Honors U.S. History100 pointsMr. Lucot

The 1980’s Era

Assignment: Interview someone born between 1955 and1970 the following questions:

Type all questions and answers. Heading.

Note to Interviewee: Thank you very much for your time and expertise in assisting me help my students understand this period of our country’s history.

This assignment is for the student to gain insights into the 1980’s era.

If and when possible, please expand on your thoughts or explanations.

Any additionalinformation you can offer will provide a thorough presentation of this historical period. I appreciate your time and answers in this assignment. Your active involvement will portray a different and accurate voice and view for my students.

Person Interviewed:


Phone number:

  1. Can you name all the Huxtable children? Why was that show/family/members significant?
  2. When and where were you when you first saw MTV? Can you name the five original “V-Jays”?
  3. Could you or did you know anyone that solved the Rubik’s Cube?
  4. What was the “flux capacitor?
  5. Who was “Maverick’s” partner? Why was the subject of this film and others like it marketable? “Red Dawn”, “War Games”.
  6. Who bought you your first Atari, Intellivision, Sega, etc.?
  7. What was your favorite Saturday morning cartoon?
  8. Did you “turn the antenna” or use tinfoil to improve reception?
  9. Where were you when the “Challenger” exploded?
  10. What were your first understandings of what A.I.D.S. was before it was identified?
  11. Did anyone in your school die in a drunk driving accident?
  12. How fast did you go on your “Big Wheel”?
  13. Did you wear “Jellies” or “Jamz”?
  14. Who’s number is 867-5309?
  15. Jo or Blair?
  16. What does” ALF” stand for? What did he eat?
  17. Did you have Izods or Member’s Only, leg warmers, cutoff sweatshirts? Stone washed jeans?
  18. What happened in Grenada?
  19. Did you watch David Letterman in the daytime or later at 12:30 A.M.?
  20. Who ordered the Olympic boycott of the 1980 Moscow Games and why? What happened at the 1984 games and where were they held?
  21. The top-grossing film of the 80’s was?
  22. Do you remember where you were when John Lennon was murdered? When Reagan was shot?
  23. Who won five Gold Medals in the 1980 Winter Olympics? Where were the games held?
  24. What volcano erupted with the power of 500 atomic bombs?
  25. In 1981, she was the first female Supreme Court Justice.
  26. Why did we have “forced busing”? What was the goal?
  27. Who was the first American woman in space?
  28. What was the goal of “Live Aid”?
  29. Did you know anyone who “lost their job in the mill”?
  30. What was S.A.L.T. and what was the goal of it?
  31. What did President Reagan admit to in the Iran-Contra Scandal?
  32. What disaster happened at Prince William Sound?
  33. Who was Lech Walesa?
  34. How many players on the 1980 Olympic Hockey team can you name?
  35. What happened in the “Tylenol Scare”?
  36. Largest selling record of the 1980’s was?
  37. What was the first Cassette/CD that you bought?
  38. Who went vigilante on a New York City subway?
  39. Did Hands Across America?, We Are The World, Farm Aid, etc. effect you?
  40. Did you watch PTL, The Jim and Tammy Bakker Show?
  41. What presidential candidate’s campaign was shattered by Donna Rice? Do you remember the name of the yacht?
  42. Who were Klaus Barbie, Kurt Waldheim and Josef Mengele?
  43. What was the impact of “Willie Horton”?
  44. Did someone wait in line for a Cabbage patch doll for you?
  45. What was the “rap” song you ever heard?
  46. Did you ever buy an album with a “parent advisory warning” on it?
  47. Why was Robert Bork not confirmed to the Supreme Court?
  48. Did you ever try “New Coke”?
  49. Were you ever concerned of a nuclear attack?
  50. Who was Karen Ann Quinlan and why was she significant?
  51. Do you remember the first computer that you ever used?

Please add any Additional Thoughts, Memories, etc. that you feel could help this student and our class further understand this era of our history.