SubjectPE / Class
12PE / Unit
Methods of training / Topic
Continuous training.
Achievement Objective(s)
Learning Outcome(s) and/or Learning Intentions
What should the students learn?
Identify what a continuous training lesson comprises of. / Assessment and/or Success Criteria
How do we know what we have learnt?
All – take part in a continuous training session.
Most- understand what comprises of a continuous training session.
Some- be able to give other examples of continuous training sessions.
Key Competency Focus
How is this key competency developed in this lesson?
Managing self- students will be set a running course of 5km, they need to get round the course and back in an hr, so they need to be motivated to push themselves.
Time / Student Learning Activities / Teacher Activities
5mins / Starter
Introduce today session which is a continuous run!
Ask the boys to do their own stretches.
Show the boys a map of the 5km run which they will complete. ( see attached)
Set the boys of to run, and tell them to meet you in the gym when they have come back.
As soon as the boys are back get them to measure their heart rate they should be training between 70-85% of MHR.
Explain that the task they did was continuous and lasted over 20mins so therefore is continuous training.
They boys need to fill in a training log.
Conclusion (wrap up)
Recap the key point of continuous training 70-85% MHR and over 20mins and under an hour. / Before the boys depart make sure they know where they are going and give maps to those who need it.
Make sure all boys are aware they will be running a long side the road. Point out the obvious danger associated with the road and to be sensible.
25 maps. 25 log sheets for the boys.
Teacher Evaluation
Student achievement – where to next?
Teacher practice – what have I learnt?
what will I change?
T:\SECONDARY\TLE\Lesson Plan - students.doc