Press Information

Warsaw, 29 August 2013

Construction of IT system for ISOK project has started

The President of the National Water Management Authority as a leader of the consortium on 29 August 2013 signed the agreement on design, construction and implementation of the IT system of country protection against extreme hazards (ISOK) and on rendering guarantee services after the implementation of this system with the authorities of the company Qumak S.A. listed in the stock exchange (WSE).

- It is a very important event whose effect will be knowledge of how, where and with what probability a threat in the form of flood or high water level may occur. ISOK will also be an absolutely perfect tool for self-governments supporting spatial planning and a perfect collection of information needed in operation of crisis managements to minimise losses – said Stanisław Gawłowski, Secretary of State in the Ministry of Environment, signing the agreement.

- My interest in the ISOK project results from two reasons. Firstly, as the minister for Digitalisation and head of the Committee for Digitalisation I am interested in actions which take advantage of IT projects in administration management. Secondly, as a minister responsible for public administration together with Voivodship Heads we perfectly realise the importance of quick information for counteracting effects of natural disasters - said Michał Boni, the Minister for Administration and Digitalisation.

- The construction of a state of art. IT system in Poland has started, it will support the protection of society, the economy and the environment against extreme hazards – stated Witold Sumisławski, the President of the National Water Management Authority - The system will support decision-making in the event of occurrence of natural disasters (among others, flooding and high water).

The ISOK system is the key element of the complex Project named „IT system of the country protection against extreme hazards” (ISOK Project), run by a consortium whose leader is the National Water Management Authority.

- The ISOK Project aims at consolidating information about threats (among others, flood) and collecting it in one place, in the professional IT system – said Witold Sumisławski, the President of the National Water Management Authority – I'm extremely happy that we have signed this important agreement on the construction of an IT system which will be a modern platform of information and the main tool for supporting crisis management both for administration and individual citizens.

- Thanks to the ISOK system we will be able to predict and assess the scale of damage not only 24 hours in advance but even 72 hours in advance. This is a completely different quality of crisis management – added minister Michał Boni.

Proceedings on public procurement were carried out by the National Water Management Authority in the mode of an unlimited tender and the contractor has been selected – the company Qumak S.A. Completion of the project of the value of PLN 50 640 475,61 net (PLN 62.287.785,00 gross) is predicted on 31 December 2014.

- We have started the completion of the IT project that is of strategic significance for the safety of society and the country. We are honoured that as a technological company we have an opportunity to participate in a project so important for the whole state. For us, it is a priority task and its completion will demand commitment, knowledge, experience and competence of many of our specialists – informed Paweł Jaguś, President of the Management Board of Qumak. - In our history we have implemented many projects regarding advanced technologies in the public sector, also including the ones of strategic significance for the country – added President Jaguś.

- ISOK is a tool for predicting the occurrence of flood effects. It is also perfect information for investors who are planning their investments and for citizens who will be able to check in a simple and convenient manner if they are threatened with floods and where not to build – stressed the head of the Ministry of Administration and Digitalisation.

The ISOK system will in an essential way support meeting the main implementation obligations of the Flood Directive (the Directive 2007/60/WE of the European Parliament and the Council of 23.10.2007 on the assessment and management of flood risk), which consist in the necessity of making initial assessment of flood risk (WORP), maps of flood threats (MZP), maps of flood risks (MRP) and plans of flood risk management (PZRP) available to the public. Maps of meteorological threats and maps of other threats are also being developed, ortophotomaps of urban areas and area numeric models with the use of laser scanning LIDAR are also being developed .

- Thanks to commitment of specialists and scientists from KZGW, IMGW, GUGiK, the National Institute of Telecommunications and the Government Centre for Security a lot has already been done and I would like to thank them all for that very much. At present, the majority of work is waiting for IT specialists. Our expectations are enormous, but the effect will be worth your work. It will be one of the most modern if not the most modern system in Europe. Please be aware that you are participating in the creation of something that will serve each citizen of our country – stressed Minister Gawłowski.

The ISOK system will also become an element of the National Infrastructure of Spatial Information (KIIP) and will use referential data made available by the Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography (GUGiK), and the software used for the needs of creating KIIP in disposal of GUGiK (which will be made available to the Contractor for the needs of completion of the order).

Under the performed works, an initial assessment of flood risk and river-bed cross sections (of rivers) and also Hydrographical Division Map of Poland were developed.

The main users of the ISOK System will be the following groups:

  1. Internal users being at the same time main users of the System and consortium members (the National Water Management Authority / Regional Water Management Authorities; Institute of Meteorology and Water Management PIB; Head Office of Geodesy and Cartography; the Government Centre for Security),
  2. External users, among which the following have been identified; statutory recipients, recipients related to crisis management (CZK, WCZK, PCZK, GCZK, Services), recipients related to planning (Voivodship, Regional, Commune Offices),
  3. Residents

The Project of „IT System of the Country Protection against Extreme Hazards (ISOK)” is financed by the European Fund of Regional Development under the Operational Programme Innovative Management in the amount of PLN 204 m. The State's budget finances the construction of the system in the amount of PLN 36 m, and the National Fund of Environment Protection and Water Management has allocated PLN 60 m. The total value of the project is the amount of PLN 300 m.


Information about the company Qumak S.A.

Qumak is a Polish stock exchange listed company, a leading integrator of the Polish tele-IT market. The company designs, completes and services innovative IT and technological solutions. The knowledge of their expert staff and partnership with the world technological leaders ensures that the company has a unique potential in the Polish market. The company's recipients are institutions and offices of public administration, scientific entities, enterprises and corporations operating in such sectors as, among others: telecommunication, banking and finances, energy, industry and construction.

/ Project: IT system of the country protection against extreme hazards
Project No.: POIG.07.01.00-00-025/09