Sales Representative Agreement

This agreement is made on ______(date) between ______(name of sales representative), herein referred to as "sales rep", of ______(address of sales representative) and ______(name of artist or craftsperson), herein referred to as "we" or "artist", of ______(address of artist or craftsperson).

This agreement shall be in force for the period of one year and shall continue thereafter for one-year periods unless either party gives notice to the other in writing three months in advance of the renewal date or on that date for a date three months hence.

The above sales rep shall be our exclusive representative to the gift shops and craft stores and galleries, in the following territory or states: ______

We expect the sales rep to give this territory complete and thorough coverage for which a commission of 15% will be paid on all invoices of sales made by the sales rep.

Commission payments will be sent to the sales rep on the 15th of each month, accompanied by copies of invoices for all the billing to trade accounts in the above territory. All expenses of travel and maintenance will be paid by the sales representative. The sales rep will call on major accounts at least once a month.

We grant the sales rep the right of access at all times to our copies of all invoices to enable him (or her) to ascertain the correctness of our commisssion payments to him.

We agree that the sales rep's services to this company are not exclusive (meaning that the sales representative will continue to represent other companies).

We will provide product samples as needed for "selling tools". These samples will be replaced by us when damaged. These samples will remain our property and will be returned at the end of this agreement. These samples have a value of ______(dollars), and the sales rep shall post a deposit with us for that amount, which will be refunded upon return of the samples in good condition.

The sales rep will only be paid commissions for sales made directly by him to accounts in this territory during the time of this agreement.

Date: ______

Sales representative's signature: ______

Artist's or craftperson's signature: ______