West Rules and Expectations

Basic Rules

Respect (you, others, materials)

Be prepared and on time

Follow ALL directions (verbal and written)

Stay on task

Procedure/Expectation / Appropriate Example(s) / Additional Notes
the room / Enter the room quietly and take care of sharpening etc. before the bell rings. If you want to hang out with your friends, please stay outside in the alcove. When the bell rings, the room should be silent. First, copy any important board info into your agenda. After that has been completed, you are to complete the warm-up (if there is one), or get ready for class (homework out, notebook open, etc).
Tardies / Come to class on time—this means seated when the bell rings. Not in the doorway, not dashing down the hallway etc. If the bell has rung, stay outside the door. Please see your agenda for consequences for tardies.
Getting teacher attention / Raise your hand and wait to be called on, during both discussions and when working independently.
Materials needed
for class / -Paper -Pens/pencils -Colored Pencils
-Binder with dividers -Textbook -Agenda
-Positive attitude
Setup / Your binder should have 7 sections:
  • One for each unit

Gum/Food/Drink / No food or drink except on special occasions set by the teacher. Gum is allowed unless I know that you have it and are being obnoxious. I will then ask you to throw it out.
Homework / Homework is important, especially when quizzes and tests come around. It is your responsibility to make sure that when it is assigned it is ready for the next day. Sometimes there will be class time to work on the homework.
Quizzes / Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. Cheating on a quiz will result in a zero and a call home. If you are absent the day of a quiz, be prepared to take it in Learning Links.
Tests/Projects / Tests and projects are a major part of your grade. Failure to turn one and/or do well will significantly lower your grade. Most units will have a test or culminating project. Cheating on a test will result in a zero and a call home. If you are absent the day of a test, be prepared to take it in Learning Links. Projects are due on the due date, so if you are going to be absent that day make arrangements to get the project turned in on time
Makeup work / Try not to be absent too often but in the event that you are absent please check the blog for what we did or ask me. If you turn in an assignment late, do not expect a grade higher than a 70. I will always take it, but It’s important to know when due dates are for work.
Partnerwork/Groupwork / Working with others will happen, but it is a privilege, NOT a right. When working in partnerships or groups there are rules. These more detailed rules will be given when the time arises. The general rules are to be on task, work cooperatively, and do your job. Working in a group means you work together to find the answers not to “divide and conquer”!
Classwork/Homework/Tests and Quizzes / All work must be completed in PEN! I will not grade work written in pencil. All work must be done on loose leaf notebook paper, NOT ripped from a spiral or composition notebook
Inside classroom behavior / Do not put your head down.Look awake at all times. If you finish things early, work on something else for this class or for another class. Stay turned around and focused on your task.
Outside classroom behavior / When you are with Ms. West outside the classroom, it is like going out to eat with your family. Expectations are higher when you are outside the classroom whether it is a fire drill, going to the library or computer lab, or any other place. These expectations also apply to when there is a substitute, expect harsher consequences.
Electronic Devices / I don’t want to see them. And by the way, I can tell that you using your cell phone. Here are the consequences:
  • 1st offense: Warning
  • 2nd offense: Referral

Moving around the room / After the bell rings, you may not get up unless you have raised your hand, asked correctly, and been given permission. It’s simple. This includes to sharpen your pencil, throw things away, get an assignment. Exceeding these expectations may earn freedom later in the semester. Please do not invade Ms. West’s personal space, it is marked on the floor!
Leaving the room / Don’t plan on it. You’re in high school and should be able to handle going to your locker, using the restroom, etc. yourself in between classes. You will have 10 passes out during the semester. Leaving the room without permission will result in administrative action.
Habits / Please do not groom in class. This includes make up, hairbrushing, etc. I do not floss my teeth here, and therefore do not want to see your habits
End of class / There will be some sort of closure each day. Also, no one can leave until the room has been cleaned up and organized. You are not to leave until directions are given/work is checked by the teacher.