Success in Supplying Peach
It is our goal to serve customers and look after our team fantastically everyday.In the product we serve, we aim for the highest quality at pub prices. In everything else, we want price and service.
We aim at having world class admin costs and this means all suppliers complying with our head office-less system. Your goal must be to make our service and lives as best as they can be – great product, great service and great administration.
Our values
P each Shares Ownership
E ncourage Individuality
A lways Serve The Good Stuff
C hase (Pub) Perfection
H ost it like your Home. It’s a Dinner Party Everyday
E nthusiasm makes it Fun
S trive to be Peachy
Our systems
Purchase to Pay
Peach use Procure Wizard for managing all of our purchases across our business, this means all suppliers must sign up to the platform to supply our pubs and central teams.
By signing up to Procure Wizard our suppliers are able to manage the whole process from taking purchase orders through to invoicing in one simple to use platform, this means payments can be made on time and any queries can be dealt with quickly and easily.
Procure Wizard is a digital platform so there is no need to send paper invoices to pubs or centrally, in short it helps us help our suppliers work better with Peach.
Please follow this link for details of how to sign up to the Procure Wizard platform and download all documents that you will require New Supplier andProcurewizard info
We require statements, Consolidated for all units:
- Preferably in CSV electronic format to
- Otherwise in pdf format to
- Lastly in hardcopy to:The Peach Pub Company,The Peach Barns, Somerton Road, North Aston, Oxfordshire OX25 6HX
Co Reg no 04336195
Stephanie Darling is our Purchase ledger Manager, and will deal with Supplier Queries and is responsible for accounts processes and payments.
From 18th September 2017 Our accounts processing is done in the following way.
- All orders are sent to our suppliers via Procure Wizard
- All deliveries are entered into Procure Wizard.
- Invoices are send via Procure Wizard by our suppliers.
- Reviews of costs and queries dealt with by Stephanie
- Stephanieprepares payment runs monthly and BACS payments.
- Julie Centracchio authorises the payment.
We pay regularly and by BACSonly, and only if you are an approved supplier on Procure Wizard.
We do not allow food, consumables or liquor suppliers to be paid via petty cash.
Standard terms of payment: 45 days after monthend following posting date of invoice. The pubs batch within 1 day of receipt of invoice.
For payments and accounts queries contact
Stephanie Darling, Purchase Ledger Manager 01869 220113
Invoices will only paid when an account has been opened properly with us, you must fill in the attached form and sign it to show you agree with the terms.
Long term contracts with Peach Pubs can only be signed by Directors, Julie Centracchio and Hamish Stoddart. You will not receive payment and no long-term contract is valid unless a Director has signed it.
I hope you enjoy supplying Peach as much as we enjoy serving our customers. We have regular key supplier get-togethers to explain our vision and build relationships – ask me about when the next one is.
Hamish Stoddart
Hamish Stoddart
Company Name:
Service or product to be supplied:
Company Address:
Accounts Contact Name:
Accounts Contact Telephone:
Accounts Contact Email:
Sales Contact Name:
Sales Contact Telephone:
Sales Contact Email:
Bank Name:
Sort Code:
Account Number:
Account Name:
Peach Pub or Central:
The Peach Pub Company payment terms are the end of the month following the month of posting of invoice on our system. All payments will be made by bacs and a remittance advice will be sent by email the day the payment is made.
I agree to the above terms and conditions
Print Name: Position:
Please return this form to:
The Purchase Ledger Team
The Peach Barns
Somerton Road
North Aston,
Oxon OX25 6HX
Supplier Requested by:
Supplier type approved: Abi/Steph
Supplier type exception approved:Hamish/Julie
Form complete:Steph
Procure Wizard instructed:Steph
Procure Wizard Setup:Steph
Pub accounts setup & working:Steph