February 2012
This newsletter is brought to you by the KCRA Executive Committee and is meant to give you the latest and greatest news and information happening in our organization.
Section 1: From the Executive Committee
Section 2: Cardiac news
Section 3: Pulmonary News
Section 4: Upcoming Events
Additional Information
Section 1: from the Executive Committee
Get Ready for Spring Conference 2012!Happy 2012 and happy Cardiac Rehab Week! The Executive Committee has been working diligently over the last few weeks to finalize conference details. We’re excited and looking forward to a great conference! We hope to see you in Louisville on March 15th. Also, don’t forget about the pre-conference on March 14th where we’ll be learning about fall risk assessments and how to address fall prevention with our patients. This year is certain to provide great learning and networking opportunities. Be sure to attend and encourage your co-workers to do the same.
Conference Payment Inquiries:
We have had some inquiries about where to mail conference payments. Check or money orders should be sent to Peggy Cox at the 220 Abraham Flexner address on the brochure.
Calling All Volunteers:
Thanks to all of you who have served on KCRA committees in the past. Growing and developing our organization remain a priority for our committee. Throughout the year, we wear many hats. Regular conference calls are held for conference planning. We recruit/organize speakers, secure a conference location, secure vendors, plan menus and work to create a valuable experience for attendees at an affordable price. In addition to conference planning, our committee members serve as bookkeepers, treasurers, writers, IT workers (website) and policy translators (reimbursement). As many of you are familiar, this can be challenging with limited volunteers.
We are currently exploring ways to make it easier for you to serve with us. Sub-committees are being revised with more specific descriptions of individual responsibilities during the year. Responsibilities are minimal and you will have numerous opportunities to put your ideas to work for the 2013 conference. If you choose to join us, you will not be disappointed. We are here to assist sub-committee members in any task that is assigned and will give you the tools you need to complete these with confidence. More information will be provided at the conference business meeting. We look forward to your input and involvement in this process. If you are unable to attend conference this year, but interested in opportunities to serve, please contact any of us below.
I am only one; but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; I will not refuse to do something I can do."
Helen Keller
Wishing everyone happy, successful and motivated rehab patients in 2012!
Your Executive Committee,
Cathy Lewis ( ), Peggy Cox ( ), Stephane Tucker ( ), Beth Cundiff ( ) and Sherri Bradley ( )
Section 2: Cardiac news
Celebrating Heart Month, Go Red for Women and Cardiac Rehab WeekDid you celebrate “Go Red for Women” with your cardiac patients on Friday, February 3rd? If not, it’s not too late. Incorporate a “Go Red Day” into activities during Cardiac Rehab Week or anytime in February for Heart Month. The American Heart Association has some great Go Red for Women and Heart Month education resources on their website, Check out the great stories from female heart attack and stroke survivors and the entertaining video featuring Elizabeth Banks as an on-the-go mom with symptoms of a heart attack. Direct links include: and
Section 3: pulmonary news
Vacation Made Easy for Pulmonary PatientsDo you have patients that like to cruise, but find it too challenging with oxygen? Have them check out to learn about the annual cruise offered for respiratory patients. Healthy Lungs Pennsylvania, an organization that specializes in offering programs to individuals with chronic lung disease, coordinates the cruise each year. The 2012 trip will be aboard the Carnival Glory, September 29 – October 6 and tour through New England and Canada. Oxygen, respiratory equipment, a standard wheelchair, baggage handling and educational seminars are provided free of charge. Call 1-800-220-1990 for a detailed cruise packet with reservation forms.
Section 4: Upcoming Events
AACVPR 2012 Day on the HillFebruary 29 – March 1, Washington, D.C.
Register at
Pulmonary Rehab Week
March 11-17, 2012 Check out for education videos, sample media kits and discounts on apparel and other rehab products
AACVPR Webcasts
Tuesday, March 6, 2012: Enhancing the Delivery of Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehabilitation Through Internships
Tuesday, May 22, 2012: Motivational Interviewing to Promote Health Behavior Change
Ongoing: Program Leadership in the New Era (PLINE) Virtual Webcast Series
Additional Information
Do you have something interesting to contribute? Please let us know! We welcome articles and letters in good taste on any topic!To unsubscribe, make a comment, ask questions, or report a new email address, contact