Mr John Poole Ersthaus,
Clerk to the Council Atherstone Road,
Tel 01675 481427 Over Whitacre. B46 2LP
Mobile 07745249613. >
1. Present: Councillors J Cooper Village Hall: P Burgess
L Jones P McNeil
R Fetherston-Dilke Chair. Public: R King
C Page
Clerk J Poole
2.Apologies:Cllr R Green.
- Declaration of pecuniary and non-pecuniaryinterest:None
4. Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 26 July 2017.
Having been circulatedit was proposed by Cllr L Jones andseconded by Cllr
J Cooperand unanimously resolved that the minutes of themeeting are a true
record of the meeting and the Chairman signed the document.
5. Matters arising from the previous minutes:Clerk actions:
WCC informed of problems with overgrown footpaths at rear of the hall.
Fallen road sign on Fillongley Road reported to highways.
Fly tipping on Fillongley Road reported Ref TRN 60519775.
6. Correspondence:
The correspondence, issued on a separate sheet, was discussed and minuted below or elsewhere, distributed or put on the Notice Board.
- External Audit, no problems reported
- Area Forum South, Fly Tipping and decriminalisation of parking discussed.
- Grant Payments, NWBC proposing to stop grant top ups to precepts.
- Precept consultation, distributed.
- WALC AGM, distributed.
- Health Watch conference, distributed.
- Gritting Routes, distributed.
- Council magazines, distributed
7. Planning:
From the planning lists there were no applicationsfor weeks 29 to 42 in 2017.
Daw Mill-Update: on hold awaiting Planning Officer to recover from illness.
8. Garden Contract:
Cllr R Fetherston-Dilke presented an invoice of £75 for plants, see finance.
9. Patient Reference Group:
Cllr L Jones reported that there will only be two meeting per year, the next one
will now be early November. There are no funds available for an electronic
information board and it is important for people to have the flu & shingles jabs.
10. Maxstoke Village Hall:
Paul Burgess introduced P McNeil, the new chair of the Hall Committee and said
he would give his usual report at this meeting to help the new chairman and
would not attendfuture meeting unless necessary.
Bookings continueto remain positive as previously reported.
Funding for the new extension is being investigated by Cllr L Jones, this requires
building regulations, so an architect has been appointed at a cost of £3000.
The hall committee will complete the access from the car park to the hall frontage
Mr G Croft, Walnut Nurseries, has offered to donate some trees.
Two quotes have been obtained to complete theremaining drainage work on the
car park, which is the responsibility of the council. An investigation wascarried
out to try and do this work in house but this proved impossible.
Qoute No 1 J Gold £1200 inc, Vat
Qoute No 2 Presentation £1680 inc. Vat
The council resolved to use Quote No 1 and have the work started asap.
Cllr R Fetherston-Dilke thanked Paul Burgess on behalf of the council.
11. Finance:
(a)The clerk presented the Balance Sheet to the council; Cllr J Cooperproposed to accept the document, Cllr L Jones seconded the motion whichwascarried.
(b)The following cheques were raised and agreed to be signed:
Ch No 100152 Zurich Insurance £255.38
Ch No 100153 Plants garden Contract £75.00
Ch No 100154 British Legion, wreath £20.00
Ch No 100155 Clerk, Salary 6month £400.00
Ch No 100156 HMRC Tax £100.00
12. Maxstoke Church.
R King reported that it was concluded from the recent meetings that the
preference was that there would be less services at Maxstoke with Coleshill
parishioners attendingthe services at Maxstoke.
Maxstoke are still trying to fill the post of warden which is a requirement.
13. AOB.
Clerk to contact BT regarding the removal of phone box by the hall.
The Chair reported a very recent burglary at School Farm cottage.
Chair to present wreath on behalf of the council, also see finance.
14. Date of next meetingWednesday 31st January 2018 intheVillageHall.
15. Close of the meeting: The meeting closed at 9.00 p.m.
Signed………………………….. Date……………………….