Chapters 29 – 31 Review Sheet

(Yes, this is my Random Act of Kindness for you all)

Use your focus questions (the number by the dash correlates to your focus question paper), power points, and/or the text book to make sure you have the right answers! J

Ch. 29

4 - Who placed Teddy Roosevelt’s name in the Republican nomination for presidency in 1912 & what did this signify?

6 - List the goals of Wilson’s New Freedom agenda.

8 - List the candidates and their parties for the 1912 election

10 - Woodrow Wilson was the first ______elected to the presidency since the Civil War.

11  - Who did Wilson like to be surrounded by?

14  - What did Wilson do that had not been done since Jefferson’s day?

15 - How did the Underwood Tariff Act and the 16th Amendment reflect Wilson’s progressive goals?

19  - What authority did the Federal Reserve Act give to the Federal Reserve Board?

22 - What did Samuel Gompers call the Clayton Anti-Trust act and why?

25 - How did Wilson show the limits of his progressivism – what did he accelerate?

31 - Why did Wilson finally intervene against the Huerta government and *** why would he not recognize Victoriano Huerta as the leader of Mexico?

33 - What two European alliances formed before 1914 and who were the members of each alliance?

35 - How did most Americans feel about getting involved in WWI when it started?

41 - What was the Sussex pledge?

Ch. 30

1 - What event caused President Wilson to break diplomatic relations with Germany?

2 - What was the Zimmermann note?

4 - How did Wilson persuade the American people to enter WWI?

8 - Who headed each of the following agencies during World War I and what was the function of each agency: War Industries Board; Food Administration; National War Labor Board, Railroad Administration?

9 - How well prepared was the US to fight in a global war when we first entered World War I?

13 - What two groups suffered most from the violation of civil liberties during WWI?

14 - Most wartime mobilization agencies primarily relied on what to prepare the economy for war?

15 - During WWI, the government’s treatment of labor could best be described as what?

18 - What happened in the North due to the movement of tens of thousands of Southern blacks to that area?

19 - What was the 18th Amendment?

20 - What was the 19th Amendment?

24 - Most of the money raised to finance WWI came from what?

27 - How did the military draft generally work especially compared to the Civil War draft?

30 - How did the withdrawal of Russia from World War I impact the war?

33 - What were the TWO major battles in WWI in which US forces were engaged?

36 - Other than supplying fresh troops, what other contributions did America make to the Allied Powers victory?

38 - What about the US seemed to heavily demoralize the Germans?

41 - But what was his ULTIMATE goal at the Paris Peace Conference?

44 - What was the most controversial part of the Treaty of Versailles in the US?

48 - The Senate likely would have accepted American participation in the League of Nation if Wilson would have been willing to do what?

Ch. 31

3 - How did business people take advantage of the red scare?

4 - Who was A. Mitchell Palmer and what was his role in the red scare?

6 - The growth of the KKK was a reaction against what in American culture?

10 - What groups did the Immigration Act of 1924 discriminate against?

14 - With which large groups of Americans was the Volstead Act very difficult to enforce?

19 - What charge did they finally find Al Capone guilty of?

22 - Who was the “father of progressive education” and what did he believe to be the primary goal of the teacher?

23 - What was the issue in the trial of John T. Scopes, who was involved, and what was the outcome?

29 - The prosperity that developed in the 1920s was usually accompanied by what?

32 - List several social changes that accompanied the growth of the automobile industry in America during the 1920s.

37 - What impact did Automobiles, radios, and motion pictures have on American culture?

39 - Who was Margaret Sanger?

42 - Who developed Jazz music?

44 - What was the Harlem Renaissance?

*** not on focus questions but in power point – What was the 1st Talkie Movie?