Make-up Rubric

Item / Exceptional
5 pts / Proficient
4pts / Some Proficiency
3 pts / Limited Proficiency
2pts / No Proficiency/
Below Expectations
1-0 points / 6 Week Turn in
Points / 12 Week Turn In Points / Final Turn In Points
Color / All 4 designs had a strong and appropriate color choices given in an appropriate medium (water colors, crayon, colored pencil, chalk, pastels, charcoal or graphite) that allows the ability to blend colors. Blending technique was used to great advantage. / All designs had appropriate color choices given in an appropriate medium (see previous list) that allows the ability to blend colors. Blending technique was good. / All 4 designs had appropriate color choices but may have been in an inappropriate medium (marker, pen) OR blending technique had some minor issues in the designs presented. / Some of the color choices given in the 4 designs had some unsuitable color choices OR 1 design was missing (only 3 turned in, but all were of Some Proficiency or higher level). / Most of the color choices given in the 4 Renderings were unsuitable OR 2 or more designs were missing.
Character Designs / All 4 designs gave an excellent sense of the traits of the character represented. / All 4 designs gave a good sense of the traits of the character represented.. / All 4 designs gave some sense of the traits of the character represented OR actors playing these characters might have had minor issues in movements required to play the character. / Not all 4 designs gave a sense of the traits of the characters represented OR 1 design was missing (only 3 turned in, but all were of Some Proficiency or higher level). / All designs were neutral and did not give a sense of the traits of the characters represented OR 2 or more designs were missing.
Technique / Designs included at least 3 techniques (old age, stylized, period, moulouge, or fantasy) throughout all 4 of the designs (ie old age on 1, stylized on the next, etc). NOTE: Corrective techniques would not apply in this category for this assignment. / Designs included at least 2 techniques (see previous list) throughout all 4 of the designs (ie old age on 1, stylized on the next, etc). NOTE: Corrective techniques would not apply in this category for this assignment. / Designs included at least 1 technique (see previous list) for at least 1 of the 4 of the designs. NOTE: Corrective techniques would not apply in this category for this assignment. / Designs the same technique across all 4 (not Corrective) OR did not have correct choices for the techniques attempted OR 1 design was missing (only 3 turned in, but all were of Some Proficiency or higher level). / All designs were Corrective – no attempt was made to apply any other technique OR 2 or more designs were missing.
Instructions Labeling / Designs included many detailed directions to the actor playing the role including brand name, color or SKU number to use, application techniques, and tips. Characters name was clearly included. / Designs included some details for actors on how to apply techniques and a general description of colors to use. Characters name was included. / Designs included few details for actors on how to apply technique(s) and how to apply. A general description of colors to use was included as well as character names. / Designs included no details for actors on how to apply make-up OR incorrectly identified how to apply make-up for technique(s) OR did not included color descriptions on some areas OR 1 design was missing (only 3 designs were turned in, but all were of Some Proficiency or higher level). / None of the designs included any details for actors on how to apply make-up OR color descriptions OR 2 or more designs were missing.
Total Points for Make-up Out of 16

Extra Credit Assignment For Make-up

Must have earned at least 13 points on the above rubric to have assignment below count. (In addition to all other extra credit requirements detailed in the Policies Handout).

Item / Exceptional
10 pts or 1 hour of Production Hours / Proficient
5 Pts or ½ hour of Production Hours / Some Proficiency
0 pts / Limited Proficiency
0pts / No Proficiency/
Below Expectations
0 points / 6 Week Turn in
Points / 12 Week Turn In Points / Final Turn In Points
Additional Designs / 2 additional designs of at least Proficient quality (see details above) were included in Portfolio OR 2 designs from above were applied on a model and photographs were included in the portfolio. / 1 additional designs of at least Proficient quality (see details above) were included in Portfolio OR 1 design from above was applied on a model and photographs were included in the portfolio.