April 10, 2014

The regular meeting of the Cohoctah Township Board was called to order at 8:00 pm with the pledge to the flag. Present: B. Meek, Fosdick, Buckner, Thurner, Dep. Treasurer A. Meek, Z.A. Thomas, HAFA Fire Chief Pless, and 5 citizens. Absent - Bock

Agenda: Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to approve agenda with the following additions: New Business, D. Water heater for 10515 house, and E. Parade Committee Chair. Motion carried.

Minutes: Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to approve March regular Twp. Brd. minutes with the following corrections: add $162.50 to March expenditures, and remove the chloride motion of approval. Motion carried.

Treasurer's report: Motion by Thurner, support by Meek to receive the April report as presented. Motion carried. Copy placed on file.

Introduction of Public

Fire Authority – Review of 2014/2015 Fire Authority budget given by Chief Pless, motion by Thurner support by Buckner to accept the proposed 2014/2015 Howell Area Fire Authority Budget as presented. Motion carried. Leave on agenda.

Rd Commission – Motion by Meek, support by Thurner to accept Chloride Solutions (formerly MBH) contract for chloride at $.169 per gallon for the 2014 season. Motion carried. Summer road projects to be completed are Cohoctah Road from Byron to just before the Pit in Cohoctah, and Owosso Road from Allen to Chase Lake. Gravel maintenance projects still being determined. Leave on agenda.

Hall – Leave on agenda

Cemetery – Motion by Meek, support by Buckner that the Cohoctah Township Board become a member of The Michigan Association of Municipal Cemeteries Inc., with Sexton Thurner as the representative. Motion Carried. Jones Road Cemetery security discussed and the Cohoctah Township Board has appointed the Clerk to complete. Leave on agenda.

Parks and Recreation – Townhsip Park has been opened. Fence installation on west side of park discussed, original proposal from Robinson Fence confirmed as accepted and installation will be scheduled. Leave on agenda.

Large item day 2014 – May 3th, 2014 from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm. Details discussed and confirmed. Clerk is still working on tire hauling for the day.

Newsletter – Discussed, to be completed by trustee Thurner. Alchin’s garbage cart fee increase from $24.00 year to $36.00 year will be noted.

Rezoning of Nazarene district - Amendment #76, Motion by Thurner, support by Meek, based on the Township Planning Commissions approval and recommendation to the Township Board, and the County Planning Commission approval of the Amendment, that the Cohoctah Township Board adopt Amendment 76, zoning change to the Nazarene district from Settlement to Limited Recreation Residential, in accordance with the Master Plan, to become effective 7 days after publication. Roll call vote: Ayes – Buckner, Thurner, Fosdick, Meek. Nays – none. Absent – Bock. Motion carried.

Water heater at house – Motion by Buckner, support by Meek that Cohoctah township purchase an AO Smith water heater for the township house at 10515 Antcliff Road, with T. Thomas to install. Motion carried.

Parade Committee Chair – Motion by Fosdick, support by Meek that Cohoctah Townhsip Board appoint Karen Thurner as parade committee chair. Motion carried.

Reports – ZBA, none. P.C.report given by Buckner.

Violations/Complaints – 2013-009, letter to owner/bank requesting cleanup has been sent.

Expenditures - Presented, listed at end of minutes. Motion by Thurner, support by Buckner to approve expenditures as presented. Motion carried.

Call to public – None.

Meeting adjourned, 9:07 p.m. Next meeting date May 8th, 2014.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda L Meek

Cohoctah Township Clerk

BERG ASSESSING / $ 4,227.90 / (2333.33+1894.37 supplies)
AT&T / $ 264.87
FREEDOMNET / $ 44.95
ALCHINS / $ 6,315.00
CONSUMERS / $ 635.80
PRESS AND ARGUS / $ 240.00
MIKE KEHOE / $ 180.00
AMERIGAS / $ 1,326.24
ELEC. SYS. & SOFTWARE / $ 90.03
T BOCK / $ 54.83
A MEEK / $ 31.92
B MEEK / $ 1,655.94
S DIETZ / $ 38.48
T THOMAS / $ 7.28
SUB TOTAL / $ 15,445.34
T BOCK / $ 1,327.16
A MEEK / $ 29.07
T THOMAS / $ 47.56
M FOSDICK / $ 1,223.81
D GRAHAM / $ 141.73
S DIETZ / $ 326.15
B MEEK / $ 1,467.65
NATIONWIDE / $ 439.95
W/H / $ 455.87
BENEPAY / $ 54.70
SUB TOTAL / $ 5,513.65
TOTAL GENERAL FND / $ 20,958.99