Lytham St. Annes Technology

AndPerforming Arts College

Parents, Teachers and Friends Association Meeting, 08.01.15


1. Members Present and apologies

Members Present:

Jenny Hartley, Debbie Fox, Liz Nunez, Alison Riley, Sandra Madden, Boris Richardson, Carol Horridge, Donna Mason, Lisa Rogan, Corinne Mason, Amanda Wiseman, Sarah Davies, Joanna Allitt, Penny Mallinson, Robert Owen, Sarah Owen, Stuart Baldwin, PhilipWood, Lesley Dobson, Ali Dunn, Sarah Warburton, Mandy Palmer, Alison Murphy, Christine Challenger.


Rachel Hinchcliffe, Andy Moxham, Michelle Riley, Sali Windsor, Lynn Morris, Wendy Prime, Andrea Menzies, Claire Sutcliffe, Katy McIntyre

2. Minutes

Rachel was absent; Jenny, the deputy, chaired the meeting and the minutes from the last meeting were accepted as a true and accurate record.

3. Finances

Andy, the treasurer was unable to attend, however, he passed on the message that all accounts from last year were now signed off.

4. 300 club

Sandra reported that she had spoken with Andy and that they had looked at the current prize fund allocation set against members and that this was currently appropriate. If anything should change they will reconsider. Some members have recently dropped out; however, Sandra reported that she had gained a couple of new members.

The draw results were as follows:

September draw was redrawn as the previous winner had not renewed their number and Sandra had been unable to contact them after several attempts. The new winner was:

SEPTEMBER - 63 Kim Morgan and the other winners were:

OCTOBER - 6 Lisa Fitzpatrick (winner from redraw)

DECEMBER - 68 Alison Child 88 Amanda Rimell 118 Karen Holt

DECEMBER BONUS - 145 Pamela Stevens

JANUARY - 58 Nigel Bullough 105 Katy McIntyre 45 Penny Mallinson

5. Fundraising

There were several items under discussion for fundraising:

-Summer Ball – The sub-committee reported that they had not yet decided on a venue but that there are currently 2 venues they are considering. The group were presented with both options and asked to vote on their favoured one. The choices were between The Clifton Hotel in Lytham and The Paradise rooms in Blackpool at the Pleasure beach. Both venues had much to offer and were on a par with regard to price and potential profit. The group’s vote was a majority in favour of The Clifton Arms in Lytham. Further details will follow from the group at the next meeting.

ACTION: Ball committee to report back to group at next meeting with confirmed venue and other details.

-Cailidh/Swing band – Mandy reported that she had asked Mr Fox, who has a swing band, about the possibility of playing a t a school event. He confirmed that the band would play for free! The band is performing soon at St Thomas’ school and we would have more of an idea after this as to how the evening would pan out. There were various suggestions about when to have this event and how to bill it. It was generally agreed that Oct/November time would be a good idea to tie in with the new parent’s influx from September. This item will be kept on the agenda for further discussions later in the year.

-Rag Bag – Debbie reported that she had completed the registration necessary for this and given the site manager’s details for the organisation to contact directly. Debbie will liaise with the site manager and get things set up as soon as Rag Bag provides the bin. Sandra will advertise this on the school website and Debbie asked that PTFA members could think about bringing their donations into school in the future.

ACTION: Debbie to write up piece for website to pass to Sandra, and compose e-mail informing parents of Rag Bag once it is delivered.

-Christmas Market trip–Debbie reported that the recent Christmas Market trip to Manchester had been a success and that people had enjoyed it and expressed an interest in going again next year. Profits were around £270, which also included raffle prize. It was relatively easy to arrange and it was felt that a Sunday was a better day to run it than a weekday. All agreed to keep this as an event for next year.

-Christmas Music concert –Sarah and Robert reported that this also was successful and raised approximately £70 for the music department, who would like to buy some sheet music with this. A cheque will be presented to the Music Department at an appropriate time as this will be good publicity for the PTFA and help exemplify the kinds of fund raising that can be done in collaboration between departments and the PTFA.

ACTION: Peter/Sarah to liaise with Mr Holt in the music department as to when would be a good time to present this money.

-PE department fund raising – a few suggestions were made about the various fund raising possibilities that the PE department might be able to organise with the PTFA’s support. Mr Wood had already discussed this with Miss Gore, who was keen to get involved. This needs to be further developed and all were agreed it was a good idea especially to ride on the back of the success the Music Department recently had.

ACTION – Mr Wood to speak further to Miss Gore about possible events and ideas and report back to group.

-Mother’s Day shopping event –Lesley confirmed that the date was set for 3rd March and that there were several tables already signed up. Tables cost £20 and a general request was put out for anyone who may know someone interested in a table to get in touch with Lesley. It was agreed that a PTFA cake stall should be organised again as this generally makes a good profit and is always popular. A request for cakes was made. It was also suggested that we have tombola with wine/chocolates alongside a raffle and a request for any donations was made.

ACTION: PTFA members to bring along donations for Tombola to next meeting and cakes on the evening of the 3rd.

-Stringer’s Shopping evening- Debbie reported that the group Debbie, Michelle, and Alison had agreed that tickets would be sold for £10 and that they hoped to sell around 100 tickets with the help of the PTFA. They would be bringing tickets to the next meeting for PTFA members to sell. Each member would be given 3 tickets to sell, if possible and it will also be advertised on the website and e-mails to be sent out.

ACTION: Debbie, Michelle and Alison to produce tickets for next meeting and Debbie to prepare write up for website and e-mail.

6. Refreshments

Sali asked for volunteers for the following forthcoming events:

-15th January – Year 9 Options evening (Lesley and Sali will serve from the 6th form block)

-29th January – Year 9 Parents evening

-5th February – Year 12 consultation evening

7. Head Teacher’s Forum

Mr Wood reported that the Bus Stop had finally been moved further down Albany road away from school. The ziz-zag lines should be painted at any time. Mr Wood also reported that at the recent school council meeting the pupils had been asked if here were any particular things that they felt it would be good to fund raise for. There were several ideas, new stage lighting being one of them , however, it was felt that rather than 1 large resource to fund raise for there were many smaller and sometimes more pressing things that would be more useful, such as PE mats, calculators and even books. Mr Wood gave the group some insight into how the school is funded by Lancashire and that there are financial concerns which although historically the PTFA would raise for items which were more of a luxury, it seems that actually allocating funds for more basic equipment might become more important. Mr Wood was going to discuss this further with the Governors at the next resource meeting.

9. AOB

Peter and Sarah reported back to the group that a winner and 3 runners up for the logo competition had been chosen from a shortlist. The winners had been presented with their prizes and a piece is also on the school website. The winner’s logo (Holly Brown from year 8) will now be digitised so that it can be used in a variety of ways, on PTFA leaflets/flyers and correspondence etc. and Mr Wood will talk to Ian Richardson re getting this on the website.

ACTION: Mr Wood to liaise with website staff and get logo up and running.

Sandra also reported back about the St John Ambulance training, which apparently goes on in school on Tuesday afternoons after school. Sandra is going to liaise with the group who runs this to try and get this more widely advertised as it is a useful skill for the children to have and could save a life.

The meeting closed at 08.45

The Next meeting will be on 5thFebruary