Grades K- 6th
/ PRICEPayable
August*, 10/9, 11/13+, 2/12 / Price w/Late Fee
Payable 1st day of class
9/4, 10/16, 11/21+,1/8, 2/19
K- 2:
American History: Mrs. Hill / $6 / $10
Kids of the World: Mrs. Anderson / $6 / $10
Mysterious Rainforest: Mrs. S. Oliver / $6 / $10
The Paper Zoo: Mrs. Anderson / $6 / $10
Wearables: Mrs. Chung / $6 / $10
Science Explorers: Mrs. K. Oliver / $6 / $10
Dance: Ms. J. Oliver / $20 / $24
Rotating Unit Studies++ / Free / Free
Movie Time / Free / Free
Grades 3 – 4:
Tropical Rainforest: Mrs. Fuertes / $6 / $10
Fruit of the Spirit: Mrs. Colvin / $6 / $10
Botany: Mrs. Stedman / $6 / $10
Native Americans: Mrs. Thurston / $6 / $10
Art: Mrs. Gyatt / $10 / $14
Drama: Mrs. Dunn / $10 / $14
Dance: Ms. J. Oliver / $20 / $24
Rotating Unit Studies++ / Free / Free
Grades 5 – 6:
Chemistry Basics: Mrs. K. Oliver / $6 / $10
Florida Study: Mrs. Aboreden / $6 / $10
Drama: Mrs. Dunn / $10 / $14
Art: Mrs. Gyatt / $10 / $14
Dance: Ms. J. Oliver / $20 / $24
Poetry: Mrs. Gates / $20 / $24
Literature Class: Mrs. Ruiz / $20 / $24
Rotating Unit Studies++ / Free / Free
*Once the registration process is complete a payment notice will be mailed to each family to
be returned by the designated August date.
+Class payments made on 11/13 will not be processed until 1/8, however supply fees will be
processed in November in order to purchase necessary supplies.
January payments are to be made by 11/13, as payment confirms your child’s seat in class.
++Although Rotating Units are free classes, they may have supply fees, see course description.
Please note:
1) Payment must be received by the first day of class in order for your child to participate
in class.
2) Some classes may require a supply fee, see attached course descriptions.
Grades 7th – 12th
August*, 10/9, 11/13, 2/12 / Price w/Late Fee
Payable 1st day of class
9/4, 10/16, 11/21+,1/8, 2/19
Grades 7 – 8:
Speech: Mrs. Aquart / $6 / $10
Math Olympiads: Mrs. Tellez / $10 / $14
Drama: Mrs. Dunn / $10 / $14
Drawing: Mrs. Hedlund / $10 / $14
Writer’s Boot Camp: Mrs. Gates / $20 / $24
Dance: Ms. J. Oliver / $20 / $24
Rotating Unit Studies++ / Free / Free
Grades 9 - 12:
Groovy Greeks: Mrs. Rector / $6 / $10
Current Events**: Mrs. Attard / $6 / $10
Art History: Mrs. C. Oliver / $6 / $10
Drawing: Mrs. Hedlund / $10 / $14
Drama: Mrs. Dunn / $10 / $14
Biology: Mrs. Lamberti / $20 / $24
Dance: Ms. J. Oliver / $20 / $24
Rotating Unit Studies++ / Free / Free
*Once the registration process is complete a payment notice will be mailed to each family to
be returned by the designated August date.
** This class requires a subscription to God’s World magazine. Cost is $15.00 for 18 issues.
Though this class is a second semester class subscription payment is due by the designated
August date.
+Class payments made on 11/13 will not be processed until 1/8, however supply fees will be
processed in November in order to purchase necessary supplies.
January payments are to be made by 11/13, as payment confirms your child’s seat in class.
++Although Rotating Units are free classes, they may have supply fees, see course description.
Please note:
1) Payment must be received by the first day of class in order for your child to participate
in class.
2) Some classes may require a supply fee, see attached course descriptions.
Family Discount Tables
Payment Schedule per 6 weeks
August*, 10/9, 11/13, 2/12 / Price w/Late Fee
Payable 1st day of class
9/4, 10/16, 11/21+,1/8, 2/19
Dance: Ms. J. Oliver
/ # of StudentsBiology: Mrs. Lamberti
1 / $20 / $24
2 / $30 / $38
3 / $40 / $52
4 / $50 / $66
*Once the registration process is complete a payment notice will be mailed to each family to
be returned by the designated August date.
+Class payments made on 11/13 will not be processed until 1/8, however supply fees will be
processed in November in order to purchase necessary supplies.
January payments are to be made by 11/13, as payment confirms your child’s seat in class.
++Although Rotating Units are free classes, they may have supply fees, see course descriptions.