Minutes of a meeting of the PLANNING COMMITTEE of Coleshill Town Council held in the Town Hall, High Street, Coleshill on Wednesday 02 August 2017
PRESENT: Councillor Richardson in the Chair
Councillors: Battle, Farrow, Symonds and Wootton
Also attending: Cllr. Jones
There were apologies received from Cllr. Breeze
Cllr. Symonds, as a Borough Councillor, was attending as a Town Councillor and if she made any comments these were a preliminary view and that she might change her view when hearing all the evidence at the Borough Planning Board.
The minutes were proposed by Cllr. Battle, seconded by Cllr. Farrow and ACCEPTED unanimously as a true record, without amendment.
App. No. / Address / Applicant / Proposed Development / CommentsPAP/2017/0157 / Blythways
Blythe Road
B46 1AH / Mr Daniel Hatcher
/ Outline application for the erection of up to 40 no: dwellings (class C3) following demolition of existing residential development and outbuildings to include details of layout and access off Church Hill and Blythe Road, and appearance, landscaping and scale to be reserved. / The Committee recommended refusal. Although it welcomes the reduction in the number of dwellings it feels there is a need for a further reduction. There is still concern about the congestion of traffic and vehicular movement around an already busy road junction.
PAP/2017/0353 / 44Coventry Road
Coleshill B46 3ED / Mr Matt Betts / Work to tree in Conservation Area / No objection
PAP/2017/0374 / Land At Junction OfGorsey Way
Coleshill / Mr & Mrs Rawlins / Erection of detached double garage and associated works / No objection
PAP/2017/0382 / 20 Springfields, Coleshill B46 3EG / Mr Lee Baseley / Erection of ground floor extension / No objection
App. No. / Address / Applicant / Proposed Development / CommentsPAP/2016/0041 / The Cottage Maxstoke Lane, B46 3DG / Ms Kerry Cursley / Change of use from garage to hair salon. / Temporary
PAP/2016/0513 / Ferndale Court
Coleshill B46 3EZ
/ Mrs Emma Fisher / Works to trees in a Conservation Area / Pending
PAP/2017/0157 / Blythways
Blythe Road
Coleshill B46 1AH / Mr Daniel Hatcher / Outline application for the erection of up to 50 no: dwellings (class C3) following demolition of existing residential development and outbuildings; to include details of layout and access off Church Hill and Blythe Road, with all matters reserved / Pending
PAP/2017/0209 / Chantry HouseHigh Street
Coleshill B46 3BP / F B Architecture Limited / Construction of new additional parking for Chantry House and De Montfort House / Granted
PAP/2017/0215 / 42Parkfield Road
Coleshill B46 3LE / Mr Matthew Jolley / Variation with condition no's 2 & 13 of planning permission PAP/2016/0408 relating to incorporate provision of a detached garage into the development and elevational treatments; in respect of demolition of existing bungalow and the construction of 1 no: 4 bed detached dwelling and 2 no: 3 bed semi-detached houses and parking / Pending
PAP/2017/0228 / 80Wingfield Road
Coleshill B46 3LJ / Mr & Mrs Richards / Erection of first floor extension and new porch to front of property. / Granted
PAP/2017/0239 / 41 Blythe Road
Coleshill B46 1AF / Mr & Mrs Attridge / Raise height of roof by one metre, extension to front elevation and existing garage and associated external works / Granted
PAP/2017/0267/0268 / St Andrews
37 Blythe Road
B46 1AF / PJ Planning Mr John Jowitt / Reinstate St Andrews to a single dwelling with residential annex, and construct 10 no: 2 bed dwellings, comprised of a building replacing the original coach house as two dwellings, and 8 dormer bungalows, plus LBC / Granted
PAP/2017/0214 / The Arches 1,2,3 & 16 High Street
Coleshill B46 1AZ / Ms Maxine Palmer / Change of use to residential dwelling / Granted
PAP/2017/0277 / WM Morrison Supermarket
Birmingham Road
B46 1AS / Whittam Cox Architects
Mr Gerry Lishman / Extension of existing store entrance lobby to provide a customer disabled WC and installation of an external ATM pod.
Display of illuminated signage. / Granted
PAP/2017/0298 / 52Old Mill Road
Coleshill B46 1BG / Mrs Erica Gittings / Erection of kitchen extension. / Granted
PAP/2017/0303 / RS Fleet Units 1-3Roman Way
Coleshill B46 1HG / Mr Lea Hodson / Demolition of single storey office and construction of two storey call centre. / Pending
PAP/2017/0305/0306 / 130 High StColeshill
B46 3BJ / Mr George Abuaita / Change of use from A2 (former bank) to 1 no: mixed-use coffee shop & 1 no: commercial unit (A1/A3). Display of illuminated signage. / Pending
PAP/2017/0319 / Unit 53 Coleshill Industrial Estate, Station Road, Coleshill, B46 1JT / Mrs Karen Gaunt - Addictive Fitness / Change of use from industrial/warehouse unit B1, B2 and B8 to leisure D2 for dance fitness studio. / Pending
PAP/2017/0324 / Holly Tree House, 15 Maxstoke Lane, Coleshill, B46 3BA / Mr B Cormell / Erection of rear extension and front porch. / Granted
PAP/2017/0327 / 97/99 High Street, Coleshill, Warwickshire, B46 3AQ / Progress Enterprises Ltd / Change of use from class A2 (financial and professional services) to use classes A3/A5 (food and drink/hot food takeaway). Demolition of part of rear of building to form service area. / Pending
At this point, as there was no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 8.00 p.m.