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Skills Worksheet

Gravity and Motion p. 150-157

Section: Gravity and Motion

Gravity and Falling Objects

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

1. Which scientist first thought that everything takes the same amount of time to fall?

a. Isaac Newton

b. Galileo Galilei

c. Albert Einstein

d. Marie Curie

Gravity and Acceleration

2. Why do things fall to the ground at the same rate?

a. Their acceleration is the same.

b. Their masses are the same.

c. Their weights are the same.

d. Their sizes are the same.

3. Why is a heavier object harder to accelerate than a lighter one?

a. It has more mass.

b. It has less mass.

c. It is larger.

d. It is harder to throw.

Directed Reading B continued

Acceleration Due to Gravity

Read the description. Then, draw a line from the dot next to each description to the matching word.

4. the rate at which velocity changes over time
5. the rate at which everything falls toward Earth
6. the change in velocity of a falling object / •

• / a. u= 5 g х t
b. acceleration
c. 9.8 m/s2
Velocity of Falling Objects
Read the description. Then, draw a line from the dot next to each description to the matching word.
7. the symbol for acceleration due to gravity
8. the symbol for time an object takes to fall
9. the symbol for change in velocity / •

• / a. u
b. g
c. t


Read the words in the box. Read the sentences. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best completes the sentence.

air resistance / terminal velocity / gravity

10. A force that works against the motion of objects through air is ______.

11. Air resistance pushes up on a falling object until it equals the force of ______pushing down.

12. When a falling object stops accelerating, it falls at ______.

Directed Reading B continued

Orbiting Objects Are in Free Fall

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

13. What causes astronauts in orbiting spacecraft to seem weightless?

a. gravity

b. free fall

c. mass

d. air resistance

Two Motions Combine to Cause Orbiting

Read the description. Then, draw a line from the dot next to each description to the matching path.

14. the path of an orbiting spacecraft
15. the path of spacecraft in free fall due to gravity
16. the path of the spacecraft without gravity / •

• / a. straight down toward Earth
b. straight line forward
c. curved path following curve of Earth

Orbiting and Centripetal Force

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

17. Which of the following is orbiting?

a. a planet moving around the sun

b. a plane in flight

c. a balloon

d. a rocket flying straight up

18. Which is not true of centripetal force?

a. It is an unbalanced force.

b. It can hold objects in nearly circular paths.

c. It pushes outward.

d. It means “a force toward the center.”

Directed Reading B continued

Projectile Motion and Gravity

Circle the letter of the best answer for each question.

19. When you throw something, what do you call its curved path?

a. terminal velocity

b. projectile motion

c. terminal motion

d. projectile velocity

Horizontal Motion

20. What is motion parallel to the ground called?

a. vertical motion

b. horizontal motion

c. parallel motion

d. perpendicular motion

Vertical Motion

21. What is motion perpendicular (straight down) to the ground called?

a. vertical motion

b. horizontal motion

c. parallel motion

d. perpendicular motion

22. When you throw a ball, what pulls it down?

a. acceleration c. vertical motion

b. horizontal motion d. gravity

23. If you want to hit a target, where should you aim?

a. at the target

b. below the target

c. above the target

d. to either side of the target

Skills Worksheet

Section Review p. 157

Gravity and Motion

Using Key Terms

1. Use each of the following terms in a separate sentence: terminal velocity and free fall.

Understanding Key Ideas

2. Which of the following is in projectile motion?

a. a feather falling in a vacuum

b. a cat leaping on a toy

c. a car driving up a hill

d. a book laying on a desk

3. How does air resistance affect the acceleration of falling objects?

4. How does gravity affect the two components of projectile motion?

5. How is the acceleration of falling objects affected by gravity?

6. Why is the acceleration due to gravity the same for all objects?

Section Review continued

Math Skills

7. A rock at rest falls off a tall cliff and hits the valley below after 3.5 s. What is the rock’s velocity as it hits the ground? Show your work below.

Critical Thinking

8. Applying Concepts Think about a sport that uses a ball. Identify four examples from that sport in which an object is in projectile motion.

9. Making Inferences The moon has no atmosphere. Predict what would happen if an astronaut on the moon dropped a hammer and a feather at the same time from the same height.

Interpreting Graphics

10. Whenever Jon delivers a newspaper to the Zapanta house, the newspaper lands in the bushes, as shown below. What should Jon do to make sure the newspaper lands on the porch?

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Holt Science and Technology 10 Forces and Motion