Harcourt Reading Implementation

Comprehension Strategies


Volume 1

Theme / Comprehension
Strategies / High Frequency
Words / Letters
1 Getting to Know
You / *Use pictures and context to
make predictions.
2 I Am Special / *Retell a familiar story / a, my, the / Mm, Ss, Rr, Tt
3 Around the Table / *Identify events in sequence / I, like / Pp, Cc, Aa
4 Silly Business / *Use pictures and context to
make predictions
*Connect text information
and events to life experiences / go, we / Nn, Dd,
blending with short vowel /a/

Volume 2

Theme / Comprehension
Strategies / High Frequency
Words / Letters
*Identify characters
Theme / Comprehension
Strategies / High Frequency
Words / Letters
5 Family Ties / *Connect text information
and events to life experiences
*Understand a story problem
and solution / on, to / Gg, Ff,
blending with
short vowel
6 Animal Families / *Use pictures and context to
make predictions
*Retell a familiar story / you, have / Ll, Hh,
blending with
short vowel
7 Bug Surprises / *Understand the main idea and
details / do, what / Bb, Kk,
blending with
short vowel
8 Animal Adventures / *Use pictures and context to
make predictions
*Connect text information
and events to life experiences / no, see / Ww, Xx as
blending with
short vowel

Volume 3

Theme / Comprehension Strategies / High Frequency
Words / Letters
9 Around the Town / *Connect text information
and events to life experiences
*Understand the main idea and
details / look, come / Vv, Jj,
short /e/
10 Neighborhood
Helpers / *Use pictures and context to
make predictions
*Understand the main idea and
details / for, me / Yy, Zz,
with short
vowel /e/
11 Exploring Our
Surroundings / *Retell a familiar story / one, little / Qq, Uu,
with short
vowel /u/
12 Under the Sea / *Use pictures and context to
make predictions / are, here / Blending
with short
vowel /u/