````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Officer Duties

Note: All officers are responsible for attending Officer Turnover and Strategic Planning meeting, promoting/recruiting new memberships, retaining active memberships, maintaining their own active membership, collecting money for memberships and dinner meetings, encouraging members/non-members to become certified and to maintain certification, attaining prizes/gifts for Certification Celebration, promoting the mission of AACN.


·  Maintains President’s binder with all papers from the year

·  Leads monthly business meetings

·  Supplies agenda for monthly business meetings

·  Changing Yahoo account password and maintain account

·  Updating Facebook account and maintain accurate, current records for dinner meetings

·  Authorized check signer

·  Developing and signing Participation Forms for Career/Clinical Ladder

President – Elect

·  Works in conjunction with the President

·  Updates Facebook account and GNOC website with current information

·  Acquires vendors/speakers for dinner meetings (with the help of the other officers)

·  Contacts product representatives and vendors

·  Sets up sponsorships for meetings

·  Acquires location for dinner meetings unless done so by vendor

·  Creates and distributes dinner meeting flyers

·  Communicates with members via email regarding dinner meetings

·  Keeps/maintains AV equipment


·  Manages the organization’s money

·  Files quarterly reports with National

·  Manages the checkbook

·  Creates a yearly budget with the other officers and presents it at the first business meeting

·  Collects money for dinner meetings and membership

·  Deposits money into GNOC checking account

·  Ensures “Not For Profit” status

Treasurer Elect

·  Works alongside the Treasurer to learn duties for the next fiscal year

·  Assists other officers with projects if the need arises

Board Member 2 Year

·  Incoming year – learns how to navigate AACN chapter website

·  Assists Board Member 1 year

Board Member 1 Year

·  Maintains GNOC Membership list with AACN

·  Ensures all members are active with National and GNOC

·  Emails inactive members regarding renewal


·  Transcribes the minutes from each Business meeting.

·  Types the minutes

·  Emails previous minutes to Board members prior to next Business Meeting

·  Maintains correspondence with any charity organization (Letters, thanks you notes).