In mid-2009, the organization initiated the development of its 2009-2012 strategic plan with the aim of examining its history and charting a future course. Through that process, the board of directors, staff and parent council identified a number of critical issues in five key areas: 1) Finance and Funding, 2) Staffing, 3) Board, 4) Program Enrollment/Demand and 5) Communications.
Program Enrollment/Demand
- How are needs changing within the community? How should we change to better serve those needs?
- Do we have the right mix and balance of programs and services? Should we eliminate or decrease any programs or services? If yes, how do we determine which?
- How do we recognize and balance our services based on community needs, particularly if funding is not available to support those needs?
- What partners can we engage in a mutually beneficial way?
- How do we determine if we should subsidize services that are unable to pay their direct and indirect costs?
- How will we compete with fully subsidized programs such as Head Start that are anticipated to grow with stimulus funds?
- What tools and processes should we implement to evaluate the effectiveness of our services?
- Do we have the right staff resources to address the issues that we are facing? If not, how do we obtain them?
- How can we take the confidence that staff have garnered, in our Family Support Center network with outside funders and peers, and apply it amongst our own staff and board?
- If we make additional staff changes, will that create even more uncertainty and loss of existing momentum?
- How can we increase goodwill and communications among and between the board, executive director and staff?
- Do we have the right mix of board members?
- Are there more efficient ways to address communications and functionality of the two-tiered board (i.e., Providence board and the Sisters of Divine Providence board)?
- How can we improve our board recruitment, leadership development and orientation process?
- What role should board members play in seeking major gifts? What expectations do we have of board members? How do we communicate these expectations to existing and new members?
- Are there ways to create a stronger team sense between and among board members and staff?
- What is the board’s role in strategic versus operational issues? How can we maximize the impact of the board?
Finance and Funding
- How do we strategically diversify our revenues? What is reasonable and makes sense in the short term? What about the longer term? What fund raising outcome do we believe is realistic in the current market?
- How do we monitor our progress and plan for adjustments as we go?
- How do we avoid operating in a crisis mode which prevents us from thinking and operating strategically?
- Is it necessary to implement aggressive or staged opportunities to decrease expenses? Should we consider ways to decrease our facility’s overhead? Are there creative opportunities for managing our facility’s costs?
- What are the major goals of an internal and external communications initiative? How can board and staff achieve those goals through increased internal and external communications?
- How do we increase our visibility and presence within the community? How do we tell our story in a way that increases involvement from the local community and support from donors and funders?
During a series of strategic planning workshops, staff and board developed a plan that addressed those critical issues by building on internal strengths and external opportunities while addressing the organization’s weaknesses and environmental threats.
With the establishment of goals, working groups were formed anddeveloped an operational plan providing detailed objectives, timelines, responsible parties and resources.
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Our vision is that Providence Connections will be a model non-profit agency, supporting 500 families by 2014.
Strategic Plan - 2009-2012
Goals / Objectives / Time Frame / Responsible Party / Evaluation / ResourcesP1. To achieve full enrollment in PFSC child care (six weeks- 13 years of age) programs / P1O1. Update current recruitment plan identifying tuition assistance needs and targeted enrollment for each year & implement plan. / Jun 2010 / Director CC, Curriculum specialist / Plan updated / Support from Marketing & Development
P2. To reach 100% capacity (50) in PFSC home visiting program / P2O1. Update current plan for community outreach identifying targeted increases for each year & implement plan. / Jun 2010 / Director
PFSC / Plan updated Increase in calls, standardized follow up plan, and understanding of call origin / Support from Marketing and Development
P3. To achieve 90 -95% success rate for women at Amelia House who will remain free from an abusive living situation / P3O1. Create a scorecard with established targets that assist women in evaluating their progress. / Jan 2010 / Board member, Director Amelia House / Scorecard developed
P3O2. Utilize scorecard to evaluate progress through pre- and post-evaluations. (Note: Progress may indicated by activities such as job, counseling, housing, following court orders, seeking appropriate assistance for children.) / Jan 2010 / Board member, Director Amelia House / Scorecard utilized and progress demonstrated
Program Enrollment/Demand (P)
This goal has been implemented; the score card designed and used with the women. The 90% success rate for women at Amelia house to remain free from abusive situations has been maintained
Program Enrollment/Demand (P)Goals / Objectives / Time Frame / Responsible Party / Evaluation / Resources
P4. To effectively evaluate PFSC programs on an annual basis / P4O1. Educate program staff on outcomes and their role in achieving them. / Jan 2011 / DirectorPFSC
specialist / Education provided to existing staff. New staff receive education as a part of orientation
P4O2. Develop realistic outcomes for each program using the logic model. / Jun 2011 / DirectorPFSC
specialist / Outcomes identified / Keystone STARS, University of Pittsburgh Office of Child Development
P4O3. Ensure that outcomes and evaluation data are provided to appropriate staff.
We are behind with this goal but working on outcomes for all programs / Quarterly beginning Sep 2011 / DirectorPFSC
specialist / Outcomes & data provided to appropriate staff
P5. Determine the feasibility of using PFSC facility on weekends & evenings in a way that is in sync with PFSC mission and values / P5O1. Create facility team to research what is needed and supported by community. / Sep 2011 / Exec. Dir / Team established / Neighborhood demographics
P5O2. Determine resources needed to utilize facility on weekends & evenings.
The team consists of Mark Titi, Tish Donze and myself. We have developed policy and procedures for use of gym/dining area and designed request forms. We have established the fees for both staff members and others. At this point ,most of the use has been for birthday parties. / Jan 2012 / Exec. Dir / Team recommends feasibility. If feasible, activities have begun
P6. To update kitchen to meet Health Dept. regulations in order to have effective family programming / P6O1. Consult with William Hamilton, Environmental Health Specialist regarding equipment that will meet standards. / Dec 2009 / DirectorPFSC / Standards info obtained / Dept of Health
P6O2. Secure quotes for cost of equipment and installation. / Dec 2009 / DirectorPFSC / Quotes received
P6O3. Write grant proposal for funding for equipment and installation.
The goal and objectives have been fulfilled. We now have an approved commercial kitchen with all necessary appliances…
In July 2011 we passed our review with a few minor changes or additions needed to be taken care of. / Jun 2010 / Dir Development / Grant written and submitted to potential funders
Staff and Board (S)
Goals / Objectives / Time Frame / Responsible Party / Evaluation / Resources
S1. To conduct a zero based staff assessment by corporate functions
(Finance, Development, Human Resources etc.) and programs / S1O1. To restructure the organization’s corporate functions and programs to optimally support the implementation of the strategic plan
Ann Royster, Tish Donze and I worked with our consultant from Bayer, Ray Frankowski. Analyzed all job descriptions and ranked designated positions on a specific scale, based on responsibilities…. Used Bayer 2010 survey of non-profits and rankings of positions to set up salary schedule. Job descriptions were revised and any duplication of tasks/ responsibilities were eliminated. One area in particular that is a problem is the finance area. This individual is accountant/bookkeeper, payroll manager, and chief financial officer. There is need for another part time person to be hired for some of the accounting work. With the Director of Marketing working only ten hours a week, some tasks/responsibilities were shifted from marketing/PR to Development. We have a second person in the Development office.
The corporate team has worked on implementation of different parts of the plan. / July 2011 / Exec. Dir
Finance Dir.
Program Directors / Completion of assessment
Changes or additions to
Staff & functions / Consultant
S2. To expand the Board of Directors to enhance governance and facilitate the growth of Providence Connections / S2O1. To conduct an in-depth analysis of the current board and board structure to meet the strategic goals and objectives for the 2009-2012 strategic plan / Jan 2010 / Board chair,Exec. Dir, Board Strengthening Committee / Completion of assessment
S2O2. To develop and implement a plan for board expansion including specific recruitment goals.
S203. To initiate an Advisory Council, recruiting a minimum of 6 – 8 qualified members
An analysis of the current board and structure was completed. We have a plan for board expansion but it is not formally written. One of our most important issues re the board is recruitment of African Americans and other differently colored persons. We have not been successful.
We have a Board Advisory Council consisting of 8 people who are involved in various ways andadvising in certain areas. / Sep 2010
Jan 2010 / Board chair,Exec. Dir, Board Strengthening Committee
Exec. Dir
Board Chair / Completion of plan
Board has approved members
Finance and Funding (F)
Goals / Objectives / Time Frame / Responsible Party / Evaluation / Resources
F1. To increase organizational revenue / F1O1. To develop and implement comprehensive Development Plan forFY 2010 & 2011 that specifies how much funding will be raised, from what sources, how and by when. / Jun 2010 / Exec. Dir
Dir Development / Plan is completed
F1O2. To develop and implement a comprehensive plan for management of the building asset at 3113 Brighton Road that increases facility generated revenue by 2Xcurrent amount. / Jun 2012 / Exec. Dir
Staff / Plan is completed
and revenue is realized
F2. To establish an endowment for Providence Connections / F2O1. To create the legal and financial framework for an endowment fund for Providence Connections with the goal of raising $0.5 million in 5 years. / Jun 2010 / Exec Dir
Finance Dir / The endowment fund is established / Legal or financial assistance
F2O2. To redirect a portion of the anticipated $1.0 million Divine Providence Foundation’s donation over the next five years from operations to the endowment fund.
The decision was made by the board not to pursue setting up an endowment during this period / By Jan 2014 / Exec. Dir
Dir Development / $ 0.5 million dollars be directed to the endowment fund by 2014 / $1,000,000
in grants from DPF
F2O3. Launch an endowment campaign. / Jan 2011 / Board of Directors / Campaign launched / Consultant
F3. To make all program financially self sustaining and contributing to the organizational overhead / F3O1. Develop a plan for shared responsibility among the staff for organizational sustainability.
We have made significant progress in the children and youth programs. Each of the three programs: childcare, after school and camp are more fully subscribed. Our tuition policy has been strictly enforced which has affected the bottom line also.
Staff have been made aware of our financial situation and try to recruit or refer people to Providence Family Support Center. / Begin with the 2011 budgeting process / Exec Dir
Dir. Finance
Program Directors / The plan is completed
Goals / Objectives / Time Frame / Responsible Party / Evaluation / Resources
M1.To Increase Providence Connections’ visibility and presence in the communities of the North Side and City of Pittsburgh / M1O1. Strengthen relationship with North Side agencies, churches, schools and businesses to further enhance agency visibility and increase the number of residents and organizations that are aware of our services.
This is a slow process but we are becoming better known. Attending North Side/North Shore Chamber meetings and events has given us more visibility. My attendance at meetings at the Department of Human Services and Office of Child Development (University of Pittsburgh) along with meetings and seminars sponsored by PANO, Dewey and Kaye, Greater Pittsburgh Non-Profits, and other agencies has also made us more visible.
The signs installed in front of the building give people a better idea of what we do.
The Backyard Barbecue, the event raffle, and any other fundraising we do have become vehicles for increasing our visibility and raising friends / January
2011 / Marketing
Exec Dir / Completion of 25 formal contacts with new & former North Side agencies, churches, schools and businesses / North Side Providers group
M1O2. Identify opportunities for cross-agency collaborations and begin implementation planning process.
Early in 2010 we began working with a group of non-profits: Holy Family Institute, Auberle, Family Links and Providence Connections. The group was facilitated by Accenture, an international consulting group, pro bono and the purpose was to look for ways that we could collaborative..
We have been meeting by phone conference or attending group meetings from January 2010 until July 2011.
Our first project for collaboration was Holy Family’s Haiti project. Each of the other three agencies offered their expertise and in some cases their staff to get an early childhood class and regular elementary class started as well as some of the supervision of the Haitian children. The three agencies were paid for the time that their staff spent at Holy Family on this project. / July 2011 / Dir PFSC
Exec Dir / Identification of at least 1 opportunity / Similar agencies
M2. Bring Providence Connections’ promotional and marketing efforts into the 21st century / M2O1. Launch newly designed website, which includes an online giving capability. / January 2010 / Marketing
Exec Dir
Dir. HR / Successful launch of site / Quest Fore
M202. Develop a comprehensive, two-year Marketing / Public Relations Plan & implement
The website was launched in March 2010 and the marketing plan developed by September 2010.
Because of Marketing Specialist’s move to another position in December 2010 and her dedicating only 10 hours/payperiod to PC from that date on, the implementation has not been as effective as we would have hoped.
She has managed to keep up with the website and other Social Media through May 2011 but plans have been made for moving some of the functions of the marketing position to development – website, Facebook, e-mail blasts… / By July 2010 - 2012 / Marketing,
Dir Development
Dir HR
Exec Dir / Completion & implementation of plan / Consultant
M3. Strengthen internal communications within PC / M3O1. Develop Internal Communications Plan & begin implementation.
The pre-survey was administered and tallied. The internal communications plan has not yet been developed. / January 2011 / Exec Dir
Dir HR / Plan developed Improved internal communications determined by pre and post surveys / Consultant
Marketing & Communication (M)
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Our vision is that Providence Connections will be a model non-profit agency, supporting 500 families by 2014.