Welcome to the 49th LGBT History Month Bulletin. There are 6 sections:
Get ready for LGBT HM 5: a new section with regular updates
News: A selection of LGBT related news articles from the past month
Events: a calendar of shows, conferences and meetings
Community: appeals, requests and community based ideas
Coming Soon: advance notice of events occurring during the month
Quotes: who said what, where and when
Get ready for LGBT History Month 5!
Next year will mark our 5th birthday. LGBT History Month UK is already the biggest LGBT History Month in the world, but now we need to build on the past 4 years by making it the biggest and best LGBT History Month ever; and we need to start now.
First of all we need your help.
All of the fantastic things you see above assert our roles in history and help make people aware that LGBT people are here, there and everywhere; that we always have been and we always will be.
They all exist because of LGBT History Month.
We now have an exhibition at the British History Museum dedicated to the Emperor Hadrian. It promotes his love for men and, in particular, his adoration for and subsequent deification of Antinous.
This is because of LGBT History Month.
Since 2005 LGBT history has been discovered, revealed and celebrated throughout the UK and many other parts of the world. Timelines have been produced, Polari has been rediscovered and the Heritage Fund has spent shed loads on local initiatives like the ones mentioned above.
This is because of LGBT History Month.
Personal histories have been recorded. The needs of LGBT people who need care are being addressed for the first time.
This is because of LGBT History Month.
But there’s more to do. And we need funds. Over 250,000 people hit our website last month. Over 1,000 people and/organisations have subscribed to this bulletin. But they are produced by volunteers.
To help us to develop our services further and expand our year-round calendar, this is what we need you to do.
If you apply to the heritage lottery fund, or to any other funding body, for a grant for a new local or national LGBT history project, please apply for an additional sum to cover your use of our bulletin and calendar. If the funding is granted, send that sum on to us. Then we can continue to help you.
If you want to start a local LGBT history archive in your area, contact us and we’ll put it on our website. If you build us into the funding application, your town, city or village and its history will become national knowledge.
Paul Patrick Memorial at The Drill Hall
On Saturday October 4th there will be a memorial for Paul Patrick. It will feature a number of TV and radio appearances, rare DVD footage, music, a performance by Woking’s Peer Productions Youth Theatre and an excerpt from The Rossendale Players performance of The Vagina Monologues, which Paul directed. There will be an open mike for people to make their personal contributions. The event will be held at the Drill hall, Chenies Street, London, from 3pm till 6. Admission is free and the bar will be open. RSVP please to
What’s going up with Bristol?
They say these things come in threes. First, Bristol’s fire service is held to account after officers act as vigilantes, shining torches and vilifying men in the bushes. Then Bristol’s council pulls the ‘No Outsiders’ project’s books from schools after strong arm tactics from organised minorities of parents. Now the Council’s parks service has had to apologise for suggesting, quite erroneously, that the City’s Rainbow Group had objected to the removal of bushes from a city park and claimed that it was “potentially discriminatory.”
This untruth reached the Daily Mirror, where it was reported as fact and a part of our political correctness gone mad culture. Lies like these damage real people.
To the good folk of Bristol: You populate a multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and diverse city that encapsulates all that is best about modern Britain. At worst you are indifferent and at best you are full of love and understanding for your fellow citizens. You should be bursting with pride.
Don’t go spoiling it.
Eat at McDonalds! Shop at ASDA! Buy a Ford! Is it all right to eat Heinz? Should we ban Snickers? Can I wear NIKE?
The LGBT lobby itself is now imploding over whether the Snickers TV commercial with Mr T and the NIKE crotch-in-face hoarding were homophobic (as opposed to being merely unpleasant). It has been pointed out that Heinz did actually make the advertisement that it subsequently pulled and that no other baked beans or ketchup manufacturer has ever made a commercial promoting a gay lifestyle. The media watchers are keeping a keen eye on products and their advertising strategies now – and that is actually a good thing. But it is very difficult to keep up!
Beware of those men in frocks!
A research document concerning faith and sexual orientation reveals that as a general rule, most believers in the UK are okay with LGBT people and their behaviours. It’s the priests, rabbis and imams that are bursting with intolerance. Go to http://www.stonewall.org.uk/documents/love_thy_neighbour.pdf for details.
Tory hopeful sets a bad example to our Children
Prospective Conservative Candidate for Watford Ian Oakley could face a jail sentence after admitting to 75 offences of harassment against his rivals. Among his repertoire of quite horrible acts he had gay and lesbian magazines sent through the post to his Lib Dem rival. He called another a “c**t” and sent letters to his neighbours telling them he was part of a paedophile ring.
Since there is no room for homophobia in the modern Conservative Party, Oakley’s bizarre campaigning strategy, which clearly implies that there is something wrong with being gay or lesbian and identifies it with paedophilia, must be one of the old school. So how old is he? Er...31.
On the other hand….
"I think that the Right was wrong to get hung up on homosexuality.
"I think we indulged prejudice in the eighties and missed the point. It's not gay men who're abusing women and abandoning children - its straight men.
"And the demand for civil partnerships, proper inheritance rights and equality in adoption rights from gay couples is not a rejection of commitment but a desire to see commitment celebrated and publicly embraced.
"It is right and moral.
"I also think the Right was wrong in its rhetoric about single mothers. We need to recognise that it’s those fathers who've abandoned their responsibilities, not mothers left holding the baby, who should be challenged about their behaviour."
Who said this? Michael Gove, Shadow Education Minister.
On the other hand 2…
"Every statistic shows that children grow up more likely to do well in school, stay out of trouble, and have a happier life if they have both a male and female role model.
"Too often we look at these things from the point of view of the adult rather than the child. I think that adoption by homosexual couples is unsatisfactory for the child.
"What homosexual people choose to do under their duvets is up to them, but the example they set to children is of interest to society as a whole."
Norman Tebbit.
Sound and Vision: LGBT HM 2009 Appeal
For the LGBT History Month 2009 I am planning an event that will look at and discuss the importance and relevance of pop music with the LGBT community.
There have been music artists and groups that have been open about their sexual orientation, those that have been happy to party with and for the LGBT community, those that have courted and flirted with the LGBT Community, those that have been friends of the LGBT community for a career move then changed their minds and then changed them back again and those that for some reason become icons to our community throughout their careers.
Please take the poll at http://www.southwark-lgbt.org/page4.htm
The Big Manchester Rip-off
Here is a list of prices for Manchester Pride this year. The first figure is the notional price for a ticket. The second, to the right is the figure plus booking fee. The third figure, to the right of that, is the price of the transaction fee, i.e. what you actually pay. So your £17.50 weekend ticket costs £20.95. (The transaction fee is added to each transaction – not to each ticket). On the day your weekend ticket will cost £20.00 and your day ticket £15.00
Top of FormBIG WEEKEND TICKET / £17.50 / £18.95 / £2.00
FRIDAY 22 AUGUST TICKET / £10.00 / £11.00 / £2.00
SATURDAY 23 AUGUST TICKET / £10.00 / £11.00 / £2.00 / Bottom of Form
Top of Form
SUNDAY 24 AUGUST TICKET / £10.00 / £11.00 / £2.00 / Bottom of Form
Top of Form
MONDAY 25 AUGUST TICKET / £10.00 / £11.00 / £2.00
Bottom of Form
You could go somewhere else and spend every weekend at any of the other Pride events in the UK; all of which are free. That includes Birmingham Pride, which is also a bank holiday weekender.
When Manchester has no punters left, the good burghers might see fit to charge nothing, just like everywhere else in the country.
Moscow Pride
Moscow Pride will be held on May 16th in 2009. This is the day of the Eurovision Song Contest, hosted by Moscow, and the day before International Day against Homophobia. With the eyes of the international press and TV upon them, the Muscovite authorities might find it harder to turn a blind eye whilst shipped in thugs beat, kick and spit upon the LGBT community.
Events Calendar
Pink is back!
Saturday 30 August, Cambridge
Cherry Hinton Hall, 12pm to 9pm
Just come along, it’s free!
August 24th-31st
7-10 August 2008Reykjavik Gay Pride - Iceland
Saturday 9 August 2008
Gloucestershire Rainbow Day
Saturday 9 August 2008
Hull Pride
Sunday 10 August 2008
Wakefield Pride
Saturday 16 August 2008
UK Black Pride – London
Dumfries Pride http://www.bebo.com/Dumfries-Pride
Sunday 17 August 2008
Doncaster Pride
15 - 25 August 2008
Manchester Gay Pride - Festival
21-24 August 2008 - Parade on 23 August
North West of Ireland LGBT Pride – Sligo / Saturday 23 August 2008
Manchester Gay Pride - Parade
Saturday 23 August 2008
Cornwall Gay Pride - Beach picnic Day
Saturday 30 August 2008
Reading Gay Pride
Cambridge Pink Festival www.pinkdfestival.com
Pride Glasgow
11-14 September 2008
Pride Derby 26-28 September
SuperGay weekender - Middlesbrough
23-26 October 2008
York Lesbian Arts Festival
A work conceived and directed
August 6th Wed
5.30-7pm / Gay and bi men domestic violence Wood Green Library 2nd floor. Wise thoughts
Times vary Nottingham (all month) / Lesbian and Gay Film Festival on tour. Broadway, 14-18 Broad Street, Hockley, Nottingham, £6.20, £4.50 concs. Tel: 0115 952 6611. www.llgff.co.uk
August 7th Thurs
5.30-9pm Hackney / The Green Door LGBTQI Youth Project 07772 565 546
6.30 – 9 pm: Southwark / Volunteer Community Meeting. Southwark Town Hall, 35 Peckham Rd, SE5 8UB. Free refreshments. If you plan to come along, please let Dax know:
020 7525 5659/ 07958 301324 More info @ http://www.southwark-lgbt.org/page32.htm
8pm Lowestoft / Pink Idol Karaoke
The Edge Bar, Claremont Pier, Claremont Rd, Lowestoft, Suffolk NR33 0BS.
Tel: 01502 574065.
August 8th Fri
August 9th Sat
12noon-10pm / Outbburst Black LGBTQ Pride Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Town Hall Approach Road, Seven Sisters London N15. Tickets £5 www.outburstfestival.org
11pm-3am every Sat Middlesbrough / SATUR-GAY at the Cornerhouse
(Exchange Place, underneath the Train Station)
Entry: £5 Info: www.myspace.com/saturgayuk
August 10th Sun
8pm Gay Night Out in Herts / The Candlestick, Essendon
August 11th Mon
PM Badminton Social Nottingham
(weekly) / http://www.badmintonsocial.co.uk/
9pm CAMRA social
(1st Mon every month) / Lesbian and gay CAMRA social at the Regent, Montrose Ave. Edinburgh
August 12th Tues
7-9pm Southwark / Trans in Southwark. Guest speakers including Denise Anderson, Persia West, Roz Kaveney. Come along and be involved. Everyone welcome to attend! Event chaired
By Diana Taylor: Official Trans-Advocate and Member for Diversity and Equality with Pride London. Come along and be involved. Everyone welcome to attend! Inspire, St. Peter’s Church, Liverpool Grove, SE17 2HH.More info @ http://www.southwark-lgbt.org/page5.htm .Free refreshments available from 6.30. Please RSVP to 020 7525 5659/ 07958 302324
5.30-9pm Hackney (every Tues) / The Green Door LGBTQI Youth Project 07772 565 546
Evening (every Tuesday)
Cramlington Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual
Youth Group / CSI (Cramlington Sexual Identity) A group for gay, lesbian and bisexual young
people aged between 13-19. contact Sharon on: 01670 597 865 or Steve at MESMAC
on: 0191 233 1333.
12.30pm-2 / Voluntary Action Westminster LGBT Working Group meeting (closed) 37 Chapel Street, London NW1 5DP. Telephone: 020 7535 0493 Fax: 020 7723 8929 www.vawcvs.org
8pm - 4am Cambridge / Pink Idol Karaoke
Niche Bar, 90-92 Regent Street, Cambridge.
Tel: 01223 727 457.
Web: www.nichething.co.uk
7-9pm every Tuesday / Women’s Voice Weekly. 9 Archer Street W1D 7AZ. Lesbian bi-women’s group. Creative writing, meditation etc
Evening London / Ruby Tuesday. Regular night out for lesbians and their guests Ku Bar WC2H 7BA
August 13th Wed
7.30-9.30pm London / London Bisexual and Lesbian Women’s Group. Weekly Social. The Glass Bar NW1 2EF
8.30-10.30pm London / LaDanza. Ballroom and Latin dance night LGB weekly. 89 Holloway Rd. N7 8LT
Come earlier for lessons
August 14th Thurs
5.30-9pm Hackney (every Thurs) / The Green Door LGBTQI Youth Project 07772 565 546
2pm every Thursday
Taurus Bar Manchester / Out in the City. For LGBT people 50+ http://oitc.wordpress.com/
8pm Ipswich / Pink Idol Karaoke
Betty's, Cornhill, Ipswich, Suffolk.
Tel: 01473 28840.
Web: www.bettysbar.co.uk
August 15th Fri
August 16th Sat
12noon Regents Park London / UK Black LGBT Pride www.ukblackpride.org.uk
11pm - 6am London / Bootlylicious Colosseum Nine Elms Lane, London, SW8 5NQ http://www.bootylicious-club.co.uk/
10:30pm - 4am London / Soul Naturelle REDSTAR, 319 Camberwell Road, SE5 0HQ http://www.myspace.com/soulnaturelle
12-4 Dumfries / Dumfries Pride Park Farm http://www.bebo.com/Dumfries-Pride
8pm-? Dumfries / Dumfries Pride DG One http://www.bebo.com/Dumfries-Pride
August 17th Sun
5pm Catholic Mass (Fortnightly) / The Church Of The Assumption & St Gregory, Warwick Street Street, Soho
August 18th Mon
PM Badminton Social Nottingham
(weekly) / http://www.badmintonsocial.co.uk/
August 19th Tues
6.30 London Gay & Bi men’s book group / Upstairs at Comptons, Soho
The Green Door LGBTQI Youth Project 07772 565 546
August 20th Wed
Evening: Greenwich gay and Lesbian Writers’ Group / Waterstones. Contact store for details
August 21st Thurs
5.30-9pm Hackney / The Green Door LGBTQI Youth Project 07772 565 546
8pm Norwich / Pink Idol Karaoke
The Castle Public House, 1 Spitalfields, Norwich.
Tel: 01603 768886.
August 22nd Fri
August 23rd Sat
All Day Manchester / Pride
August 24th Sun
All Day Manchester / Pride
London till August 31st / International Gay and Lesbian Football Association Opening Ceremony. For details,
matches and events go to http://www.londonwc2008.co.uk/events.htm
The Championship runs till August 31st in London
12-5pm Birmingham / LGBT Health Bazaar Abplus on Lower Essex Street to coincide with the Five Days of Fun event. Website : http://www.queerfreak.netphone : 07703055437
August 25th Mon
All Day Manchester / Pride
August 26th Tues
5.30-9pm Hackney / The Green Door LGBTQI Youth Project 07772 565 546
August 27th Wed
August 28th Thurs
5.30-9pm Hackney / The Green Door LGBTQI Youth Project 07772 565 546
4-6pm / Rainbow Network Coffee Club. Café Nero, basement of the House of Fraser (Artillery Row entrance), near Selborne House
August 29th Fri
Aug 30th Sat
12noon-9 Cambridge / Cambridge Pink Festival. Cherry Hinton Hall. Free http://www.pinkfestival.com/
11pm - 4am Cambridge / Dot Cotton and WildFruit present the Official Pink Festival After Party.
Dot Cotton Club, Cambridge Leisure Park, Clifton Way, Cambridge.
Box office tel: 01223 511 511.
August 31st Sun
Sept 1st Mon
PM Badminton Social Nottingham
(weekly) / http://www.badmintonsocial.co.uk/
9pm CAMRA social
(1st Mon every month) / Lesbian and gay CAMRA social at the Regent, Montrose Ave. Edinburgh
Sept 2nd Tues
Sept 3rd Wed
Sept 4th Thurs
10am-12 Southwark / LGBT Workers Forum. Blue Room. Victim Support, Hannibal House, 6th Floor Elephant & Castle Shopping Centre, SE1 6TE
More info @ http://southwark-lgbt.org/page8.htm
TBA / Southwark Men’s group. Time TBC in the evening.Venue TBC. If you are planning to come along, please let Dax know .
020 7525 5659/ 07958 301324 More info @ http://www.southwark-lgbt.org/page49.htm