PCC Task Group on Hybrid Integrating Resource Records

Final charge, prepared January 9, 2012; rev. January 25, 2012


The PCC Task Group on Hybrid Bibliographic Records considered the following goals:

·  Provide guidance on how catalogers new to RDA could safely edit RDA records. For Integrating Resources, this goal was achieved by Guide 5 of the Task Group report.

·  Provide guidance on how catalogers using RDA could safely edit pre-RDA records.
The TG recommended a follow-up group consider such guidance for pre-RDA integrating resource records.

·  Provide guidance on when to prefer re-description of pre-RDA records to RDA (“tipping points”)
This also remains to be done for pre-RDA integrating resource records.


Continuing the work of the first task group, the PCC Task Group on Hybrid Integrating Resource Records is charged to produce a guide or cue sheet that will respond to the following questions:

o  In what situations would it be better to re-describe an integrating resource record according to RDA rather than maintaining the record in a hybrid manner?

o  If there are situations where a pre-RDA record for an integrating resource does NOT need to be re-described, then:

·  What maintenance on pre-RDA records can catalogers complete without concern (because applying RDA instructions has the same effect as pre-RDA codes)?

·  What should catalogers trained to catalog using RDA watch out for when editing integrating resource records originally cataloged using a pre-RDA code?

o  Are there any special considerations needed when using RDA to maintain pre-RDA records for:

·  Loose-leaf IRs? (esp. Loose-leaf services)

·  Non-textual IRs?

·  Provider-neutral IRs?

·  IRs related to resources in other forms of issuance (e.g., serial in print/IR online)?

·  Other?

As time permits, the Task Group is further charged to review the Integrating Resources Manual (Appendix B in the BIBCO Participant’s Manual and Module 35 of the CONSER Cataloging Manual):

o  What sections of the IR Manual will need to be reviewed/reconsidered in regard to RDA?

Appendices: RDA-related task groups are required to provide two appendices to indicate whether not RDA-related actions are required by the Secretariat.

Appendix A: RDA implementation dependencies appendix:

RDA-related task groups are asked to prepare an appendix to the final report with a timeline/calendar that:

·  Outlines the steps that need to be taken for completing RDA-related tasks

·  Identifies who will be responsible for those tasks

·  States the time frame and order in which tasks should be accomplished prior to implementation

·  Lists any other dependencies that might need to be considered.

This appendix is required of all PCC RDA task groups, and all timelines/calendars will be compiled by the Secretariat to develop a comprehensive RDA implementation calendar. If no RDA-related actions are identified please add a statement to the report indicating that no action is needed.

Appendix B: Revision of PCC RDA Frequently Asked Questions:

Task group members are asked to be aware of the PCC RDA FAQ as they do their work and to list suggested revisions in this appendix. The Secretariat will update the PCC RDA FAQ based on this appendix. If no RDA-related actions are identified please add a statement to the report indicating that no action is needed.

Time Frame:

·  Appointment of group: January 2012

·  Date of final report to PCC Policy Committee, including appendix/templates for RDA planning calendar: March 30, 2012

·  Deadline for PCC Policy Committee comment and approval: April 15, 2012

·  Announcement to PCCLIST and posting on PCC web site, requesting public comments: April 20, 2012

·  Discussion and community acceptance at OpCo: May 2012

Chain of Reporting: PCC Policy Committee

Task Group Members:

George Prager (NYU Law, Chair)

Renee Chin (UCSD)

Dale Swensen (BYU)

Valerie Bross (UCLA)

Laura Ramsey (OCLC)

Les Hawkins (Secretariat)

Margaretta Yarborough (PoCo liaison)

Holly Tomren (Drexel University)

Lynne Branche Brown (Skyriver)