Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Bird Island City Council
April 13, 2015 at 7:30 PM
Council members present: Erickson, Engelmann, Wolff, Sander, Hansen
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Erickson.
A motion was made by Engelmann and seconded by Hansen to authorize payment of the claims and to approve the minutes from the last regular meeting. Passed unanimously. Regarding land use permits, the adjacent neighbor signed off on the 4’ side setback for the Beckler garage and their property was recently surveyed; therefore, a motion was made by Engelmann and seconded by Sander to approve the land use permits for Dan & Deanna Beckler (garage) and Justin Vogt (garage). Passed unanimously.
Open Forum Woelfel discussed the plans, via contract, of Maguire Iron, Inc. to paint the exterior of the water tower this year.
Rob Saunders, SWIF Board Chair, was present to discuss the importance of daycare centers in SW Minnesota along with an adequate workforce and housing. He stressed that The Learning Funhouse is vital to economic development in Bird Island and requested that the Council continue to support the facility.
Recycling & Jon Mitchell, Director of the Redwood County Environmental Office, was present to
MSW Contracts discuss the new Redwood/Renville Regional Material Recovery Facility and the upcoming changes to recycling & MSW contracts in Redwood & Renville Counties. In December of 2015, each residence will receive a 95 gallon wheeled cart, which will electronically be designated to the property address. There will be a bi-weekly curbside collection and no sorting of recyclables will be necessary. There will be no added cost to residents for the service and the elderly/disabled can request help in getting their cart to the curb. A 24/7 recyclable drop off will continue to be available for rural residents. The Redwood/Renville Regional Solid Waste Authority (RRRSWA) will be educating citizens to the planned new service and the importance of recycling.
Law Enforcement Deputy Fiebelkorn was present to review the monthly call report and to discuss concerns with possible violations of ordinances related to public nuisances, unlicensed vehicles, unlawful use of ATV’s in town, 72 hour parking and vandalism. A survey of the residential areas was completed by the Deputy and a report submitted that identified 10 properties with nuisances and/or unlicensed vehicles on private property. The Council identified 2 other residential areas of concern. Letters will be sent to the 12 properties requesting abatement of nuisances. Concerns were also discussed regarding possible nuisances on commercial properties. It was suggested that a team of city representatives make direct contact with business owners to discuss their individual circumstances and how we can work together to help beautify the town. There has been some vandalism in town via paint-balling of homes/properties. The perpetrator(s) have been identified and there have been no further incidents. The police are aware of the ATV problem in town and have been giving initial warnings and fines on the second violation, provided they can catch violators “in the act”. Regarding the 72 hour parking limit on all city streets, the police are asked to speak with property owners regarding the ordinance, and if they fail to comply, tickets will be issued.
Nuisance Mary Ann Clouse was present to thank the City for trimming the evergreen tree located
Complaint at the SW corner of the Hwy. 212 & 8th Street intersection, and to voice her concern with the condition of the 781 Ash Avenue property and the excessive noise from a wood splitter being used. This property was identified in the police report as having nuisance violations. All unnecessary noises and annoying vibrations are also listed in the ordinance as a public nuisance affecting peace and safety.
13th Street LIRP The City has been awarded a $434,900 grant from the MnDOT Local Road Improvement
Grant/Waterloop Program (LRIP) to pave 13th Street. The grant does not cover the cost of water/sewer
Project stub-outs or any engineering/admin fees. It was suggested that the engineering/admin fees be assessed to adjacent property owners. An informational meeting will be scheduled at 7 PM on either May 11th or June 8th with adjacent property owners to discuss the project. It was discussed to install the utilities in 2016 and pave the street in 2017 to allow for settlement. The County will be the fiscal agent for the project.
The MDH has approved the plans & specs for the water main looping project, with certification to follow. The City awaits the funding proposal from the PFA.
Flood Control Woelfel presented a history of flood control efforts since the sanitary/storm sewer
Efforts systems were originally built. It is felt that a cross connection may exist near the Dogwood/11th Street intersection, with smoke testing scheduled for the area on
April 28th.
Proclamation A motion was made by Engelmann and seconded by Hansen to approve the Mayor’s proclamation to declare April, 2015 as National Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month. Passed unanimously.
Tatanka Bluffs Some information was presented on the Tatanka Bluffs Corridor, explaining what their
Corridor & Active role is, and inviting interested parties to attend a presentation on “Brain Gain of the
Living Day Newcomers to Rural America”. The event is scheduled for 6:00-8:30 PM on April 23rd at the Redwood Area Community Center.
Active Living Day events are planned for May 12th and 13th and include walk audits in both Bird Island & Olivia, Breakfast with Mark Fenton, panel discussions, group debriefing, School Assembly, and a Bike Rodeo at 5:30 PM at Main Street Park in Bird Island. Anyone interested in attending, contact the City Office for more details.
Meeting adjourned.
Deb Lingl, City Administrator