Information for Applicants on Recognition of Higher Education and Qualifications Acquired Abroad
The certificates of recognition of higher education acquired abroad are issued by Czech public higher education institutions only. The public higher education institution issues the certificate based on its knowledge of the quality of the foreign higher education institution in question or based on the extent of knowledge and acquired skills evinced by the higher education qualification.
The recognition is made if the contents of higher education studies acquired abroad are comparable to ones provided by authorized Czech higher education institution.
Information on the accredited public education institutions´ study programmes in the Czech public as well as the institutions´ addresses can be provided the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic.
The University of Economics, Prague issues acertificate of recognition upon the request of a graduate of a foreign higher education institution. The application form for a request can be found on
The request has to be supplemented by these obligatory documents:
- original or a legally attested copy of a diploma¹),
- the original or a legally attested copy of a diploma supplement ora list of all completed examinations (officially translated, if necessary).
It is necessary to provide information on all examinations including those from Bachelor’s studies. Please be aware that the documents are not given back.
Supplementary information confirming that the degree programme was carried out by an institution authorised to provide education comparable to higher education provided by the relevant Czech higher education institutioncan berequired.
Documents in Slovak, English and German are accepted without translation.
The requests together with all needed documents have to be sent by post to the following address:
Mrs. Jana Hauptmannová
Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze
pedagogické oddělení
nám. W. Churchilla 4
130 67 Praha 3
Czech Republic
Please note that the contents of accredited degree programmes at the University of Economics, Prague mainly belong to field of Economics. In case a higher education diploma (Master’s diploma) is not eligible for recognition at the University of Economics, Prague, it is possible to apply for recognition to any other Czech high school according to the major field of study and qualification of an applicant. Once recognized, such a diploma is officially accepted for the process of admission to the University of Economics, Prague.
Decisions pertaining to the recognition of higher education acquired abroad are made by the Rector within 60 days from the date of receiving all required papers.
Information can also be obtained from: , (Office for Science and Research, Doctoral Studies, University of Economics, Prague).
For aadditional information, please contact:
Ministry of Foreign Affaires of the Czech Republic, Praha l, Hradčanské náměstí č. 5, tel.: 224 182 188, 224 182153
Centrum pro studium vysokého školství, v.v.i.
U Dvou srpů 2, 150 00 Praha 5 - Smíchov
tel. 257011335, fax 257531672, e-mail: ,
Legal regulations governing recognition of higher education and qualifications acquired abroad:
- Higher Education Act No.111/1998 Coll. - §§ 87, 89, 90,105,106
- Act No.71/1967 Coll. (administrative regulations)
¹)Authenticity of Signatures and Stamps Imprinted on Document Originals (§ 90, 3 of Higher Education Act)
Process of certifying authenticity of signatures and stamps imprinted on originals of foreign education documents complies with obligations arising for the Czech Republic from international contracts and can be divided into three groups.
The first group complies with obligations arising from bilateral legal aid contracts, the second group complies with obligations arising from multilateral contracts of simplification of certifying foreign official documents, and the third group concerns recognition of documents issued in states which no contract has been entered into with (other states).
1. Bilateral legal aid contracts
Contracts enable presenting official documents (diplomas and other education documents) issued in a contracting state to the organs of other contracting state without other certifying.
2. Multilateral contract of simplification of certifying foreign official documents /The Hague Conventions
Conventions define a unified form of document recognition by so-called Apostille (a clause in an official language of the state which is issuing it- unified model) and the contracting states define organs which will provide the Apostille for the documents. More information can be found on:
3. Other states
It is necessary that the authenticity of signatures and stamps on document originals is verified by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the state in which the university which has issued the document has its seat, or by a respective foreign organ and a respective diplomatic corps of the Czech Republic in a state in which the university which has issued the diploma has its seat.