6th Grade Registration FormStudent Name______
ReidsvilleMiddle SchoolPhone Number______
2012-2013 School YearDate of Birth ______
The following courses are required for all 6th Graders:
English/Language Arts1010C6_
Social Studies4001C6Y
Please indicate your top 4 electives/exploratory classes by numbering your top choice as 1, second as 2, etc. Descriptions of each course are on the other side of this registration form.
_____Band (year long)5255C60
_____Chorus (1 semester)5230C60
_____Bible History9505C6_
_____Spanish 11250C6_
_____Exploring Careers6158C6_
**Electives meet on a daily basis. We will try to honor the requests made, but there may be circumstances that prevent us from doing so. Students may be scheduled into enrichment classes in Math and Language Arts for additional support, if applicable. Elective schedules will not be changed. LATE REGISTRATION FORMS WILL BE ASSIGNED ELECTIVES BY ADMINISTRATION.
5th Grade School______
Parent Signature______
Student Signature______
6th Grade ELECTIVE Course Descriptions
2012 - 2013
There are two REQUIRED one-semester classes in 6th Grade:
- 0990C6 Health & Physical Education: Health and nutrition instruction and sports and physical fitness education.
- 6511C6 Keyboarding: Introduction to use of Computers, hardware and software, to develop correct skills and fluency in touch typing on a QWERTY keyboard to prepare them for 21st century skills.
5410C6 ART This class explores the five basic elements of design, line, color, shape, form, and texture. Students are given the opportunity to express their knowledge of these elements through the use of a variety of art materials.
5255C60 BAND Beginning band gives students a basic understanding of notation, tone production, and a small amount of ensemble performance. Students are required to have an instrument. Band is a year long class and a pre-requisite for further Band instruction in the 7th and 8th Grades.
9505C6 BIBLE HISTORY The primary objective of this class is to expose students to an overview of the Bible. Students will study Bible characters in their historical and cultural settings.
5230C60 CHORUS The one-semester program is developmental and potentially “feeds” to the Choral Program at the ReidsvilleHigh School. Vocal technique, basic fundamental music skills, tenets of music theory, etc. are included at each grade level.
6158C6 EXPLORING CAREER DECISIONS Career Decisions is a one semester course which provides initial career guidance experiences, as well as hands on exploratory activities in each of the 15 major career cluster groups. The identified experiences for this course are organized into the following major categories: Self Awareness and Development and Personal Planning (Self Awareness, Decision Making, and Employability Skills) and Career Awareness and Exploration (Orientation to Careers, The World of Work, Why Work?, and Exploring Careers).
1250B6 MIDDLE SCHOOL SPANISH RMS Spanish courses involve four basic foreign and second language skills: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. All grades have different levels of difficulty and all students are exposed to the four skills mentioned in addition to Spanish Culture research and studies. The main objective is to start exploring the vast world of Spanish language through the use of the four skills, and a more bilingual environment.
951520 LIBRARY / MEDIA ASSISTANT** Four students per semester will be selected to serve as Library Assistants. This is considered an elective course, taken for one semester, and as such will receive a grade and academic credit. Library Assistants learn the fundamentals of Library Science- cataloguing and circulation. They will be actively involved in checking books in and out of the Library. Interested students should write this elective on their form.
**Please Note: A recommendation from the students Language Arts teacher is required for this elective.
7th Grade Registration FormStudent Name______
ReidsvilleMiddle School Phone Number______
2012-2013 School YearDate of Birth______
The following courses are required for all 7th Graders:
English/Language Arts1010C7_
Social Studies4001C7Y
Business Computer Technology6400C7_
Please indicate your top 4 electives/exploratory classes by numbering your top choice as 1, second as 2, etc. Descriptions of each course are on the other side of this registration form.
_____Band (year long)5255C70
_____Chorus (year long)5230C70
_____Bible History9505C7_
_____Spanish 1250C7_
_____Exploring BioTechnology7205C7_
**Electives meet on a daily basis. We will try to honor the requests made, but there may be circumstances that prevent us from doing so. Students may be scheduled into enrichment classes in Math and Language Arts for additional support, if applicable. Elective schedules will not be changed. LATE REGISTRATION FORMS WILL BE ASSIGNED ELECTIVES BY ADMINISTRATION.
Homebase Teacher______
Parent Signature______
Student Signature______
7th Grade ELECTIVE Course Descriptions
2012 - 2013
There are two REQUIRED one-semester classes in 7th Grade:
- 0990C7 Health & Physical Education: Health and nutrition instruction and sports and physical fitness education.
- 6400C7 Business / Computer Technology: Hands-on instruction in word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphic, and telecommunication applications to prepare them for 21st century skills.
5410C7 ART This class explores the five basic elements of design -- line, color, shape, form and texture. Students are given an opportunity to express their knowledge of these elements through the use of a variety of art materials.
5255C70 BAND During the second year of band, students are divided into classes based on their chosen instrument. Reading skills are emphasized throughout the year. Extra curricular activities are available to students. Students are required to have had one year of band to enroll in this course.
9505C7 BIBLE HISTORY The primary objective of this class is to expose students to an overview of the Bible. Students will study Bible characters in their historical and cultural settings.
5230C70 CHORUS This class is a year-long class. The program is developmental, and potentially "feeds" to the Choral Program at the ReidsvilleHigh School. Vocal technique, basic fundamental music skills, tenets of music theory, music history, etc. are incorporatedin this program.
7205C7 EXPLORING BIO-TECHNOLOGY This course focuses on the agricultural and medical industry with emphasis on the relationship of science and technology that affects agriculture, medicine and health care. Topics include career concepts in the agriculture and medical fields. Skills in mathematics, science, and language arts are reinforced in the course. This course contributes to the development of a career development plan. Work based learning activities appropriate for this course are projects, field trips, and job shadowing. Teaching strategies encourage the development of essential skills and knowledge of the world of work, careers and leadership in the agriculture and medical industries.
1250C7 MIDDLE SCHOOL SPANISH Hispanics constitute the fastest-growing segment of US society. As their numbers rise (along with their economic and political clout) Spanish is likely to be heard and spoken with even greater frequency in the years to come.
North Carolina is home to a large Spanish speaking community that has been growing significantly during the past 10 years. It is crucial to view and study Spanish as a second / foreign language in order to communicate effectively. The RMS course involves four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students also study and research regions where Spanish is the primary language, Spanish culture, arts and music.
951520 LIBRARY / MEDIA ASSISTANT** Four students per semester will be selected to serve as Library Assistants. This is considered an elective course, taken for one semester, and as such will receive a grade and academic credit. Library Assistants learn the fundamentals of Library Science- cataloguing and circulation. They will be actively involved in checking books in and out of the Library. Interested students should write this elective on their form.
**Please Note: A recommendation from the students Language Arts teacher is required for this elective.
8thGrade Registration FormStudent Name______
ReidsvilleMiddle SchoolPhone Number______
2012-2013 School YearDate of Birth______
The following courses are required for all 8th Graders:
English/Language Arts1010C8_
Social Studies4001C2_
Please indicate your top 4 electives/exploratory classes by numbering your top choice as 1, second as 2, etc. Descriptions of each course are on the other side of this registration form.
_____Band (year long)5255C80
_____Chorus (year long)5230C80
_____Journalism / Yearbook (year long)1031C8_
_____Bible History9505C8_
_____Spanish 1250C8_
_____Business Computer Technology6400C8_
_____Exploring Business & Marketing *6208C8_ *(prerequisite–Bus. Computer Tech)
_____Exploring BioTechnology7205C8_
_____Health Occupations Education **7280C8_ ** (prerequisite–BioTechnology)
**Electives meet on a daily basis. We will try to honor the requests made, but there may be circumstances that prevent us from doing so. Students may be scheduled into enrichment classes in Math and Language Arts for additional support, if applicable. Elective schedules will not be changed. LATE REGISTRATION FORMS WILL BE ASSIGNED ELECTIVES BY ADMINISTRATION.
Homebase Teacher______
Parent Signature______
Student Signature______
8thGrade ELECTIVE Course Descriptions
2012 – 2013
One one-semester course REQUIRED in 8th Grade:
- 0990C8 Health & Physical Education: Health and nutrition instruction and sports and physical fitness education.
5410C8 ART This class explores the five basic elements of design -- line, color, shape, form and texture. Students express their knowledge of these elements through the use of a variety of art materials.
5255C80 BAND Students may be divided into classes based on their chosen instrument. They also play as a combined band. Reading skills are emphasized throughout the year. Extra curricular activities are available to students. Students are required to have had two years of band to enroll in this course.
9505C8 BIBLE HISTORY The primary objective of this class is to expose students to an overview of the Bible. Students will study Bible characters in their historical and cultural settings.
7205C8 EXPLORING BIO-TECHNOLOGY This course focuses on development of a career planwith emphasis on science and technology in agricultural and medical fields. Work based learning activities may include projects, field trips, and job shadowing, and knowledge of the world of work, careers and leadership in the agriculture and medical industries.
6400C8 BUSINESS/COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY This course provides hands-on instruction in basic computer hardware and software applications. Emphasis is placed on word processing, database, spreadsheet, graphic, and telecommunication applications. Communication skills and basic mathematical concepts are reinforced in this course.
5230C80 CHORUS The 8th grade Chorus program is year-long and builds on skills from prior years. It is developmental, and potentially "feeds" to the Choral Program at the ReidsvilleHigh School. Vocal technique, basic fundamental music skills, tenets of music theory, etc. are enmeshed at each grade level.
6208C8 EXPLORING BUSINESS and MARKETING This course explores business in an international economy and studies careers in fields such as entrepreneurship, financial services, information technology, marketing, office systems technology, public relations, and travel/tourism. Emphasis is on using the computer along with problem solving and thinking skills. Communication and mathematics skills are reinforced. A student must have completed Business / Computer Technologyto take this class.
7280C8 HEALTH OCCUPTIONS This class is an introduction to the various jobs in the health care industry. Students learn aboutjobs, the language of health care, ethics, and educational requirements. Guest speakers (when available) come to share information about their careers in the real world.
1031C8 JOURNALISM** This year-long course focuses on preparation of the RMS Yearbook. Page layout, group photographs, captions, headlines and brief articles and aspects of publishing are covered as this class works as a committee to produceThe Raider, ReidsvilleMiddle School’s annual yearbook.
**Please Note: A recommendation from the student’s Language Arts teacher is required for this elective.
1250C8 MIDDLE SCHOOL SPANISH Hispanics constitute the fastest-growing segment of US society. North Carolina is home to a large Spanish speaking community and studying Spanish as a second / foreign language will help us communicate effectively. The RMS course involves four basic language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students also study and research regions where Spanish is the primary language, Spanish culture, arts and music.
951520 LIBRARY / MEDIA ASSISTANT** Four students per semester will be selected to serve as Library Assistants. This is a one semester course and will receive a grade and academic credit. Library Assistants learn the fundamentals of Library Science- cataloguing and circulation-- and are involved in checking books in and out of the Library. Interested students should write this elective on their form.
**Please Note: A recommendation from the students Language Arts teacher is required for this elective.