University of Dundee Flexible Supplement
MRC Flexible Supplement Application Form
For a single application, requests for funding over £5000 typically won't be supported but will be considered on a case per case basis,based on merit.
1. Applicant Details
NamePhD Supervisor
E-mail address
Telephone number
Year of Study
PhD Project Title
How are you currently funded by the MRC?
MRC DTP 4-year programme
MRC PPU Unit Studentship
MRC Industrial CASE Studentship
MRC Clinical Research Training Fellow
Other Please specify:
2.Type of Funds being requested:
Internship and Placement
High Cost Training Fund
Exceptional Training Opportunities
In vivo strategic skills award*
Industry training fund
PhD to post-doc transition fund
*Provide Home office project and personal license (if applicable)
3.Details of training request
Duration of training programme: (days/months)
Start date (if known): (dd/mm/yy)
End date (if known): (dd/mm/yy)
SUMMARY of funds request (max 300 words)
Please provide details of what the funds would be used for and reasons for request. Please highlight if similar training is not available locally, if applicable.
DETAILS of Training Programme (max 500 words)
Please explain how this training will help you in your studies and/or future
- If applying for funding for in vivo training, please provide details of the techniques to be used and the approximate proportion of time across the entire project spent in directly employing these techniques.
- If applying for an in vivo strategic skills award please provide justification for proposed study with power calculation.
4. Costs
Total sum requested (£):
Please provide details of the amount requested and/or cost associated with the required training including brief justification. Provide breakdown of training costs, in addition to travel and accommodation where appropriate.
5. Report and Declaration
Please confirm you will be willing to compile a short report on your training and that the information provided in this application is, to the best of your knowledge true, accurate and complete.
Signed (applicant)
Signed (supervisor)