ALIVE-O8 Term 3
Lesson Title / What am I trying to do? / Why? / Song / Story/ Poem / Prayertime / DVD / To be learned
1.Easter / Explore imaginatively the Resurrection stories and show how the Risen Jesus 'journeyed with' his first followers. / So that the children may realise that the Risen Jesus continues to 'journey with' his followers. /
  • Regina Caeli
  • This is the Day
  • Jesus is Risen
  • After the Resurrection...
  • Jesus Reappears! Filled with the Spirit
  • Jesus is Risen! Alleluia!
  • Good News
  • Circle
  • Risen Jesus, Live in Us
/ Jesus is our Saviour because by his life, death and resurrection he freed us from sin and raised us to a new and everlasting life.
2.Kingdom Children / Affirm the affinity between children and the reign of the Kingdom of God. Develop the concept of kingdom as 'right relationship', and relationships at their most creative. / So that the children may celebrate the fact that they are 'already' members of God's kingdom, and assist in the further coming of the kingdom as they grow. /
  • We are the Greatest
  • Song of the Sea of Galilee
  • Kingdom Come
  • Kingdom Children Ishvah's Story
  • Gabrielle's Story The Kingdom of God
Bible Searches:
Matthew 18: 1-5
Matthew 8: 5-10, 13 (The Centurion's Servant)
Mark 4: 35-41 (The Calming of the Storm)
Mark 2:1-12 (The Man who was Paralysed)
John 18:12-18
Acts 2 The Pentecost Story / Kingdom Children / Jesus, Set Things Right / Children reading scripture passages
Powerpoint / Then he said: 'I promise you this. If you don't change and become like a child, you will never get into the kingdom of heaven. But if you are as humble as these children, you are the greatest in the kingdom of heaven
(Matthew 18: 3-4)
Act of Faith
O my God, I believe in you
And all that your Holy church teaches
Because you have said it
And your Word is true.
You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
You are my Lord and my God.
Lord, I believe; increase my faith.
3.Kingdom Bodies / Enhance the children's understanding of the human body as a system of interrelating parts created in the image and likeness of God. / So that in their embodied lives the children may continue to grow in creative relationship with self, other and God, thereby furthering the reign of the Kingdom of God. / Wonderfully Made /
  • Understanding the Kingdom of God
  • The Organ-ising Body
  • God's Kingdom in Us
  • Imagine you are Dough
/ Meditation
Praise the Lord Based on
Psalm 139 / Body Movement – The Yeast and the Dough
Powerpoint / We should respect life because life comes from God.
4.Kingdom Friends
Posters / Explore the children's experience and enhance their understanding of relationships, especially close personal friendship. / So that they may grow in creative relationship with self, others and God, and, in doing so, further the coming of God's kingdom. / Circle of Friends /
  • Creative Relations
  • Friendship Seeds
  • A Parable of Soup Friendships
Bible Search:
Mark 4: 3-9 /
  • Friendship Seeds
  • Good Ground
/ Children reading scripture passages
Powerpoint / 'A sower went out to sow. And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Other seed fell on rocky ground, where it did not have much soil, and it sprang up quickly, since it had no depth of soil. And when the sun rose, it was scorched; and since it had no root, it withered away. Other seed fell among torns, and the thorns grew up and choked it, and it yielded no grain. Other seed fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirty and sixty and a hundredfold.' And he said, 'Let anyone with ears to hear listen!' (Mark 4:3-9)
5.Kingdom Justice / Enhance the children's understanding of the nature of power-relations and poverty. / So that a sensitivity to, and consciousness of, justice may infuse their relations with others in the world, and enhance the Kingdom of God. / Let them Grow /
  • An Unfair world
  • We can help Nourishment
/ Grace at Meals / Fairtrade
Powerpoint / Grace at Meals
O God, to those who are hungry give bread;
and to us who have bread, give hunger for justice.
'My father has blessed you! Come and receive the kingdom that was prepared for you before the worls was created. When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, and when I was thirsty, you gave me something to drink.' (Matthew 25: 34-35)
6. One Kingdom / Enhance the children's understanding of inter-Church relations / So that they may engage more fully with other Christian faiths and thereby foster the coming of God's kingdom. / Nicene Creed /
  • Who is the Greatest?
  • Christianity through the Ages
/ The Body of Christ / Other Christians
Powerpoint / Nicene Creed
When we say 'we believe in God', we mean that we know and trust God.
The Church is the community of God's children who are born to life in the Spirit through Baptism and follow Jesus Christ as the Christian community.
7.Kingdom Ecology / Explore how the children can become ecologically aware – beginning in the classroom – and what part they might play in caring for all of creation. / So that the children may develop a Christian awareness of creation, and see their stewardship of creation as part of living in the kingdom. / A Wonderful Gift / Let us Endeavour /
  • The 'Balance' in Creation
  • Keeping the Balance
  • Wheels within Wheels
  • We don't have the right...
  • Earth Commandments
  • Cosmic Walk
/ Powerpoint / God wants us to treat the world with respect and love because God created it for our use and enjoyment.
God wants us to develop the world and to share its blessings with all people.
8.In the Kingdom - Forever / Explore what is meant by 'Kingdom Fully Come'. / So that the children may better understand the coming to complete and final perfection of God's kingdom. /
  • Close to You
  • The Clouds' Veil
  • Jesus and the Kingdom
  • All are Invited!
  • the Promise of Heaven
  • Choose Love!
  • Living in God's Kingdom Forever
/ Powerpoint / We honour the saints because they loved God and are with God for ever in heaven. They help us by their prayers.
We pray for the dead to ask God to purify them and bring them to eternal happiness in heaven.
Act of Hope
O my God,
I put my hope in you
Because I am sure of your promises.
Deliver us, Lord, from every evil
And grant us peace in our day,
As we wait in joyful hope
For the coming of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.