1. Attendance: Linda Hardgrave P.R.I.D.E., Cindy Pharis P.R.I.D.E., Val Colombo NCADA, Cassie Miller JCHD, Sarah Jankowski JCHD, Alexis McCoy TREND, Chance Jesick TREND, LaVon McCoy parent.
  1. Minutes were reviewed and accepted.
  1. Old Business:

a.CASA Family Day – Still no news from Mrs. Nixon. Will try to make further contact so further planning can start.

b.Freer Back to School Bash – Planning is pretty much done. Besides the $250.00 has been donated by Bayberry, Village of Jefferson and Parkton, a $25.00 gift card has been donated by Sam’s. The following is a list for participants – Bubble Bus, Bounce House furnished by Boy Scouts as well as regata track with boats, Dr. Mayfield, WFPA, WABC, Tae Quon Do, Park Lane Jewelry, NCADA, JCHD, JCCP, Antonio Fire Dpt, DARE. All food and beverages are being taken care of by Charlie, Linda and Roger. Mr. Wisdom was unable to have the band attend.

c.Outside beverage school policy – Discussion with Dr. Holland, will start moving forward on this issue.

d.Dates for P.R.I.D.E. Night Out, two skate nights, have been scheduled and facilities reserved. Linda also informed that we forgot about Trivia Night. Linda checked calendar and went ahead and set date in same time frame as last year, last Friday of January (January 27), facilities at middle school reserved. Red Ribbon Skate Night is October 18. Annual Business Luncheon has not been confirmed with Cowboy Pizza as of yet.

  1. Reports: In an effort to keeping the meeting to an hour due to other business in the district, we skipped this part since not much as changed since last meeting.



c.NCADA – Red Ribbon Rally 9-23, Youth Leadership Conference August, prevention specialist training coming up. No conversation with Dr. Rickermann regarding students attending as yet.

  1. Smoke Free Jefferson County
  2. SRO
  3. District Liasion
  4. Tip-Line
  1. Business:

a. Trivia Night: January 27, 211 at Middle School Cafeteria

b. TA and RDF Project Ideas: 6th grade Meet and Greet (TA $1000). Two RDF’s ($500.00 available).

TREND 6th grade Meet and Greet. At the leadership conference the students that attended came up with a plan to have this event as 6th graders are the under classmen at the middle school and are nervous and lost. This is a good idea and will starting thinking further and plan this so it is held either before school or right at the beginning of school. TREND wants to have Tom Guy’s multi-media presentation as well as the Amazing Race that was held at the high school for the Owls Academy. The date of September 23rd was suggested. After talking with Ms. Marty from the high school who is going to be helping up with the Amazing Races told us that the following week is homecoming and it will start getting read crazy. So we bumped it up a week to September 16 which is better because it is the beginning of school. Linda will contact Dr. Rickermann about this event and get the go head and start planning. As soon as we get the go ahead will plan a meeting for the conference TREND kids and invite last years members to this planning meeting for the meet and greet. A TA grant through NCADA will be applied for ($1000) to cover expenses. It was also suggested that we partner with the MS Leadership Class on this event. Leadership Class is 8th hour in the annex building. It was also suggested that TREND offer some facts for weekly announcements that the leadership class is in charge of for the MS. Also, TREND has been trying to plan a pool party. Suggestion by Roger was the teamsters union park in Pevely, Val volunteered her back yard and pool, and also the Arnold Rec Center was discussed.

  1. Other discussion item: Cindy brought to our attention the $5000 mini-grant through NCADA and we need to be thinking about ideas for this.
  1. Next meeting – September 6, 2011- 6:30 p.m., P.R.I.D.E.. Officfe, West Wing of the Extension Center by football field.