Camp Florida Property Owners’ Association

Board of Directors’ Meeting

Thursday, April 5, 2012


President Vedder called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call was taken with the following board members present: Murray, Ridley, Snyder and Vedder. A quorum was established.

Minutes for the meeting held March 8, 2012, were presented. Motion was made by Murray to accept as presented, seconded by Snyder. Motion passed 5 to 0, by voice vote.

Minutes for the meeting held March 15, 2012, were presented. Motion was made by Murray to accept as presented, seconded by Snyder. Motion passed 5 to 0, by voice vote.

Diane Snyder gave the Treasurer’s report. Ridley made a motion to accept, seconded by Murray. Motion passed 5 to 0, by voice vote.

Committee Reports

A. Activities Report-Donna Oser gave a report of finances and presented the Board a check for $2228.00.

B. Mike Semans gave a report from the ARC.

C. Storage Area Committee report-Larry Oser gave a report and submitted a handout to the Board about the Committees Recommendations. Survey to be sent to all property owners about the recommendations and to assess the Property Owner’s feelings on the subject of charges for use of a storage spot and whether the Owners want a spot.

D. Audit Committee-There will be no report at this time. A new committee is being formed.

An announcement was made by Pres. Vedder indicating that Robert Young is resigning his job as Laundry Repair/Coin Counting Manager. Bob has agreed to stay on to teach others the job.

Old Business

A. Fitness Room Project-Pres. Vedder went over the quote line by line. Motion made by Ridley to accept proposal with the exception of the insulation. Seconded by Semans. Discussion. Motion was amended to include insulation and exclude the television at this time. Ridley amended and Semans seconded. Motion carried 4 to 1, by voice vote.

B. Public Commission Update. Pres. Vedder gave an update. Matter is in the hands of the Public Service Commission.

C. Road Sealing-Ridley gave a report about 3 bids acquired. Ridley motioned that we accept the low bid from Driveway Maintenance Inc. Seconded Semans. Discussion. Concerns expressed were overspray, etc, on painted driveways. Motion carried 5 to 0, by voice vote.

D. Dock Revision Report-Pres. Vedder indicated that the Dock Project was dead at this time due to County Regulations.

E. Previous Board Appointments-Pres. Vedder gave an explanation of previous Board Member Appointments. She explained the process used and who put their names in. The candidates were: Gary Shilling, Tony Tornatore, Al Harr and Mike Semans. Thank you to all who put their name in for consideration.

F. Board Member Appointments to Committees-The following appointments were made:

1. ARC-Mike Semans

2. Audit Committee-Snyder

3. Covenants and By Laws-Ridley

4. Election Committee-Murray

5. Entertainment-Vedder

New Business

A. Property Owners updates-Please be sure to give all changes to the Property Owner index to a board member for updating. Please include e-mail address changes, phone numbers and address changes to that you are kept up to date and what is going on in Camp Florida.

B. Storage Area Update-Larry Oser gave an update from the committee handling the Storage Area Revisions. He asked for $5000 to get started on the planning. Motion made by Semans to accept report and advance the money, seconded Murray. Motion carried 5 to 0, by voice vote.

C. Tree Work-An explanation was given by Pres. Vedder, about the policy of the POA about tree removal. Trees removed on common ground are normally paid for 50-50 by the POA and the homeowners. See a board member for any further explanation or questions.

D. Shuffleboard Courts Resurfacing-Bid was reviewed and discussion was held about the shuffleboard courts. Ridley made a motion to accept the bid and start the work. Seconded Snyder. Gary Shilling and Dick Berrien were consulted about the condition of the courts and the need for improvement. Additional discussion was held about the Bocce ball courts as well. Motion carried 5 to 0, by voice vote.

E. Election timetable-Motion made by Ridley, Seconded by Murray to accept the recommendation of the Election Committee for a Time Table of events for the 2012, 2013 calendar year. Motion carried 5 to 0, by voice vote.

F. Semans gave a report on new Memorial Committee, to handle the Memorial Garden at the Club House. Mike announced that the Shillings had volunteered.

Board comments:

Ridley-have a good summer and please respect the common grounds.

Semans-I am the board liaison for the Storage Area Committee and I will do the best I can to listen to all the members and their opinions of what should be done in that area.

Snyder-Be sure to tie down anything that can be come a flying object in a windstorm.

Murray-Have a nice summer. See everyone in the fall.

Vedder-I am upset that the members did not take up their concerns with Board members, prior to the meeting, about the exercise room renovation. There is no need to rehash topics for extended amounts of time during a meeting when they can be discussed earlier. Have a nice summer and see all of you in the fall.

Motion made by Ridley to adjourn, Second Semans. Motion carried 5 to 0, by voice vote.

Meeting adjourned at 3:26 P.M.

Camp Florida Property Owners mtg minutes April 5, 2012