After viewing “The China Syndrome”, pick two of the following options to do:
- Write a 5 paragraph essay review/summary of the movie.
- Research the Three Mile Island incident in Pennsylvania. Describe the incident in a 5 paragraph essay. Include the power plant’s status today. English rules about plagiarism and citing your sources apply. Please use APA to cite your sources, and use parenthetical citing as well.
- Research the Chernobyl incident in Russia. Describe the incident in a 5 paragraph essay. Include the power plant’s status today. English rules about plagiarism and citing your sources apply. Please use APA to cite your sources, and use parenthetical citing as well.
- Compare Chernobyl, Three Mile Island and Japan’s Fukushima in a 5 paragraph essay. English rules about plagiarism and citing your sources apply. Please use APA to cite your sources, and use parenthetical citing as well.
- Write a 5 paragraph essay to explain your answer to “How do you feel nuclear power will fit into the energy equation for the 21st century?” English rules about plagiarism and citing your sources apply. Please use APA to cite your sources, and use parenthetical citing as well.
- Answer the following questions in complete sentences (There should be more than one sentence for each question. English rules about plagiarism and citing your sources apply. Please use APA to cite your sources, and use parenthetical citing as well.)--
- Define the term “China Syndrome” and what it means to a nuclear reactor.
- What procedures are used to monitor the conditions of the containment vessels?
- What does “SCRAM” mean for a nuclear reactor?
- What is the NRC and what does it do?
- What lessons have we learned (or SHOULD we learn) from the Japan Fukushima incident?
- Make a 3-dimensional model (or shoe-box diorama) that shows the inside of a nuclear power plant and all its different parts (like that guy did for Kimberly Wells when they first got to the plant). This must be hand-made and labeled (do NOT just find a drawing on the internet, print it out and use that!)
- Make a poster with a map of the United States on it. Put dots on the map where there is a nuclear power plant. Research where the earthquake fault lines are, and draw those on the map too. Point out on your poster if there are any nuclear power plants too close to a seismic fault.
- Make a poster or short movie (5 minutes or so??) explaining what happens when a person is exposed to radiation. (things to possibly include are cancer treatment, radiation poisoning like Japan is having right now, what levels are safe, X-rays and airplane scanners, etc.)