If you have any questions please see me before handing in the assignment.
If doing a Glogster, see me for your password.
Making A Character Scrapbook/Glogster
Teacher Name: Ms. VandigriffStudent Name: ______
CATEGORY / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Graphics - Originality
Original art work; clip art/scraping or Glogster that is designed by the student / Several of the graphics used in the scrapbook reflect an exceptional degree of student creativity in their creation and/or display. / One or two of the graphics used in the scrapbook reflect student creativity in their creation and/or display. / The graphics are made by the student, but are based on the designs or ideas of others. / No graphics made by the student are included and/or reflect little effort.
Character Importance
Discuss two major characters and at least one minor character / All graphics connect to the character; present a clear understanding of the character. Character traits/ personality are listed and explained in detail. / All graphics are related to the character and most represent character traits that make it easy to understand. Character personality/traits are listed and developed. / All graphics relate to the character and one to two characters are understandable. Character traits are listed. / Graphics have a theme but do not relate or connect directly to the character. Character is attempted but not detailed.
Required Elements:
Thematic cover;
Character Info Age/Relationships
Where they live. / The scrapbook includes all required elements: Cover; Captions; Info Sheet; 4-5 personal items as well as additional information. / The scrapbook includes all required elements: Cover; Captions; Info Sheet; 3-4 personal items. / The scrapbook includes all required elements: Cover; Captions; Info Sheet; 2-3 personal items. / The scrapbook recalls elementary character information but lacks details or development.
Content - Accuracy
Detailed Facts that are important to the major and minor characters. / At least 10 accurate facts are displayed in the scrapbook or Glogster. / 5-6 accurate facts are displayed in the scrapbook or Glogster. / 3-4 accurate facts are displayed in the scrapbook or Glogster. / Less than 3 accurate facts are displayed in the scrapbook or Glogster.
Attractiveness and Organized:
Scrapbook or
Glogster / The scrapbook is exceptionally organized and attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness and reflects significant effort. / The scrapbook is organized and attractive in terms of design, layout, and neatness and reflects significant effort. / The scrapbook is acceptably attractive and organized in terms of design, layout, and neatness and reflects student effort. / The scrapbook is disorganized with layout issues and/or reflects lack of student effort.
Date Created: 2007; Revised September 12, 2015 SCP PVandigriff