Table of Contents

3.9 - Course Sections Completed - Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses

3.10 - Course Sections Completed – Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses

3.11 - Course Sections Completed - Student List for Departmentalized Courses

3.14 - Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway

3.15 - Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Student List

3.16 - Educational Options Course Completion - Student Count

3.9 - Course Sections Completed - Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses
School Code / School Name / Content Area / State Course Code / Local Course ID & Course Name / # Course Sections / Students Completing at Least One Section of Course
Males / Females / Total
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9)

Basic selection criteria:

-Enrollment within the LEA at any time during the Report Period (7/1/2015– 6/30/2016)qualifies for selection.

-SINF values derived from most recent record that wholly or in part overlaps a qualified enrollment

-Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20, or 30

-Grade Level = 07-12 and US only

-Departmentalized Course section (not self-contained) with 1 or more enrollment

-SEID (9.16) must exist in CTC SEID table OR = 9999999999

Legend for 3.9 - Course Sections Completed - Count by Content Area for Departmentalized Courses
Callout / SENR / SINF / CRSC / SCSC / Rule
(1) / School Code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table.
(2) / School Name is determined via callout (1)
(3) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / Use CRS‐State Course Code(9.07) to look‐up value in Course Group Master Combos document, Valid Code Combo sheet/tab, to derive corresponding Content Area code and name.
See the Content Area Category Assignment Code column on the Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations:

(4) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / Display name of each State Course Code with student enrollment.
(5) / 9.08 (CRS-Local Course ID)
9.09 (CRS-Course Name) / Display name of each Local Course ID and Course Name corresponding to callout (4).
(6) / 9.05 (Sch of Course Delivery)
9.08 (CRS-Local Course ID)
9.14 (Course Section ID)
9.15 (Academic Term Code) / 10.05 (School of Course Delivery)
10.13 (Local Course ID)
10.14 (Course Section ID) / Count of unique combinations of Course Section ID and Academic Term with the same Local Course ID and School of Attendance from callout (5). If a course section has multiple marking periods, the course section is counted only once.
(7)-(8) / 1.05 (School of Attendance)
1.07 (SSID) / 2.19 (Gender) / 9.05 (Sch of Course Delivery)
9.08 (CRS-Local Course ID)
9.14 (Course Section ID) / 10.07 (SSID)
10.13 (Local Course ID)
10.05 (Sch of Course Delivery)
10.15 (Academic Term Code) / Total unduplicated count of students with at least one SCSC record that contains the specified Local Course ID and School of Attendance. If a student is in multiple course sections related to one local course ID, the student is counted once per Academic Term.
Callout (7): 2.19 = M
Callout (8): 2.19 = F
(9) / Callout (7) + Callout (8)

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3.10 Course Sections Completed – Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses
School Code / School Name / Content Area / State Course Code / Local Course ID & Course Name / CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course / UC/CSU Approved / Sec ID / Non-Std Inst Lvl / Inst Strat / CTE Provider / Educational Options / # Students Completing Course Section
CTE Course / Term / Ind Study / Dist Learn / Pgm Fund Source / AVID / IB Course / Males / Females / Total
Course Content
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9) / (10) / (11) / (12) / (13) / (14) / (15) / (16) / (17) / (18) / (19) / (20) / (21) / (22)

Basic selection criteria:

-Enrollment within the LEA at any time during the Report Period (7/1/2015– 6/30/2016) qualifies for selection.

-SINF values derived from most recent record that wholly or in part overlaps a qualified enrollment

-Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20, or 30

-Grade Level = 07-12 and US only

Report 3.10 is a drill down from 3.9

Legend for 3.10 Course Sections Completed – Count and Details for Departmentalized Courses
Callout / SENR / SINF / CRSC / SCSC / Rule
(1) / School Code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table.
(2) / School Name is determined via callout (1)
(3) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / Use CRS‐State Course Code(9.07) to look‐up value in Course Group Master Combos document, Valid Code Combo sheet/tab, to derive corresponding Content Area code and name.
See the Content Area Category Assignment Code column on the Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations:

(4) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / Display name of each State Course Code with student enrollment.
(5) / 9.08 (CRS-Local Course ID)
9.09 (CRS-Course Name)
(6) / 9.10 (CRS-Course Content Code) / Course associated with CTE Education program
(7) / 9.12 (CTE Postsecondary Articulated Course) / 9.12 = Y
(8) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code)
9.10 (CRS-Course Content Code)
9.27 (CRS-Course Provider Code) / If 9.07 = 4010 – 5955 AND (Field 9.27) > 1 OR
9.10 = 154 (Career Technical Education),
(9) / 9.13 (UC-CSU Approved Ind) / 9.13 = Y
(10) / 10.14 (Section ID) / User defined data
(11) / 10.15 (Academic Term)
(12-19) / 9.19 (Course Sec Inst Level)
9.22 (Inst Strategy)
9.27 (CTE Course Sec Prov)
9.23 (Ind Study Indicator)
9.24 (Dist Learning Indicator)
9.26 (Ed Prog Funding Source)
9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / Callouts 10-20 relative to Section ID (8) and Academic Term(9)
(12) 9.19 = 10 , 12, 14, 15, 16
(13) 9.22 = 300, 400, 500, 600, 650, 700
(14) 9.27 = 1, 2
(15) 9.23 = Y
(16) 9.24 = Y
(17) 9.26=113
(18) Y if 9.07 = 6023
(19) Y if 9.07 = IB course code (various)
(20 - 21) / 1.05 (School of Attendance)
1.07 (SSID)
1.25 (Grade Level) / 2.19 (Gender) / 9.05 (School of Course Delivery)
9.08 (CRS-Local Course ID)
9.14 (Course Section ID) / 10.07 (SSID)
10.13 (Local Course ID)
10.14 (Section ID)
10.05 (School of Course Delivery) / Total unduplicated count of students with at least one SCSC record that contains the specified Local Course ID and School of Attendance. If a student is in multiple course sections related to one local course ID, count the student once
1.25 = 07-12, US
(20) 2.19 = M
(21) 2.19 = F
(22) / Callout (20) + Callout (21)

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3.11 Course Sections Completed - Student List for Departmentalized Courses
School Code / School Name / Content Area / State Course Code / Local Course ID & Course Name / Sec ID / Term / SEID / Teacher Name / SSID / Student Name / Local ID / Gender / Grade / Ethnicity/Race / Marking Period / Credits Attempted / Credits Earned / Final Grade / UC/CSU Admission Req
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9) / (10) / (11) / (12) / (13) / (14) / (15) / (16) / (17) / (18) / (19) / (20)

Basic selection criteria:

-Enrollment within the LEA at any time during the Report Period (7/1/2015– 6/30/2016) qualifies for selection.

-SINF values derived from most recent record that wholly or in part overlaps a qualified enrollment

-Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20, or 30

-Grade Level = 07-12 and US only

-SDEM record that falls in the Report Period exists for SEID

Legend for 3.11 Course Sections Completed - Student List for Departmentalized Courses
Callout / SENR / SINF / CRSC / SCSC / Rule
(1) / School Code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table.
(2) / School Name is determined via callout (1)
(3) / Determined automatically based on State Course Code (callout 5).
See the Content Area Category Assignment Code column on the Course Group Master Combos tab of the CALPADS Valid Code Combinations:
(4) / 9.07 (CRS-St Crse Code) / Valid code value: 2100 through 6098 (non-consecutive codes)
(5) / 9.08 (CRS-Lcl Crse ID)
9.09 (CRS-Crse Nme) / Values displayed
(6) / 10.14 (Section ID) / User defined data
(7) / 10.15 (Acdm Term) / User defined data
(8)-(9) / 9.16 (SEID) / Derived together with SDEM; see Basic Selection Criteria
(10) / 10.07 (SSID) / Qualifying SENR exists
(11)-(13) / 2.11, 2.13 (Stu Legal Nm)
2.10 (Stu Local ID)
2.19 (Gender) / From most recent demo segment within enrollment
(11) = 2.11, 2.13
(12) = 2.10
(13) = 2.19 (M or F)
(14) / 1.25 (Grade Level Code) / (14) = 1.25 (7-12, US)
(15) / 2.24 - 2.31 (Race/ Ethnicity) / (15) = 2.14-2.31 – Race/Eth determined per criteria below: 2.24 = Y (Hispanic)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 100 (Am Ind/Alaska Nat)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 201 - 208, 299, 400 (Asian)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 600 (Black/Af Am)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 301, 303, 304, 399 (Nat Hawaii/Pac Isl)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 700 (White)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and mult race categories in the most recen SINF (Mult)
OR 2.25 = Y - OR- 2.24 =N and 2.31 = Y (Missing)
(16)-(20) / 10.20 (Marking Period Code)
10.16 (Stu Cred Attmd)
10.17 (Stu Cred Earned)
10.18 (Stu Final Grade)
10.19 (UCCSU Adm Req) / (16) 10.20 = various, must exist in Code Set Table
(17) 10.16 = valid format (#, #.#, #.##, ##, ##.#, ##.##)
(18) 10.17 = valid format (#, #.#, #.##, ##, ##.#, ##.##)
(19) 10.18 = 1 or 2 or 3 alpha or numeric characters and optional plus (+) or minus (-) sign
(20) 10.19 = A, B, C, D, E, or F)

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3.14 Career Technical Education Participants – Count by Pathway
CTE / Core Indicators
School Code / School Name / CTE Industry Sector / CTE Pathway / State Course Code / Gender / # NonConcentrators / # Concentrators Only / #Completers(excludes any Concentrators) / Total CTE Participants / Individuals with Disabilities (1) / Economically Disadvantaged (2) / Nontraditional Course Enrollment / Single Parents (3) / English Learners
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9) / (10) / (11) / (12) / (13) / (14) / (15)

Basic selection criteria:

-Most recent enrollment at the school at any time during the Report Period (7/1/2015– 6/30/2016) qualifies for selection.

-SINF values derived from most recent record that wholly or in part overlaps the most recent qualified enrollment

-CTE Course Provider Code > = 1 (Regional Occupational Center or Program (ROC/P))

-Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20 or 30

-Grade Level = 07-12 and US only

Legend for 3.14 Career Technical Education Concentrators and Completers – Count by Pathway
Callout / SENR / SINF / SPRG / SELA / CRSC / SCTE / Rule
(1) / School Code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table.
(2) / School Name is determined via callout (1)
(3) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / CTE Industry Sector Code associated with the 4000-5999 Course Group State Code Pathways in Valid Code Cominations document.
(4) / 11.13 (CTE Pathway Code) / List of CTEPathways
(5) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / Course Codes in the 4000-5999 series associated with CTE Pathways in Valid Code Combinations document.
(6) / 2.19 (Student Gender Code)
(7) / 1.24 (Enrollment Status Code)
1.25 (Grade Level Code) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / 1.24 = 10, 20 or 30
1.25 = 07–12 and US only
9.07 = 4000-5999
No SCTE record exists
(8) / 1.23 (Enrollment Start Date)
1.24 (Enrollment Status Code)
1.25 (Grade Level Code)
1.26 (Enrollment Exit Date) / 11.13 (CTE Pathway Code)
11.14 (CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID) / 1.24 = 10, 20 or 30
1.25 = 07–12 and US only
1.23 through 1.26 overlaps the Reporting Year of the SCTE that includes 11.13
11.14 is Null
Student has a SCSC record associated with a CRSC record where State Course Code has a CTE Pathway that = CTE Pathway Code in the SCTE record
9.07 = 4000-5999
(9) / 1.23 (Enrollment Start Date)
1.24 (Enrollment Status Code)
1.25 (Grade Level Code)
1.26 (Enrollment Exit Date) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / 11.13 (CTE Pathway Code)
11.14 (CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID) / 1.24 = 10, 20 or 30
1.25 = 07–12 and US only
1.23 through 1.26 overlaps the Reporting Year of the SCTE that includes 11.13
11.14 = Reporting Year
Student has a SCSC record associated with a CRSC record where State Course Code has a CTE Pathway that = CTE Pathway Code in the SCTE record
9.07 = 4000-5999
(10) / Total = (6) + (7) + (8)
(11) / 3.13 (Education Program Code) / 3.13 = 144 or 101
(12) / 3.13 (Education Program Code) / Option 1: 3.13 = 181 or 182 Option 2: 3.13 = 135
Option 3: 191
Option 4: Foster Program Eligible
Option 5: Direct Cert = Y
(13) / 2.19 (Student Gender Code) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / 9.07 = 4000-5999 AND 2.19 = gender specified in CTE Non-Traditional Gender for State Group Course Code.
CTE Non-Traditional Gender is not NULL in Valid Code Combinations document
(14) / 3.13 (Education Program Code) / 3.13 = 162
(15) / 12.13 (English Language Acquisition Status Code) / 12.13 = EL

Core Indicators -

1 - for Individuals with Disabilities includes students with Special Education program code (144) and students with 504 Accommodation Plan program code (101).

2 - Economically Disadvantaged includes students with a qualifying: Free or Reduced Meal program record (181, 182), Migrant program record (135), Homeless program record (191), Direct Certification result = Y, or a record in the Foster Match table.

3 - Single Parents is the federal category equivalent to Pregnant or Parenting program code (162).

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3.15 Career Technical Education Participants– Student List
Core Indicators
Code / School
Name / SSID / Student
Name / Local
ID / Gender / Grade / Ethnicity/
Race / CTE
Pathway / CTE
Year / State Course Code / Individuals with Disabilities (1) / Economically Disadvantaged(2) / Nontraditional Course Indicator / Single Parent (3) / English Learner
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8) / (9) / (10) / (11) / (12) / (13) / (14) / (15) / (16)

Basic selection criteria:

-Most recent enrollment at the school at any time during the Report Period (7/1/2015– 6/30/2016) qualifies for selection.

-SINF values derived from most recent record that wholly or in part overlaps the most recent qualified enrollment

-CTE Course Provider Code > = 1 (Regional Occupational Center or Program (ROC/P))

-Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20 or 30

-Grade Level = 07-12 and US only

Legend for 3.15 Career Technical Education Participants – Student List
Callout / SENR / SINF / SPRG / CRSC / SCTE / SELA / Rule
(1) / School Code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table.
(2) / School Name is determined via callout (1)
(3) / 1.08 (SSID) / See basic selection criteria
(4)-(6) / 1.09 (Local Student ID) / 2.11 (Student Legal First Name)
2.13 (Student Legal Last Name )
2.19 (Student Gender Code) / (4) 2.11, 2.13
(5) 1.09
(6) 2.19 = M or F
(7) / 1.25 (Grade Level Code) / 1.25 = 07-12 or US
(8) / 2.24 ~ 2.31 (Race/ Ethnicity) / 2.14~2.31 – Race/Eth determined per criteria below: 2.24 = Y (Hispanic)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 100 (Am Ind/Alaska Nat)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 201 - 208, 299, 400 (Asian)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 600 (Black/Af Am)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 301, 303, 304, 399 (Nat Hawaii/Pac Isl)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and 2.26 = 700 (White)
OR 2.24 = N and 2.31 = N and mult race categories in the most recent SINF (Mult)
OR 2.25 = Y - OR- 2.24 =N and 2.31 = Y (Missing)
(9) / 11.13 (CTE Pathway Code) / 11.13 = Any valid CTE Pathway Code
(10) / 11.14 (CTE Pathway Completion Academic Year ID) / 11.14 = Blank or an Academic Year ID that is associated with the Reporting Period
(11) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / 9.07 = 4000-5999
(12) / 3.13 (Education Program Code) / 3.13 = 144 or 101
(13) / 3.13 (Education Program Code) / Option 1: 3.13 = 175 pre 6/30/2012 or 181 or 182
Beginning EOY 15-16 one or more of the five options listed below
Option 1: 3.13 = 181 or 182, or
Option 2: 3.13 = 135 (Migrant Ed), or
Option 3: 3.13 = 191 (Homeless Program Eligible), or
Option 4: Foster Program Eligible, or
Option 5: Direct Cert = Y
(14) / 9.07 (CRS-State Course Code) / 9.07 = 4000-5999
CTE Non-Traditional Gender is not NULL in Valid Code Combinations document
(15) / 3.13 (Education Program Code) / 3.13 = 162
(16) / 12.13 (English Language Acquisition Status Code) / 12.13 = EL

1 - Individuals with Disabilities includes students with Special Education program code (144) and students with 504 Accommodation Plan program code (101).

2 - Economically Disadvantaged includes students with a qualifying: Free or Reduced Meal program record (181, 182), Migrant program record (135), Homeless program record (191), Direct Certification result = Y, or a record in the Foster Match table.

3 - Single Parents is the federal category equivalent to Pregnant or Parenting program code (162).

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3.16 - Educational Options Course Completion - Student Count
Key Indicators
School Code / School Name / Total Students
(Unduplicated) / # In
Study Courses
(Unduplicated) / # In Distance
(Unduplicated) / # In Courses with CA
Partnership Academy
Funding Source
(Unduplicated) / # In AVID
(Unduplicated) / # In International
(IB) Courses
(1) / (2) / (3) / (4) / (5) / (6) / (7) / (8)

Basic selection criteria:

-SENR values derived from most recent enrollment within the LEA during the Report Period (7/1/2014– 6/30/2015) qualify for selection.

-SINF values derived from most recent record that wholly or in part overlaps the most recent qualified enrollment

-Enrollment Status Code = 10, 20, or 30

-Grade Level = 07-12 and US only

-CRSC values for Educational Options Courses that fall within the Report Period for each SSID. SSID in Course section with SEID = 9999999999 would be counted.

Legend for 3.11 Course Sections Completed - Student List for Departmentalized Courses
Callout / SINF / SPRG / SCTE / CRSC / SCSC / Rule
(1) / School Code is derived from user ID permission and Expected Schools table.
(2) / School Name is determined via callout (1)
(3) / See SENR and SINF Rules. SSID may be included via Student Course Completion records.
(4) / 9.23 (Independent Study Indicator) / 9.23 = Y
(5) / 9.24 (Distance Learning Indicator) / 9.24 = Y
(6) / 9.26 (Education Program Funding Source Code) / 9.26 = 113 (California Partnership Academy)
(7) / 9.07 (State Course Code) / 9.07 = AVID Course
(8) / 9.07 (State Course Code) / 9.07 = International Baccalaureate (IB) Course

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